11 research outputs found

    Актуальные вопросы цифровизации уголовного судопроизводства: взгляд в будущее

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    The authors point out the main problems of the transformation of criminal justice. Which rest on the need to reform the entire system of the branch of law, as the digitalization of any sphere of activity requires changes in formal and constitutional institutions, culture, as well as the creation and use of AI artificial intelligence systems, the creation of technological capabilities to analyze huge amounts of Big Data and the protection of personal data. This is a condition of digital transformation.In the formation of a strategy of digitalization of criminal justice in the Russian Federation, according to the authors, there is a stalemate, which is difficult to resolve. On the one hand, criminal justice is a procedural institute, which operates strictly within the system of regulations, on the other hand, the digitalization of criminal proceedings requires huge changes in the sphere of law in general and in its individual branches.From the technological point of view, we see from the example of some business projects that such processes of some sectors of the economy are feasible. To build a technological platform for criminal proceedings is currently possible, it requires a transition to electronic criminal records (with minor amendments to the RF Criminal Procedural Code), to implement artificial intelligence and “drive” it all into technologies for processing large heterogeneous data Big Data, OLAP and DataMining. The problem lies not in the impossibility to change the existing legal model of criminal procedure and other procedural subjects, but in the fact that law enforcement is carried out between values where logic is powerless, where thinking is carried out in the form of understanding. And the necessary condition for understanding requires intuition and empathy as the most important elements of legal thinking of the law enforcement officer. Artificial intelligence cannot have them.In other words, in some parts of the law enforcement will be possible to create some kind of digital platforms, which will not meet the whole concept of building a sectoral platform, the consequence of these particular transformations is the fact that a co mprehensive digitalization of criminal justice is not expected in the near future, in view of the thin matter of science – law.Анализуются правовые, криминалистические и технологические аспекты цифровизации уголовного судопроизводства в Российской Федерации. Рассматриваются сложившиеся в научном сообществе взгляды на возможность цифровизации уголовного процесса и стратегию ее осуществления. Предлагается поэтапный (эволюционный) план ее реализации в рамках сложившейся системы уголовного судопроизводства: закрепление в Уголовно-процессуальном кодексе РФ регламентации использования цифровых технических средств, введение электронной формы уголовного дела и баз данных, создание цифровых платформ. Обосновывается невозможность цифровизации уголовного судопроизводства в ближайшем будущем

    Systems for control and diagnosis of technical state of phased arrays

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    There are considered questions of the calibration of phased arrays that take into account features, related to their hardware realization and conditions of exploitation. The main attention is paid to technical state diagnosis, procedures of calibration of phased array and to realization of amplitude and phase distribution on the aperture during exploitation. Technical characteristics of hardware and software built-in control system and calibration of phased arrays are considered. Examples of input systems of control signal, results of calibration and determination of phased arrays parameters in object conditions are presented here