2 research outputs found

    Efecto Del Incremento De Intensidad Y Frecuencia Semanal Sobre La Condición Física En Personas Mayores Activas Que Proporcionan Los Programas: Ejercicio Funcional Con Bandas Elásticas Vs Lúdico- Recreativo

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    This study examines the impact of a program of functional exercise with elastic resistance band (centered on joint multi-resistance elastic band; experimental group, EG) versus an entertainment content (recreational exercise program compared to a recreational exercise program; control group, CG). It also examines the physical fitness in older active people who are over 60 years. Fifty-four volunteers who are residents of the community have an age range (70.57 ± 5.46 years). Before and after the intervention, physical fitness was determined through the Senior Fitness Test (strength, flexibility, aerobic endurance, and agility-dynamic balance) and the Manual Dynamometry Test. In the comparison INTER groups, the EG in flexibility improves p < 0.05 and in dynamic agility-balance p < 0.01. INTRA groups, EG and CG in leg and arm strength, presented improvements p < 0.001 and in manual isometry p < 0.05. Based on the flexibility of legs and arms, the EG presents improvements p < 0.05. Also, the CG only in right arm flexibility presents improvement p < 0.05. In agility-dynamic equilibrium, only the EG presents improvement p < 0.01. In expected aerobic performance, only the CG presented improvement p < 0.05. Strength improvement and increased manual grip maintain functional autonomy in both groups. Coupled with the improved agility-dynamic balance and flexibility of the EG, it gives the adult more independence which reduces the risk of falls in this population. In our findings, the EG significantly improved all fitness variables to a greater extent than CG. We recommend an increase in the intensity and frequency of physical activity programs and the inclusion of functional exercises with elastic bands aimed at this population

    Planificación De Entrenamiento Deportivo Orientada Al Desarrollo De Los Fundamentos Técnicos Del Baloncesto Caso: Estudiantes Categoría Intermedia Distrito Chambo – Riobamba

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    The present research work responds to the planning of sports training oriented towards the development of the technical fundamentals of basketball. Specifically, the study was applied in the Chambo-Riobamba district of Chimborazo, Ecuador. The study was conducted based on a previous study on the analysis of the technical fundamentals of basketball. It details the need to develop a plan that is oriented towards the students of the intermediate category of the district. Through student survey, this study aims to avert the problem that demonstrates the absence of an oriented planning that is reflected in the low sport performance in this sport. The methodology used was through direct observation. The surveys were conducted for students, coaches, and field research. As a result, it is possible to define and apply daily training plans to determine how the universe of this study was responding to the exercise plan. The plan is made up of 29 sessions divided into 1 macrocycle, 7 mesocycles, and 25 microcycles. In conclusion, we ascertain that the sports training plan is a necessary tool for the physical, psychological, and skill preparation of the athletes in the practice of the technical fundamentals of the basketball. In addition, it demonstrated better results in the district and provincial competences of the Educational Units belonging to the objective of this study