428 research outputs found


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    In this study, we examined interactions within student groups and between groups and instructors. A deeper exploration of group dynamics helps educators to more fully understand student groups and student learning within the classroom. Our data are from a two-week summer program for incoming college freshman that focuses on helping students develop metacognitive and self-assessment tools. With the intention of using Social Network Analysis (SNA), we took the novel approach of creating network graphs from video data as opposed to surveys. However, given the isolated nature of the groups, the quantitative measures of SNA were inappropriate for our small group networks, and we focused instead on a qualitative analysis of student interactions, distinguishing between on-topic and oïŹ€-topic categories. This preliminary analysis identiïŹed several areas for further exploration, at which point we continued our analysis using epistemological framing, which is how people structure their understanding within an activity to make sense of what is taking place and how it is related to their knowledge. We analyzed group video data to assess verbal and non-verbal cues within student groups for two categories: the task category (on-task and oïŹ€-task frames) and seriousness category (serious and silly frames). We explored the intersection between the frames, the time spent in these frames, the initiators of the frames, and roles that the on-task/silly frame serves for student groups. We found that groups’ epistemological framing involves an interplay between individual group dynamics, the nature of the activity, and how instructors interact with the groups. We also found that the on-task/silly frame can be categorized into purposeful roles demonstrating the usefulness of the silly frame in the classroom

    Using Social Network Analysis on classroom video data

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    We propose a novel application of Social Network Analysis (SNA) using classroom video data as a means of quantitatively and visually exploring the collaborations between students. The context for our study was a summer program that works with first generation students and deaf/hard-of-hearing students to engage in authentic science practice and develop a supportive community. We applied SNA to data from one activity during the two-week program to test our approach and as a means to begin to assess whether the goals of the program are being met. We used SNA to identify groups that were interacting in unexpected ways and then to highlight how individuals were contributing to the overall group behavior. We plan to expand our new use of SNA to video data on a larger scale

    Longing for the West. Youth Fashion in the 1980s Warsaw

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    Apatia czy sprawczoƛć? Strategie i taktyki ubierania się warszawskiej mƂodzieĆŒy w latach 80. XX wieku

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    Fashion was an important element of social life of Warsaw’s teenagers in the 1980s, it influenced their well-being and social position. During the crisis years young people had to show great resourcefulness to create their dream style. The article focuses on presenting specific dressing practices, such as sewing, alterations, exchanging clothes with friends or traveling abroad. By referring to the notions of “strategy” and “tactics” by Michel de Certeau, it was shown how young people obtained clothes that were not available in state stores. Knowledge made possible to get the dreamt clothes and create one’s own style based on their taste was a significant capital. Pierre Bourdieu links this concept with the habitus, which defines what seems real to an individual and possible to implement in his/her own life. The habitus is made up of norms imposed by the environment, which the individual recognizes as his/her own.Dla mƂodych ludzi w latach 80. w Warszawie moda byƂa waĆŒnym elementem ĆŒycia spoƂecznego, ktĂłry wpƂywaƂ na ich samopoczucie i pozycje spoƂeczną. W latach kryzysu mƂodzieĆŒ musiaƂa jednak wykazać się duĆŒÄ… zaradnoƛcią, aby stworzyć wymarzony styl. ArtykuƂ skupia się na przedstawieniu konkretnych praktyk związanych z ubieraniem się, np. szycie, przerĂłbki, wymiana ubraƄ z koleĆŒankami czy wyjazdy zagraniczne. OdwoƂując się do pojęć „strategii” i „taktyk” Michela de Certeau, pokazane zostaƂo, w jaki sposĂłb mƂodzieĆŒ zdobywaƂa ubrania, ktĂłre nie byƂy dostępne w paƄstwowych sklepach. Istotnym kapitaƂem byƂa wiedza, ktĂłra umoĆŒliwiaƂa zdobycie wymarzonych ubraƄ i stworzenie wƂasnego stylu, ktĂłry bazowaƂ na guƛcie. Pierre Bourdieu Ƃączy to pojęcie z habitusem, ktĂłry okreƛla co wydaje się jednostce realne i moĆŒliwe do wprowadzenia we wƂasnym ĆŒyciu. Na habitus skƂadają się normy narzucone przez otoczenie, ktĂłre jednostka uznaje za wƂasne

    France et Europe centrale : les intermédiaires

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    L'Europe centrale et orientale est composĂ©e de dix-sept pays. Le nombre de nations et de langues y dĂ©passe la trentaine et, Ă  cĂŽtĂ© des quatre grandes confessions chrĂ©tiennes – sans mĂȘme parler des sectes – la religion juive et l'Islam y sont Ă©galement reprĂ©sentĂ©s depuis des siĂšcles. Autant dire qu'on peut ĂȘtre historien de la BohĂȘme ou du MontĂ©nĂ©gro mais pas de l'Europe centrale et orientale, mĂȘme si on laisse de cĂŽtĂ© la Russie qui en fait pourtant partie, tout en Ă©tant un monde en soi. D'oĂč ..

