4 research outputs found
Histo- and ultrastructural changes in testis after plastic surgery on posterior wall of inguinal canal in case of indirect inguinal hernia
Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Vasilii Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, UkraineBackground: Most of the papers related to plastic surgery of inguinal canal do not pay attention to various post-operative complications that can be a
cause of disturbances of spermatogenesis and infertility. Based on this, the aim of the study was to compare histological and ultrastructural modifications
within the testis after herniotomia with those from testis in patients with non-operated indirect inguinal hernia
Material and methods: The methods of histology and electron microscopy were applied to 35 testis specimens (including 9 tissue samples obtained
by biopsy), taken from men aged from 22 to 35 years old, who were ill with indirect inguinal hernia and underwent plastic surgery on posterior wall of
inguinal canal by Bassini method 3-5 years before.
Results: It was established that after surgery the diameter of convoluted seminiferous tubules was (153.42 ± 5.44) mcm versus (178.62 ± 11.25) mcm for
patients with hernia, the number of spermatocytes and spermatids was 83.22 ± 2.86 and 167.10 ± 5.38 versus 137.19 ± 4.32 and 285.61 ± 5.97 in case
of indirect inguinal hernia. The volume of nuclei of interstitial cells was (73.99 ± 0.98) mcm3
versus (85.27 ± 3.11) mcm3
for patients with hernia. The
ultrastructural changes in the proper tunic of convoluted seminiferous tubules and supporting epithelial cells, revealed in deformation of mitochondria,
ultrastructures of the Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum, are more marked after plastic surgery on posterior wall of inguinal canal.
Conclusions: Thus, the obtained morphometric data on testis structures indicate that plastic surgery on inguinal canal is an additional trauma for the
sex gland, requiring especially careful attitude to spermatic cord
Haemodynamic indexes and structural changes in man’s testis at oblique inguinal hernia
In 25 patients with oblique inguinal hernia haemodynamic indexes and their influence on the histoultrastructure of man’s testis by the ultrasonic angiography, histological, electronic microscopic methods in the bioptic samples of testes were investigated. It has been established that oblique inguinal hernia of the second type causes considerable haemodynamic changes in testis and violation of spermatogenesis
12 tissue samples of the testes have been studied in men from 22 to 50 years of age with a disorder of spermatogenesis. Ultrastructural changes in the hemocapillaries, the proper tunic of the convoluted seminiferous tubules, supportive epitheliocytes and interstitial endocrinocytes have been established.Исследовано 12 биоптатов яичек мужчин в воздасте 22-50 лет с расстройствами сперматогенеза. Установлены ультраструктурные изменения в гемокапиллярах, собственной оболочке извитых семенных трубочек, поддерживающих епителиоцитах и интерстициальных ендокриноцитах.Досліджено 12 біоптатів яєчок чоловіків віком 22-50 років з розладами сперматогенезу. Установлено ультраструктурні зміни в гемокапілярах, власній оболонці звивистих сім’яних трубочок, підтримувальних епітеліоцитах та інтерстиційних ендокриноцитах
The conducted analysis of the hemodynamic condition in the arteries has statistically revealed its clear improvement both within the spermatic cord and in the testicle after plastic surgery of the inguinal canal in comparison with non-operated hernia, although a considerable positive influence on the spermatogenic and the endocrine functions of the testicle has not been found.Проведенный анализ состояния гемодинамики в артериях показал статистически достоверное её улучшение, как в пределах семенного канатика, так и в яичке после пластики пахового канала по сравнению с неоперированной грыжей, но значительного положительного влияния на сперматогенную и эндокринную функцию яичка не обнаружено.Проведений аналіз стану гемодинаміки в артеріях показав статистично вірогідне її покращання як в межах сім’яного канатика, так і в яєчку після пластики пахвинного каналу порівняно з неоперованою грижею, але позитивного впливу на сперматогенну та ендокринну функції яєчка не виявлено