72 research outputs found

    The Economic Dynamics in Amoroso's Contribution

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    This paper aims to highlight the main features of Amoroso's reflections on macroeconomic dynamics to which he dedicated a large part of his scientific activity. He developed an original theory of business cycle and he formulated a dynamic generalisation of the Paretian theory of general economic equilibrium which can be considered the main achievement of dynamic macroeconomics due to its ability to extend the analysis of optimising behaviour to an intertemporal context of resource allocation. The influence of Amoroso was modest despite its undoubted analytical capacity, probably because it was too faithful to a Paretian vision of economic relations and at epistemological level too closely connected to the models of nineteenth century physics which he tried to economic reasoningbusiness cycles, growth, dynamic theory

    Il Veneto dopo il Novecento. Politica e societ\ue0.

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    Il saggio ripercorre le tasse di sviluppo dell'economia veneta do po la seconda guerra mondiale

    L'insegnamento dell'economia politica nella scuola superiore in Italia

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    Il saggio descrive l'evoluzione dell'istruzione superiore in Italia con particolare riferimento alle discipline giuridiche ed economiche

    L'economia veneta e i suoi cicli

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    L'articolo traccia un percorso dell'economia veneta nel secondo dopoguerra

    Chapter Bruno de Finetti economista corporativo: dall’economia programmata alla costruzione della funzione di preferenza sociale

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    Bruno de Finetti (1906-1985) is well known as the founder of the subjective theory of probability. Less known, with a few exceptions, is his contribution to economic theory during the early stage of his scientific career. In the second half of the 1930s, de Finetti was passionately involved in the field of welfare economics. To provide a theoretical framework for evaluating social welfare and to help in designing public policies, he developed a new mathematical tool: the theory of simultaneous maxima. Using this analytical approach, he also advanced the idea of a social welfare function, albeit quite different from the one introduced in 1938 by Abram Bergson, reflecting the debate on the economic planning among Italian economists

    From stability to growth in neoclassical multisector models

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    Analysis of the multisector models was an important strand of inquiry within neoclassic growth theory from the early 1960s and at the end of the decade the multisector approach constituted one of the most promising areas of inquiry within growth theory as a whole. Studies in this area dwindled away at the end of the 1970s but the situation abruptly changed with the advent of endogenous growth theory in the second half of the 1980s which with Lucas (1988) and Romer (1990) was from the outset framed in a multisectorial perspective. The multisector approach was resumed in the literature on endogenous growth, but with features different from those that had previously characterized it. The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of some particular aspects of the neoclassical multisector approach from the first studies of the 1960s until current theorization

    From stability to growth in neoclassical multisector models

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    Analysis of the multisector models was an important strand of inquiry within neoclassic growth theory from the early 1960s and at the end of the decade the multisector approach constituted one of the most promising areas of inquiry within growth theory as a whole. Studies in this area dwindled away at the end of the 1970s but the situation abruptly changed with the advent of endogenous growth theory in the second half of the 1980s which with Lucas (1988) and Romer (1990) was from the outset framed in a multisectorial perspective. The multisector approach was resumed in the literature on endogenous growth, but with features different from those that had previously characterized it. The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of some particular aspects of the neoclassical multisector approach from the first studies of the 1960s until current theorization

    From stability to growth in neoclassical multisector models

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    Analysis of the multisector models was an important strand of inquiry within neoclassic growth theory from the early 1960s and at the end of the decade the multisector approach constituted one of the most promising areas of inquiry within growth theory as a whole. Studies in this area dwindled away at the end of the 1970s but the situation abruptly changed with the advent of endogenous growth theory in the second half of the 1980s which with Lucas (1988) and Romer (1990) was from the outset framed in a multisectorial perspective. The multisector approach was resumed in the literature on endogenous growth, but with features different from those that had previously characterized it. The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of some particular aspects of the neoclassical multisector approach from the first studies of the 1960s until current theorization

    Il contributo di La Volpe alla teoria dinamica dell'economia

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    The paper presents the dynamic theory proposed by La Volpe in 1936. This analysis has been innovative in many ways: general equilibrium is defined as temporary, the presence and the role of expectations are introduced, the intertemporal choice of the agents is determined in such a way as to anticipate the life-cycle theory, and some important problems that emerge in the dynamic analysis are addressed. The relevance of La Volpe's book led Michio Morishima to publish its English translation

    The economic role of the State from Pareto to Keynes in the Italian tradition: the contribution of Eraldo Fossati

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    Eraldo Fossati (1902-1962) was one of the leading exponents of the Paretian tradition in Italy in the middle of the last century. His general relevance, apart its specific contributions to the economic theory, can be see in the fact that he can be considered a figure of transition in the Italian economic debate from the pure theory rooted in the Paretian heritage to the introduction in Italy of the Keynesian theory
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