340 research outputs found

    Squarefree smooth numbers and Euclidean prime generators

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    We show that for each prime p > 7, every residue mod p can be represented by a squarefree number with largest prime factor at most p. We give two applications to recursive prime generators akin to the one Euclid used to prove the infinitude of primes.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the AM

    Resolution of Linear Algebra for the Discrete Logarithm Problem Using GPU and Multi-core Architectures

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    In cryptanalysis, solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) is key to assessing the security of many public-key cryptosystems. The index-calculus methods, that attack the DLP in multiplicative subgroups of finite fields, require solving large sparse systems of linear equations modulo large primes. This article deals with how we can run this computation on GPU- and multi-core-based clusters, featuring InfiniBand networking. More specifically, we present the sparse linear algebra algorithms that are proposed in the literature, in particular the block Wiedemann algorithm. We discuss the parallelization of the central matrix--vector product operation from both algorithmic and practical points of view, and illustrate how our approach has contributed to the recent record-sized DLP computation in GF(28092^{809}).Comment: Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing, Aug 2014, Porto, Portugal. \<http://europar2014.dcc.fc.up.pt/\&gt

    Stabilizing Machine Learning Prediction of Dynamics: Noise and Noise-inspired Regularization

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    Recent work has shown that machine learning (ML) models can be trained to accurately forecast the dynamics of unknown chaotic dynamical systems. Short-term predictions of the state evolution and long-term predictions of the statistical patterns of the dynamics (``climate'') can be produced by employing a feedback loop, whereby the model is trained to predict forward one time step, then the model output is used as input for multiple time steps. In the absence of mitigating techniques, however, this technique can result in artificially rapid error growth. In this article, we systematically examine the technique of adding noise to the ML model input during training to promote stability and improve prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we introduce Linearized Multi-Noise Training (LMNT), a regularization technique that deterministically approximates the effect of many small, independent noise realizations added to the model input during training. Our case study uses reservoir computing, a machine-learning method using recurrent neural networks, to predict the spatiotemporal chaotic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. We find that reservoir computers trained with noise or with LMNT produce climate predictions that appear to be indefinitely stable and have a climate very similar to the true system, while reservoir computers trained without regularization are unstable. Compared with other regularization techniques that yield stability in some cases, we find that both short-term and climate predictions from reservoir computers trained with noise or with LMNT are substantially more accurate. Finally, we show that the deterministic aspect of our LMNT regularization facilitates fast hyperparameter tuning when compared to training with noise.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Complexity transitions in global algorithms for sparse linear systems over finite fields

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    We study the computational complexity of a very basic problem, namely that of finding solutions to a very large set of random linear equations in a finite Galois Field modulo q. Using tools from statistical mechanics we are able to identify phase transitions in the structure of the solution space and to connect them to changes in performance of a global algorithm, namely Gaussian elimination. Crossing phase boundaries produces a dramatic increase in memory and CPU requirements necessary to the algorithms. In turn, this causes the saturation of the upper bounds for the running time. We illustrate the results on the specific problem of integer factorization, which is of central interest for deciphering messages encrypted with the RSA cryptosystem.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    MIMD-Factorisation on hypercubes

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    A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation

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    We perform a special number field sieve discrete logarithm computation in a 1024-bit prime field. To our knowledge, this is the first kilobit-sized discrete logarithm computation ever reported for prime fields. This computation took a little over two months of calendar time on an academic cluster using the open-source CADO-NFS software. Our chosen prime pp looks random, and p−−1p--1 has a 160-bit prime factor, in line with recommended parameters for the Digital Signature Algorithm. However, our p has been trapdoored in such a way that the special number field sieve can be used to compute discrete logarithms in F_p∗\mathbb{F}\_p^* , yet detecting that p has this trapdoor seems out of reach. Twenty-five years ago, there was considerable controversy around the possibility of back-doored parameters for DSA. Our computations show that trapdoored primes are entirely feasible with current computing technology. We also describe special number field sieve discrete log computations carried out for multiple weak primes found in use in the wild. As can be expected from a trapdoor mechanism which we say is hard to detect, our research did not reveal any trapdoored prime in wide use. The only way for a user to defend against a hypothetical trapdoor of this kind is to require verifiably random primes

    Gangs and guilt: Towards a new theory of horror film

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    The most basic and unanimous statement made in scholarship on horror films is that horror films are ‘about’ fear: the primary purpose of horror films is to scare viewers. Based on horror films from the 1970s until the present in which child gangs play a significant part, this essay advances a new theory of horror film, namely that horror films primarily seek to elicit not fear but guilt. The analysis focuses on four topics: themes, camera angles, horror’s cinematic casting of ‘abnormality,’ and the rift, unique to the horror genre, between audience ‘alignment’ and ‘allegiance.

    On the shortness of vectors to be found by the Ideal-SVP quantum algorithm

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    The hardness of finding short vectors in ideals of cyclotomic number fields (hereafter, Ideal-SVP) can serve as a worst-case assumption for numerous efficient cryptosystems, via the average-case problems Ring-SIS and Ring-LWE. For a while, it could be assumed the Ideal-SVP problem was as hard a
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