14 research outputs found

    Impact of Professionally Important Qualities of Patrol Police Officers on Decision-making Strategies

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    У статті представлено результати теоретико-емпіричного дослідження впливу професійно важливих якостей працівників на стратегії прийняття рішень у діяльності патрульної поліції; на теоретичному рівні проаналізовано досягнення сучасних учених і практиків стосовно специфіки прийняття рішень в екстремальних умовах діяльності; уточнено дані щодо особливостей діяльності патрульної поліції в умовах військових дій. Метою публікації є висвітлення результатів дослідження впливу професійно важливих якостей працівників на стратегії прийняття рішень у професійній діяльності патрульної поліції. Методи дослідження: “Оцінка оперативної зорової пам’яті” (Münsterberg, 2011), “Діагностика вибірковості уваги” (Münsterberg, 2011); “Дослідження рівня імпульсивності” В. Лосенкова (Лемак, Петрище, 2012); “Діагностика комунікативної соціальної компетентності” (Фетіскін та ін., 2002); “Мельбурнський опитувальник прийняття рішень” (Mann et. al., 1997). Результати. З’ясовано, що конструктивна стратегія прийняття рішень “пильність” детермінована такими домінантними характеристиками, як емоційна стійкість, самостійність, раціональність, вибірковість уваги та цілеспрямованість. Отже, для патрульних, яким властива висока емоційна стійкість, самостійність, раціональність, цілеспрямованість, а також високий рівень вибірковості уваги, характерною стратегією буде “пильність”, тобто раціональна стратегія. Щодо неконструктивних стратегій прийняття рішень, які, на жаль, мають місце серед працівників патрульної поліції, результати наступні: стратегія “уникнення” детермінована чуттєвістю, емоційністю, що перешкоджає здатності вирішувати проблему та приймати рішення самостійно; на вибір стратегії “прокрастинація” впливає показник імпульсивності; на стратегію “гіперпильність” впливають такі характеристики, як неуважність та імпульсивність мислення. Дискусія і в исновки. Обґрунтовано, що на вибір стратегій прийняття рішень у роботі патрульної поліції впливає рівень розвитку професійно важливих якостей працівників; отримані дані необхідно враховувати під час формування команд патрульної поліції, а також у підготовці та перепідготовці працівників, що в цілому забезпечить свідомий вибір конструктивних стратегій та підвищить ефективність діяльності. The article presents the results of a theoretical-empirical research of the impact of professionally important qualities of employees on decision-making strategies in the activity of the patrol police; at the theoretical level, the achievements of modern scientists and practitioners regarding the specifics of decision-making in extreme conditions of activity have been analyzed; the data on the specifics of patrol police activity in the conditions of military operations were clarified. The aim of the study is to highlight the research findings on the impact of professionally important qualities of patrol police officers on their decision-making strategies in the professional activity. Research methods: “Assessment of operational visual memory” (Münsterberg, 2011), “Diagnosis of attention selectivity” (Münsterberg, 2011); “Research on the level of impulsivity” by V. Losenkov (Lemak & Petryshche, 2012); “Diagnosis of communicative social competence” (Fetiskin et al., 2002); “Melbourne Decision-Making Questionnaire” (Mann et. al., 1997). The results. It was found that the constructive decision-making strategy “vigilance” is determined by such dominant characteristics as emotional stability, independence, rationality, attention selectivity and purposefulness. Thus, for patrol officers, who are characterized by high emotional stability, independence, rationality, purposefulness, as well as a high level of attention selectivity, “vigilance” will be a characteristic strategy, that is, a rational strategy. Regarding non-constructive decision-making strategies, which, unfortunately, take place among patrol police officers, the results are as follows: the “avoidance” strategy is determined by sensuality, emotionality, which hinders the ability to solve problems and make decisions independently; the choice of the “procrastination” strategy is influenced by the impulsivity indicator; the “hypervigilance” strategy is influenced by such characteristics as inattention and impulsiveness of thinking. Discussion and conclusions. It was substantiated that the choice of decision-making strategies in the work of the patrol police is influenced by the level of development of employees' professionally important qualities; the obtained data must be taken into account during the formation of patrol police teams, as well as in the training and retraining of employees. This approach will ensure a conscious choice of constructive strategies and increase the effectiveness of activities

    Від соціалізації до індивідуальності в процесі модернізації

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    Although modernity started as a Western process, it influenced the other parts of the world. Modern societies faces the problem of individual human beings’ alienation to their self, society and the nature. Today people is being transformed from sociality into individuality, and then into a simple imaginary image, which forces him/her to destroy his connection with physical, emotional, psychological and social dimensions. Individuality is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly of being a person separate from other people and possessing their own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism. Being a modern country means taking the problems of modernity as well as its positive results. Modernity has brought to individuals some drastic results as well. Today people live in a very risky environment, they do not feel themselves secure, they are more narcisistic, they are more isolated, their relations are very temporary and artificial, they are alienated to themselves, to each other and to their environment

