10 research outputs found

    Random lasing in an organic light-emitting crystal and its interplay with vertical cavity feedback

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    The simultaneous vertical-cavity and random lasing emission properties of a blue-emitting molecular crystal are investigated. The 1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl-1,3-butadiene samples, grown by physical vapour transport, feature room-temperature stimulated emission peaked at about 430 nm. Fabry-P\'erot and random resonances are primed by the interfaces of the crystal with external media and by defect scatterers, respectively. The analysis of the resulting lasing spectra evidences the existence of narrow peaks due to both the built-in vertical Fabry-P\'erot cavity and random lasing in a novel, surface-emitting configuration and threshold around 500 microJ cm^-2. The anti-correlation between different modes is also highlighted, due to competition for gain. Molecular crystals with optical gain candidate as promising photonic media inherently supporting multiple lasing mechanisms.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Polarization splitting in organic-based microcavities working in the strong coupling regime

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    Abstract The emission features and the polarization splitting are investigated in organic microcavities operating in the strong coupling regime. The microcavity relies on a J -aggregate of cyanine dyes as active layer, and on high reflectivity distributed Bragg reflectors, fabricated by low-temperature reactive electron-beam evaporation. The operation of the microcavities in the strong coupling regime is demonstrated both by reflectivity and photoluminescence characterization. A vacuum Rabi splitting in the range 30–100 meV is reported. Important, both polariton branches exhibit a TM–TE polarization splitting depending on the incident angle, θ , and exhibiting a maximum of 35 meV. The angular behaviour of the splitting in the strong coupling regime is investigated and described by the sin 2 θ dependence predicted by the polarization splitting model

    Absolute luminescence efficiency and photonic band-gap effect of conjugated polymers with top-deposited distributed Bragg reflectors

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    We study the effects of the deposition of a photonic crystal (PhC) structure, namely a distributed Bragg reflector, on a light-emitting conjugated polymer. The hybrid organic/PhC system is realised by a novel low-temperature reactive electron beam deposition, suitable for the direct fabrication of high-reflective mirrors onto organic soft matter. We investigated the photoluminescence absolute quantum efficiency of the system, finding a yield of 30% after the mirror deposition. We found evidence for the modulation of the output spectra by the photonic band-gap of the coupled PhC, and for the polarisation splitting (as large as 140 meV) of the emitted light

    Low-threshold blue-emitting monolithic polymer vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers

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    The authors report on a monolithic vertical microcavity blue laser with a carbazole/fluorenyl derivative copolymer active film. The laser is realized by electron-beam deposition of the two dielectric mirrors on the bottom and on the top of the polymeric active layer. The devices exhibit a threshold fluence as low as 1.2 mu J/cm(2), with a divergence of the emission beam of 2.8 degrees. The measured lasing threshold and operational lifetimes (> 1.5x10(4) pulses at an excitation density 500 times larger than threshold) are among the best so far reported for blue-emitting polymer lasers, thus making these devices promising candidates for future electrical excitation. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Monolithic polymer microcavity lasers with on-top evaporated dielectric mirrors

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    We report on a monolithic polymeric microcavity laser with all dielectric mirrors realized by low-temperature electron-beam evaporation. The vertical heterostructure was realized by 9.5 TiOx∕SiOx pairs evaporated onto an active conjugated polymer, that was previously spincast onto the bottom distributed Bragg reflector (DBR). The cavity supports single-mode lasing at 509nm, with a linewidth of 1.8nm, and a lasing threshold of 84μJ∕cm2. We also report on the emission properties of the polymer we used, investigated by a pump-probe technique. These results show that low-temperature electron-beam evaporation is a powerful and straightforward fabrication technique for molecular-based fully integrable microcavity resonators

    Imprinting strategies for 100 nm lithography on polyfluorene and poly(phenylenevinylene) derivatives and their blends

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    Abstract We report on the use of nanoimprint lithography at room temperature (RT-NIL) for the direct structuring of polyfluorene and poly(phenylenevinylene) derivatives and of their blends without the degradation of the emissive characteristics of the active molecules. We apply RT-NIL for the fabrication of periodic one- and two-dimensional gratings with feature width that varies from 100 to 500 nm. Moreover, we analysed the effects that a superimposed periodic corrugation induces on the emitted light in terms of spectral properties and luminescence efficiency, thus ruling out any degradation of the emission. In particular, the combination of nanopatterning and active blends opens new perspectives for the control of the emitted colour from conjugated polymer films

    Metal-Enhanced Near-Infrared Fluorescence by Micropatterned Gold Nanocages

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    In metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF), the localized surface plasmon resonances of metallic nanostructures amplify the absorption of excitation light and assist in radiating the consequent fluorescence of nearby molecules to the far-field. This effect is at the base of various technologies that have strong impact on fields such as optics, medical diagnostics and biotechnology. Among possible emission bands, those in the near-infrared (NIR) are particularly intriguing and widely used in proteomics and genomics due to its noninvasive character for biomolecules, living cells, and tissues, which greatly motivates the development of effective, and eventually multifunctional NIR-MEF platforms. Here we demonstrate NIR-MEF substrates based on Au nanocages micropatterned with a tight spatial control. The dependence of the fluorescence enhancement on the distance between the nanocage and the radiating dipoles is investigated experimentally and modeled by taking into account the local electric field enhancement and the modified radiation and absorption rates of the emitting molecules. At a distance around 80 nm, a maximum enhancement up to 2-7 times with respect to the emission from pristine dyes (in the region 660 nm-740 nm) is estimated for films and electrospun nanofibers. Due to their chemical stability, finely tunable plasmon resonances, and large light absorption cross sections, Au nanocages are ideal NIR-MEF agents. When these properties are integrated with the hollow interior and controllable surface porosity, it is feasible to develop a nanoscale system for targeted drug delivery with the diagnostic information encoded in the fluorophore.Comment: 41 pages, 18 figure

    Monolithic vertical microcavities based on tetracene single crystals

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    The authors report on monolithic, light-emitting vertical microcavities based on an organic semiconductor single crystal. The devices are realized by reactive electron-beam deposition of dielectric mirrors and growth of tetracene crystals by physical vapor transport. The microcavities exhibit optical cavity modes in the visible range (550–580nm) with full width at half maximum down to 2–3nm, corresponding to a Q factor of about 200, and polarization-induced modal splitting up to 20meV. These results open perspectives for the realization of polarized-emitting optoelectronic devices based on organic crystals

    Physically Transient Photonics: Random versus Distributed Feedback Lasing Based on Nanoimprinted DNA

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    The authors report on a room-temperature nanoimprinted, DNA-based distributed feedback (DFB) laser operating at 605 nm. The laser is made of a pure DNA host matrix doped with gain dyes. At high excitation densities, the emission of the untextured dye-doped DNA films is characterized by a broad emission peak with an overall linewidth of 12 nm and superimposed narrow peaks, characteristic of random lasing. Moreover, direct patterning of the DNA films is demonstrated with a resolution down to 100 nm, enabling the realization of both surface-emitting and edge-emitting DFB lasers with a typical linewidth<0.3 nm. The resulting emission is polarized, with a ratio between the TE- and TM-polarized intensities exceeding 30. In addition, the nanopatterned devices dissolve in water within less than two minutes. These results demonstrate the possibility of realizing various physically transient nanophotonics and laser architectures, including random lasing and nanoimprinted devices, based on natural biopolymers.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 31 reference