3 research outputs found

    On the Trail of Puzzles Concerning the Birth and Development of the System of Contemporary China

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    Celem studium przypadku jest przedstawienie odmiennego ni偶 prezentowany w polskiej i 艣wiatowej literaturze chi艅skiego modelu ustrojowego. Autor studium konstatuje, 偶e nie jest to odmiana jakiejkolwiek wersji ustroju kapitalistycznego czy ustroju socjalistycznego znanego z historii. Zwraca te偶 uwag臋, 偶e ustr贸j ten w wi臋kszym stopniu zosta艂 oparty na pragmatycznym planie ni偶 na zdefiniowanej naukowo wizji. Ma to swoje istotne przyczyny, ale wi膮偶e si臋 te偶 z negatywnymi skutkami. Autor zastanawia si臋 nad swoistego rodzaju historyczn膮 zagadk膮 co do mo偶liwo艣ci pojawienia si臋 w prawie niezauwa偶alny dla rz膮d贸w i o艣rodk贸w analityczno-naukowych spos贸b konkurencyjnej wobec kapitalistycznej formy ustrojowej, odmiennej jednocze艣nie od radzieckich rozwi膮za艅 ustrojowych i wyra藕nie zyskuj膮cej przewag臋 nad pozosta艂ymi konkurentami ustrojowymi.The purpose of the present case study is to present a different model of the Chinese political system than the one which is persistent in Polish and world literature. The author of the study demonstrates that it is neither a variation upon any version of the capitalist system nor a modified version of the socialist system, e.g. the Soviet system or one modelled on it. He also points out that the Chinese system is built in a more pragmatic dimension, rather than on the basis of a vision elaborated by scientists. There are important valid reasons for this, but there are also major drawbacks. The proposed publication is a case study which attempts to partly resolve a historical mystery that requires a separate, more extensive analysis. The question posed in the study is: why is it that a vast proportion of world capital, which has effectively dominated the world at the end of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century and is guided by immediate, short-term interests, has allowed an effective political competitor to emerge over an entire, vast continent. This rival Chinese system is of incomparably greater significance than anything the Soviet system ever achieved. Big capital, the governments representing it and their think tanks appear to have missed the rise of such a major competitor which is not only difficult to eliminate, but is clearly getting an edge over western capitalism