    Від соціалізації до індивідуальності в процесі модернізації

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    Although modernity started as a Western process, it influenced the other parts of the world. Modern societies faces the problem of individual human beings’ alienation to their self, society and the nature. Today people is being transformed from sociality into individuality, and then into a simple imaginary image, which forces him/her to destroy his connection with physical, emotional, psychological and social dimensions. Individuality is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly of being a person separate from other people and possessing their own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism. Being a modern country means taking the problems of modernity as well as its positive results. Modernity has brought to individuals some drastic results as well. Today people live in a very risky environment, they do not feel themselves secure, they are more narcisistic, they are more isolated, their relations are very temporary and artificial, they are alienated to themselves, to each other and to their environment

    Від соціалізації до індивідуальності в процесі модернізації

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    Although modernity started as a Western process, it influenced the other parts of the world. Modern societies faces the problem of individual human beings’ alienation to their self, society and the nature. Today people is being transformed from sociality into individuality, and then into a simple imaginary image, which forces him/her to destroy his connection with physical, emotional, psychological and social dimensions. Individuality is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly of being a person separate from other people and possessing their own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. From the 17th century on, individual indicates separateness, as in individualism. Being a modern country means taking the problems of modernity as well as its positive results. Modernity has brought to individuals some drastic results as well. Today people live in a very risky environment, they do not feel themselves secure, they are more narcisistic, they are more isolated, their relations are very temporary and artificial, they are alienated to themselves, to each other and to their environment

    Motivational factors of decision-making regarding personal self-realization in life

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    1. Риков О. О. Полімотивація як умова успішної професійної самореалізації пілотів цивільної авіації / Moderní aspekty vědy: XІV. Díl mezinárodní kolektivní monografie / Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut s.r.o. Česká republika: Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut s.r.o., 2021. str. 241-251. http://perspectives.pp.ua/public/site/mono/monography-14.pdf 2. Zhuravlova, L., Bedny, I., Luchkiv, V., Pomytkina, L., Grechukha, I., Muzhanova, N. (2022). Assertiveness in the System of Behavioral Strategies of the Modern Youth. In: Hasan Ayaz (eds) Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 42, 32 – 41. AHFE International, USA http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1001816 3. E. Pomytkin, L. Pomytkina, S. Yahodzinskyi, A. Kokarieva, N. Nazarenko. Features of formation of constructive life position of air transport specialists. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 918 (2020) 012174 IOP Publishing https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/918/1/012174/pdf 4. Pomytkina L. V. Psychological mechanisms of personality`s experiences in the process of making strategic life decision. Problems of Modern Psychology : Collection of research papers of KamianetsPodilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine / scientific editing by S.D. Maksymenko, L.A. Onufrieva. – Issue 31. - Kamianets-Podilskyi : Aksioma, 2016. – P.341-354. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246/2016-31 5. Pomytkina L. V. Subjective analysis of regularities of making strategic life decisions in late adolescence. Fundamental and Applied Researches in Practice of Leading Scientific Schools. Issue: 4 (16) – copubl.: Publishing office: Accent graphics communications – Hamilton, ON, 2016. – P. 107-116 p. https://fdotadotr.wordpress.com/aboutМаючи багатолітній досвід роботи в вищих навчальних закладах, приходимо до висновку, що рівень самосвідомості юнаків і дівчат знаходиться на рівні нижче середнього. І лише 20-25% студентської молоді, знають чого хочуть, і які шляхи досягнення, тобто їх можна назвати самосвідомими. Інші 80% перебувають у стані так названого очікування, пливуть за течією й вірять, що хтось чи щось їм піднесе готові рішення про їх життєвий шлях. Тому вважаємо за необхідне розробити алгоритм життєвого самовизначення, який може допомогти молоді "відкрити очі", "прокинутися" й розпочати власну життєву самореалізацію.Having many years of experience working in higher educational institutions, we come to the conclusion that the level of self-awareness of boys and girls is below average. And only 20-25% of student youth know what they want and what are the ways to achieve it, that is, they can be called self-aware. The other 80% are in a state of so-called waiting, they go with the flow and believe that someone or something will present them with ready-made decisions about their life path. Therefore, we consider it necessary to develop an algorithm of life self-determination that can help young people "open their eyes", "wake up" and start their own life self-realization

