361 research outputs found

    Plantar pressure distribution analysis in normal weight young women and men with normal and claw feet: a cross-sectional study

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    We analyzed the plantar support in 72 normal-weight young voluntaries (46 women, 26 men), by a baropodometric platform. We considered subjects with claw foot (CFS) and subjects with normal foot (NFS). We found a significant reduction of total plantar support surface in the CFS (P < 0.0001 for women, P < 0.001 for men), due to the reduction of the forefoot and rear foot areas of both plantar imprints. Indeed, CFS of both sexes exhibited higher values of both plantar pressure and peak pressure, compared to the NFS. Moreover, the load per units of plantar surface increased in CFS compared to the NFS. In conclusion, the reduction of plantar support surfaces in CFS of both sexes was associated to a major load per units of plantar surface in the forefoot and rear foot areas, and this may be a risk factor to lower extremity overuse injuries

    Traumatic brain injury: A forensic approach: A literature review

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the principal cause of invalidity and death in the population under 45 years of age worldwide. This mini-review aims to systematize the forensic approach in neuropathological studies, highlighting the proper elements to be noted during external, radiological, autoptical, and histological examinations with particular attention paid to immunohistochemistry and molecular biology. In the light of the results of this mini-review, an accurate forensic approach can be considered mandatory in the examination of suspected TBI with medico-legal importance, in order to gather all the possible evidence to corroborate the diagnosis of a lesion that may have caused, or contributed to, death. From this point of view, only the use of an evidence-based protocol can reach a suitable diagnosis, especially in those cases in which there are other neuropathological conditions (ischemia, neurodegeneration, neuro-inflammation, dementia) that may have played a role in death. This is even more relevant when corpses, in an advanced state of decomposition, are studied, where the radiological, macroscopic and histological analyses fail to give meaningful answers. In these cases, immune-histochemical and molecular biology diagnostics are of fundamental importance and a forensic neuropathologist has to know them. Particularly, MiRNAs are promising biomarkers for TBI both for brain damage identification and for medico-legal aspects, even if further investigations are required to validate the first experimental studies. In the same way, the genetic substrate should be examined during any forensic examination, considering its importance in the outcome of TBI


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    Obiettivo: È stata analizzata la possibile relazione, su un campione della popolazione siciliana, tra il grado di familiarità al diabete di tipo 2, i parametri antropometrici ed alcuni test di forza specifica. Materiali e metodi: In modalità random sono stati selezionati 88 uomini e 27 donne, distinti in FH- (assenza di familiarità per il diabete di tipo 2), FH+ (con un componente in linea indiretta con la malattia) ed FH++ (con un genitore affetto dalla malattia). Sono stati rilevati i parametri antropometrici, i parametri cardiovascolari ed è stato rilevato l’handgrip ad entrambe le mani. Le differenze tra i gruppi sono state analizzate con il test ANOVA ed attraverso correlazioni parametriche abbiamo verificato eventuali associazioni (Pearson). Risultati: È emerso che uomini e donne FH++ tendono ad avere un significativo incremento dell’indice di massa corporea (p<0,05) associato ad un incremento statisticamente significativo dei valori basali di pressione arteriosa diastolica (p<0,05). Non sono emerse differenze statisticamente significative tra i gruppi (FH- vs FH+ vs FH++) relativamente ai valori di handgrip espressi dalla mano destra e sinistra, in valore assoluto e relativo. Dallo studio delle correlazioni emerge una importante influenza del peso corporeo sul rendimento dei soggetti al test dell’handgrip (>.40). Conclusioni: La familiarità diretta al diabete di tipo 2 si correla con degli incrementi statisticamente significativi del peso corporeo e dei valori pressori cardiovascolari, indicando che questa popolazione risulta essere maggiormente a rischio per l’evoluzione della stessa malattia. Progetti di prevenzione sono auspicabili in tal senso. L’handgrip risulta essere fortemente correlato ai parametri antropometrici, pertanto indirettamente anche con la familiarità alla malattia. Un’estensione dello studio è auspicabile, al fine di poter meglio comprendere i fenomeni.Objectives: the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between family history to type 2 diabetes, anthropometrics characteristics and some fitness tests. Materials and methods: we randomly selected 88 men and 27 women, distinguishing on FH- (absence of family history to type 2 diabetes), on FH+ (with a familiar component with disease) and FH++ (with parent affected to diabetes). We recorded anthropometric parameters, basal blood pressure values and handgrip of both hands. The differences between the groups were analyzed with ANOVA test and Pearson’s correlation. Results: participants FH++ of both sexes showed a statistically significant increase of body mass index (p<0,05) and a significant increase of basal diastolic blood pressure (p<0,05). No family history-related differences were found on handgrip results in absolute and relative values, but the lower numbers of subgroups might have affected the statistical analysis. Correlation analysis showed that parameters like body weight, body mass index and body surface area are able to influence the handgrip test of both hands. Conclusion: family history to type 2 diabetes is strongly related to body weight and basal blood pressure values, confirming that FH++ participants have a major risk to develop disease compared to FH- participants. Handgrip test is strongly related to anthropometric parameters. The sample size represents the major limit of the study. More data are needed to confirm the association between variables