    Romano : histoire et encyclopédie

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    Dans sa millĂ©naire sagesse, la tradition universitaire exige de prĂ©senter Ă  la communautĂ© rĂ©unie d’enseignants et d’étudiants un nouveau docteur honoris causa pour justifier de la sorte le dĂ©cision de lui attribuer ce grade prestigieux. Je suis trĂšs reconnaissant Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Camerino d’avoir bien voulu me confier la noble tĂąche de faire le portrait intellectuel de professeur Ruggiero Romano. Je le suis d’autant plus que cela me donne l’occasion de parler de l’Ɠuvre d’un ami auquel me li..

    « Serious games » : apprendre en jouant ?

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    Les technologies de formation Ă  distance employĂ©es au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000 ont rencontrĂ© un grand scepticisme. Depuis, la multiplication des initiatives rendue possible par le dĂ©veloppement des NTIC ne semble pas aller de pair avec une rĂ©flexion de l’apprentissage en ligne. On distingue aujourd’hui trois modalitĂ©s de mise en ligne des connaissances : le rapid learning, l’apprentissage scĂ©narisĂ© et enfin, le dernier arrivĂ©, les serious games. Le rapid learning consiste Ă  mettre en ligne des informations statiques non mĂ©diatisĂ©es. Dans le meilleur des cas, ces planches peuvent ĂȘtre sonorisĂ©es et accompagnĂ©es de tests de connaissances. Pour rendre l’apprenant plus actif, les dĂ©veloppeurs des formations en ligne ont imaginĂ© les formations scĂ©narisĂ©es. Le sujet de la formation s’articule alors autour d’une histoire. La derniĂšre approche en date porte le nom de serious game. Les concepteurs mettent en Ɠuvre tous les Ă©lĂ©ments d’un jeu vidĂ©o au service du projet de formation. L’apprentissage par le biais d’un jeu est censĂ© ĂȘtre universel et de ce fait, accessible Ă  chacun. La question de la facilitĂ© d’appropriation des connaissances par le jeu est plus complexe et pose de multiples questions qui restent encore sans rĂ©ponse, faute de recul suffisant.Distance learning technology used at the beginning of 2000s has not gained a wide approval. Recently, the numerous new options rendered possible by NTIC development have not yet been analyzed or interpreted properly and a through indepth study of e-learning is lacking. We distinguish three on-line methods of e-learning. Rapid learning consists on static information publishing which, in best cases, can have knowledge tests or spoken information. To improve this, a training by “scenarios” was imagined. The learning subject is wrapped into a story. The third method is based on video games, it is so called serious game method. The learning by means of a game is supposed to be universal and therefore, accessible to each one. The question of the appropriation of the knowledge through a game is more complex and asks questions which still remain without answer, due to lack of sufficient experience

    Olga Medvedkova, Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond, architecte 1679-1719

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    La vie de Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond (1679-1719) se divise en deux parties. La premiĂšre se dĂ©roule en France ; la seconde, en Russie. D’oĂč un problĂšme Ă  la fois documentaire et linguistique. Documentaire : les archives se trouvent dans deux pays. Linguistique : pour saisir l’Ɠuvre de Le Blond dans son ensemble et la situer correctement dans l’histoire de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme, il faut maĂźtriser le français et le russe. Bien placĂ©e pour relever ce dĂ©fi, Olga Medvedkova a pu fa..

    L’histoire des collections : au-delà du temps des pionniers

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    RĂ©servĂ©e naguĂšre Ă  l’érudition locale, l’histoire des collections est devenue au cours des trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies une branche Ă  part entiĂšre de l’histoire culturelle. Tout en Ă©tant Ă©tudiĂ©es pour elles-mĂȘmes comme un phĂ©nomĂšne sui generis, les collections le sont en effet aussi parce qu’elles permettent d’apprĂ©hender les attitudes cognitives et esthĂ©tiques, les pratiques intellectuelles, les relations sociales, les reprĂ©sentations. En tant qu’intermĂ©diaires entre l’invisible et le visible, ..

    General convergence of the methods from Chebyshev-Halley family

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    In this paper we study the Chebyshev-Halley family (which contains, as particular cases, the Chebyshev method, Halley method, super-Halley method and the C-method). For Chebyshev and super-Halley methods we give a global theorem of convergence. In the end of the paper we study the basins of attraction of the roots of a polynomial with real coefficients. They are obtained when we apply to that polynomial the methods from the Chebyshev-Halley family methods