    Особливості копінг-поведінки медичних працівників під час пандемії COVID-19

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    The article presents the results of a theoreticaland empirical study of coping-behavior of medical workersduring the COVID-19 pandemic, as in the threateningconditions of the pandemic, the professional activityof doctors is associated with extreme conditions thatrequire maximum tension on physiological and mentalfunctions. The purpose of the research was to find outthe main differences in the choice of coping-behaviorstrategies at the conscious and subconscious levelsof doctors during the pandemic, depending on the formof ownership of the medical institution. The researchmethodology was based on the general scientific principles of activity and personality approaches in psychology,as well as on the basic statements of the structuraltheory of ego-protection of R. Plutchic. Suchpsychodiagnostic methods were used: “Strategies forovercoming stressful situations” (SACS) of S. Hobfolladapted by N. Vodopyanova, E. Starchenkova; diagnosisof psychological protective mechanisms of the personalityof Plutchik-Kellerman-Conte “Life Style Index”(Life Style Index, LSI); WHO quality of life questionnaire(WHOQOL-100). As a result, there were significantdifferences in the coping-behavior of private clinicdoctors, who are less likely to demonstrate antisocialmodels of behavior (at the level of p≤.05), more oftenuse the mechanism of displacement than substitution(at the level of p≤.05), have much higher indicatorsof intellectualization mechanism (at the level of p≤.01),more prone to excessively mental way of overcomingfrustrating experiences; from all spheres of life significantdifferences (at the level of p≤.05), as well ashigher indicators (at the level of p≤.05) of quality of lifein the “spiritual sphere”, which indicates the presenceof strong personal beliefs that help to successfully copewith most difficulties in professional activity, givinganswers to spiritual and personality questions. Conclusions.The obtained data will allow to build a systemof psychological work to increase the level of constructiveand reduce the level of destructive coping-strategiesof doctors, the development of proactive copingas a system of personal resources that will help doctorsprepare to overcome the negative consequencesof future stressful situations.У статті подані результати теоретико-емпірич-ного дослідження особливостей копінг-поведінкимедичних працівників під час пандемії COVID-19,оскільки в загрозливих умовах пандемії професійнадіяльність лікарів пов’язана з екстремальними умо-вами, що вимагають максимального напруженняфізіологічних та психічних функцій організму.Метою дослідження було з’ясування основнихвідмінностей у виборі стратегій копінг-поведінкина свідомому та підсвідомому рівнях у лікарівв період пандемії в залежності від форми власно-сті медичного закладу. Методологія дослідження спиралася на загальнонаукові принципи діяльніс-ного та особистісного підходів в психології, а такожна основні положення структурної теорії его-захи-сту R. Plutchic. Були використані психодіагностичні методики: “Стратегії подолання стресових ситуа-цій” (SACS) С. Хобфолл в адаптації Н. Водоп’янової,Е. Старченкової; діагностика психологічних захис-них механізмів особистості Плутчика-Келлермана-Конте “Індекс життєвого стилю” (Life StyleIndex, LSI); “Опитувальник якості життя ВОЗ”(ВОЗКЖ-100). У результаті отримано значущі від-мінності у копінг-поведінці лікарів приватної клі-ніки, які рідше демонструють прояв асоціальнихмоделей поведінки (на рівні p≤.05), частіше застосо-вують механізм витіснення ніж заміщення (на рівніp≤.05), мають значно вищі показники механізмуінтелектуалізації (на рівні p≤.01), більше схильні донадмірно розумового способу подолання фрустра-ційних переживань; з усіх сфер життя значимі від-мінності (на рівні p≤.05), а також вищі показники(на рівні p≤.05) якості життя у “духовній сфері”, щосвідчить про наявність у них стійких особистіснихпереконань, які допомагають успішно справлятисяз більшістю труднощів у професійній діяльності,даючи відповіді на духовні й особистісні питання. Висновки. Отримані дані дозволять побудуватисистему психологічної роботи з підвищення рівняконструктивних та зниження рівня деструктивнихкопінг-стратегій лікарів, з розвитку проактивногокопінгу як системи ресурсів особистості, які допо-можуть лікарям підготуватися до подолання нега-тивних наслідків майбутніх стресових ситуацій

    Personal maturity as sanogenic potential of experiencing crisis conditions by air transport managers