    More than pneumonia: Distinctive features of SARS-CoV-2 infection. from autopsy findings to clinical implications: A systematic review

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    Despite safety recommendations for the management of corpses with COVID-19 infection and the high number of deaths worldwide, the post-mortem investigation rate is extremely low as well as the scientific contributions describing the pathological features. The first results of post-mortem investigations provided interesting findings and contributed to promoting unexplored therapeutic approaches and new frontiers of research. A systematic review is provided with the aim of summarizing all autopsy studies up to February 2020 in which a complete post-mortem investigation in patients with COVID-19 disease was performed, focusing on histopathological features. We included case reports, case series, retrospective and prospective studies, letters to the editor, and reviews. A total of 28 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, producing a pooled dataset of 407 full autopsies. Analyzing the medical history data, only 12 subjects had died without any comorbidities (for 15 cases the data were not available). The post-mortem investigation highlighted that acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multiple organ failure represent the main clinical features of COVID-19 disease, often leading to pulmonary thromboembolism and superimposed bronchopneumonia. The discussed data showed a strict relationship among the inflammatory processes, diffuse alveolar, and endothelial damage. In light of these results, the full autopsy can be considered as the gold standard to investigate unknown infections or pathogens resulting in death

    Morphological alterations and stress protein variations in lung biopsies obtained from autopsies of covid-19 subjects

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    Molecular chaperones, many of which are heat shock proteins, play a role in cell stress response and regulate the immune system in various ways, such as in inflammatory/autoimmune reactions. It would be interesting to study the involvement of these molecules in the damage done to COVID-19-infected lungs. In our study, we performed a histological analysis and an immunomorphological evaluation on lung samples from subjects who succumbed to COVID-19 and subjects who died from other causes. We also assessed Hsp60 and Hsp90 distribution in lung samples to determine their location and post-translational modifications. We found histological alterations that could be considered pathognomonic for COVID-19-related lung disease. Hsp60 and Hsp90 immunopositivity was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group compared to the controls, and immunolocalization was in the plasma membrane of the endothelial cells in COVID-19 subjects. The colocalization ratios for Hsp60/3-nitrotyrosine and Hsp60/acetylate-lisine were significantly increased in the COVID-19 group compared to the control group, similar to the colocalization ratio for Hsp90/acetylate-lisine. The histological and immunohistochemical findings led us to hypothesize that Hsp60 and Hsp90 might have a role in the onset of the thromboembolic phenomena that lead to death in a limited number of subjects affected by COVID-19. Further studies on a larger number of samples obtained from autopsies would allow to confirm these data as well as discover new biomarkers useful in the battle against this disease


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    In 2015, a whole body dissection course was proposed by the University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, thanks to the cooperation with the University of Malta, Msida, Malta. The purpose of this study was to show the the difference between the studyof anatomy on books and on corpses. The article focuses its attention on the dissection method of the upper limb. The astudy was performed on two corpses, a male and a female, by using a basic surgeon kit. Blunt dissection method was used for fasciae, innards and to isolate vascular-nervous structures from the fat; we used scalped for cutis, sub cutis, muscles, fasciae, veins, arteries and nerves of the upper limb from the shoulder to the hand. The upper limb dissection shows the difference between how a real body appears and shows the difference between how a real body appears and how books represent it