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    The article highlights the results of theoretical and empirical research of personal sanogenity of experiencing crisis conditions by air transport managers. The aim of the research is the empirical study of personal maturity development of air transport managers, their psychological resourcefulness, ability to self-development and scale of sanogenity of personal maturity of air transport managers experiencing unconventional crisis inflicted by COVID-19 pandemic. To assess the level of personal maturity, the Personal Maturity Questionnaire was applied (O.S.Shtepa). Level of actualizing of the personal psychological resources was studied through method of the Psychological Resourcefulness Questionnaire (O.S.Shtepa). To clarify the contents of the need for self-development as the potential of subjectivity, the method of Disposition Characteristics of Personal Self-Development was applied. (S.B.Kuzikova). The outcomes of the empirical research have discovered that air transport managers do not always have sufficient level of personal maturity development which is defined neither by age factor nor by amassed experience. Sanogenity of personal maturity for this social group is determined by their resourcefulness development level and ability to self-development. Successfulness in career development is not equivalent to manager personal maturity development level. Subjective assessment of successfulness and maturity made by managers themselves shows that 71.2% respondents do not reveal their satisfactory personal maturity. However, the majority of them is characterized with sufficient psychological resourcefulness having at the same time poor self-development ability. In the process of psychocorrection the sanogenic potential of personal maturity is actualized through raising self-development ability, reducing tension and traumatization of personality experiencing unconventional crisis

    Personal choice: strategic life decision-making and conscience

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    The article highlights the problem of subjective choice in making strategic life decisions and its correlation with conscience. The study describes the nature of strategic life decision-making, determines types of strategic life decisions, discloses the essence of human experiences associated with strategic life decision-making, and provides results of empirical research. Decision-making, as viewed in scientific psychological practice, is an intense cognitive process for which a human actor should be prepared to perform, drawing upon a full range of knowledge, abilities, skills, and personal qualities. Decisions, though varied by type and degree of difficulty and complexity, are united by choice – that is the individual’s choice as such. Crucial moments of decision-making may affect people in myriad ways. This article analyses the experiences of such human actors while making strategic life decisions, defined by scientists to mean outstanding, fateful, associated with great responsibility, with their leading role in human living space, and formation of a person’s way of living. Emotions and emotional responses occupy a space of paramount importance in this type of decision-making. As strategic life decisions are cognizantly and predominantly made mainly in late adolescence, the authors present summarized results of the empirical research that was carried out for several years among students enrolled in a variety of higher educational institutions within Ukraine

    Environmental and emotional predictors of cognitive styles of air traffic controllers

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    The article describes the theoretical and empirical study of cognitive styles of air traffic controllers as a guarantee of their professional success. The aim of the article was to present the results of the study, which were to establish the emotional predictors of cognitive styles of future air traffic controllers. The following methods were used for the study: “Gottschaldt’s figures”, “Comparison of similar drawings” by J. Kagan, “Free sorting of objects” by R. Gardner in the modification of V. Kolga, “Four-modal emotional questionnaire” by L.A. Rabinovych, “EmIn Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire” by D.V Lyusin, “Self-assessment of mental states” by G. Eisenk. The specifics of the manifestation of the following cognitive-stylistic parameters of air traffic controllers are analyzed: social field dependence-field independence, impulsivity-reflexivity, analyticity-syntheticity. Based on the analysis of the results of the study, it was found that the vast majority of respondents have the following cognitive styles: field-independent (77.7%), reflexive (74.4%), and slightly less synthetic (53.5%). Emotional intelligence at the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels of air traffic controllers is characterized by high rates in only half of the sample. Among emotions, almost half of the respondents are dominated by “joy” at a high level, “anger”, “fear” at a low level and “sadness” at a medium level. It was also found that two thirds of air traffic controllers are dominated by low levels of anxiety and frustration. Regression analysis revealed the influence of emotional characteristics on cognitive styles of future air traffic controllers: “aggression” is a predictor of “field dependence”, and “rigidity” and “joy” are predictors of analytical cognitive style

    Peculiarities of hierarchy of leaders’ personal values

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    The aim of the research is to confirm whether gender, age, residence in rural or urban areas and work experience influence the peculiarities of hierarchy of leaders’ personal values, and also to investigate the differences in the hierarchy of leaders’ personal values and that of their subordinates. The significant changes in the social value system create for the majority of people the urgent need to adopt new benchmarks and rebuild their personal values system. This also applies directly to the modern leader who is trying to reach a mutual understanding in the relationship. The goal of our research is to study the peculiarities of the hierarchy of leaders’ personal values. These were the hypotheses of the study: 1) the specific and individual-oriented values prevail in leaders as well as values of “business” and “self-affirmation”; 2) the hierarchy of value self-determination of modern leaders in education is influenced by their work experience, residence in rural or urban areas, age and gender. To solve the empirical problems of our research and to confirm or refute the hypotheses, we used the method of studying the value orientations, developed by the American researcher Milton Rokeach. According to the results of the research, the most important leaders’ terminal values have been the specific and individually oriented values, and the most important leaders’ instrumental values have been mainly the values of «business» and «self-affirmation», while gender affects the terminal and instrumental values, and the age impacts mainly instrumental values