    Experiences that \u201creach the heart\u201d. Taking part in a whole body dissection course at the University of Malta

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    This article summarizes the activities of the four-week whole body dissection course the main authors participated in in August 2016 at the dissection hall of the University of Malta (UoM). Our team comprised 10 second-year medicine students from University of Palermo chosen among who had passed the Human Anatomy exam brilliantly. The need to move to the UoM to take part in such activity derives from the lack of practice approach in Italian schools of medicine, focused mostly on the theoretical studies, neglecting practical experience. The heart dissection reveal itself as a huge opportunity to finally apply our anatomical knowledge, improving it and enabling us to compare images took from books to the actual organ. We had the chance to handle a real heart, to appreciate its weight and consistence. We took part in coronary artery courses focusing on their functions within the heart machinery.This article summarizes the activities of the four-week whole body dissection course the main authors partecipated in August 2016 at the dissection hall of the University of Malta (UoM). Our team comprised 10 second-year medicine students from University of Palermo chosen among who had passed the Human Anatomy exam brilliantly. The need to molve to the UoM to take part in such activity derives from the lack of practice approach in Italian schools of medicine, focused mostly on the theoretical studies, neglecting practical experience. The heart dissection reveal itself as a huge opportunity to finally apply our anatomical knowledge, improving it and enabling us to compare image took from books to the actual organ. We had the chance to handle a real heart, to appreciate its weight and consistence. We took part in coronary artery courses focusing on their functions within the heart machinery

    A comparison of diagnostic performance of word-list and story recall tests for biomarker-determined Alzheimer’s disease

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    BACKGROUND: Wordlist and story recall tests are routinely employed in clinical practice for dementia diagnosis. In this study, our aim was to establish how well-standard clinical metrics compared to process scores derived from wordlist and story recall tests in predicting biomarker determined Alzheimer’s disease, as defined by CSF ptau/Aβ42 ratio. METHODS: Data from 295 participants (mean age = 65 ± 9.) were drawn from the University of Wisconsin – Madison Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) and Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention (WRAP). Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT; wordlist) and Logical Memory Test (LMT; story) data were used. Bayesian linear regression analyses were carried out with CSF ptau/Aβ42 ratio as outcome. Sensitivity analyses were carried out with logistic regressions to assess diagnosticity. RESULTS: LMT generally outperformed AVLT. Notably, the best predictors were primacy ratio, a process score indexing loss of information learned early during test administration, and recency ratio, which tracks loss of recently learned information. Sensitivity analyses confirmed this conclusion. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that story recall tests may be better than wordlist tests for detection of dementia, especially when employing process scores alongside conventional clinical scores

    Nandrolone decanoate interferes with testosterone biosynthesis altering blood-testis barrier components

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether nandrolone decanoate (ND) use affects testosterone production and testicular morphology in a model of trained and sedentary mice. A group of mice underwent endurance training while another set led a sedentary lifestyle and were freely mobile within cages. All experimental groups were treated with either ND or peanut oil at different doses for 6 weeks. Testosterone serum levels were measured via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Western blot analysis and quantitative real-time PCR were utilized to determine gene and protein expression levels of the primary enzymes implicated in testosterone biosynthesis and gene expression levels of the blood-testis barrier (BTB) components. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence were conducted for testicular morphological evaluation. The study demonstrated that moderate to high doses of ND induced a diminished serum testosterone level and altered the expression level of the key steroidogenic enzymes involved in testosterone biosynthesis. At the morphological level, ND induced degradation of the BTB by targeting the tight junction protein-1 (TJP1). ND stimulation deregulated metalloproteinase-9, metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and the tissue inhibitor of MMP-2. Moreover, ND administration resulted in a mislocalization of mucin-1. In conclusion, ND abuse induces a decline in testosterone production that is unable to regulate the internalization and redistribution of TJP1 and may induce the deregulation of other BTB constituents via the inhibition of MMP-2. ND may well be considered as both a potential inducer of male infertility and a potential risk factor to a low endogenous bioavailable testosterone
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