95 research outputs found

    Spatial & Temporal Characteristics of Ha flares during the period 1975-2002 (comparison with SXR flares)

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    Although the energetic phenomena of the Sun (flares, coronal mass injections etc.) exhibit intermittent stochastic behavior in their rate of occurrence, they are well correlated to the variations of the solar cycle. In this work we study the spatial and temporal characteristics of transient solar activity in an attempt to statistically interpret the evolution of these phenomena through the solar cycle, in terms of the self-organized criticality theory.Comment: Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 848, pp. 194-198 (2006

    On signal-noise decomposition of timeseries using the continuous wavelet transform: Application to sunspot index

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    We show that the continuous wavelet transform can provide a unique decomposition of a timeseries in to 'signal-like' and 'noise-like' components: From the overall wavelet spectrum two mutually independent skeleton spectra can be extracted, allowing the separate detection and monitoring in even non-stationary timeseries of the evolution of (a) both stable but also transient, evolving periodicities, such as the output of low dimensional dynamical systems and (b) scale-invariant structures, such as discontinuities, self-similar structures or noise. An indicative application to the monthly-averaged sunspot index reveals, apart from the well-known 11-year periodicity, 3 of its harmonics, the 2-year periodicity (quasi-biennial oscillation, QBO) and several more (some of which detected previously in various solar, earth-solar connection and climate indices), here proposed being just harmonics of the QBO, in all supporting the double-cycle solar magnetic dynamo model (Benevolenskaya, 1998, 2000). The scale maximal spectrum reveals the presence of 1/f fluctuations with timescales up to 1 year in the sunspot number, indicating that the solar magnetic configurations involved in the transient solar activity phenomena with those characteristic timescales are in a self-organized-critical state (SOC), as previously proposed for the solar flare occurence (Lu and Hamilton, 1991).Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Grand Minima Under the Light of a Low Order Dynamo Model

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    In this work we use a low order dynamo model and study under which conditions can it reproduce solar grand minima. We begin by building the phase space of a proxy for the toroidal component of the solar magnetic field and we develop a model, derived from mean field dynamo theory, that gives the time evolution of the toroidal field. This model is characterized by a non-linear oscillator whose coefficients retain most of the physics behind dynamo theory. In the derivation of the model we also include stochastic oscillations in the α\alpha effect. We found no evidences that stochastic fluctuations in a linear α\alpha effect can trigger grand minima episodes in this model. In contrast, the model used points out that possible mechanism that can trigger grand minima should involve the meridional circulation, magnetic diffusivity or field intensification by buoyancy driven instabilities.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Space Climate Symposium 3, Finland (in press JASTP). Version 3.0 incorporates new figures and reference

    Ten Years of the Solar Radiospectrograph ARTEMIS-IV

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    The Solar Radiospectrograph of the University of Athens (ARTEMIS-IV) is in operation at the Thermopylae Satellite Communication Station since 1996. The observations extend from the base of the Solar Corona (650 MHz) to about 2 Solar Radii (20 MHz) with time resolution 1/10-1/100 sec. The instruments recordings, being in the form of dynamic spectra, measure radio flux as a function of height in the corona; our observations are combined with spatial data from the Nancay Radioheliograph whenever the need for 3D positional information arises. The ARTEMIS-IV contribution in the study of solar radio bursts is two fold- Firstly, in investigating new spectral characteristics since its high sampling rate facilitates the study of fine structures in radio events. On the other hand it is used in studying the association of solar bursts with interplanetary phenomena because of its extended frequency range which is, furthermore, complementary to the range of the WIND/WAVES receivers and the observations may be readily combined. This reports serves as a brief account of this operation. Joint observations with STEREO/WAVES and LOFAR low frequency receivers are envisaged in the future

    Solar flares with and without SOHO/LASCO coronal mass ejections and type II shocks

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    We analyse of a set of radio rich (accompanied by type IV or II bursts) solar flares and their association with SOHO/LASCO Coronal Mass Ejections in the period 1998 2000. The intensity, impulsiveness and energetics of these events are investigated. We find that, on the average, flares associated both with type IIs and CMEs are more impulsive and more energetic than flares associated with type IIs only (without CME reported), as well as flares accompanied by type IV continua but not type II shocks. From the last two classes, flares with type II bursts (without CMEs reported) are the shortest in duration and the most impulsive.Comment: Advances in Space Research, Volume 38, Issue 5, p. 1007-101

    Analysing Large Scale Structure: I. Weighted Scaling Indices and Constrained Randomisation

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    The method of constrained randomisation is applied to three-dimensional simulated galaxy distributions. With this technique we generate for a given data set surrogate data sets which have the same linear properties as the original data whereas higher order or nonlinear correlations are not preserved. The analysis of the original and surrogate data sets with measures, which are sensitive to nonlinearities, yields information about the existence of nonlinear correlations in the data. We demonstrate how to generate surrogate data sets from a given point distribution, which have the same linear properties (power spectrum) as well as the same density amplitude distribution. We propose weighted scaling indices as a nonlinear statistical measure to quantify local morphological elements in large scale structure. Using surrogates is is shown that the data sets with the same 2-point correlation functions have slightly different void probability functions and especially a different set of weighted scaling indices. Thus a refined analysis of the large scale structure becomes possible by calculating local scaling properties whereby the method of constrained randomisation yields a vital tool for testing the performance of statistical measures in terms of sensitivity to different topological features and discriminative power.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evolving towards a critical point: A possible electromagnetic way in which the critical regime is reached as the rupture approaches

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    International audienceIn analogy to the study of critical phase transitions in statistical physics, it has been argued recently that the fracture of heterogeneous materials could be viewed as a critical phenomenon, either at laboratory or at geophysical scales. If the picture of the development of the fracture is correct one may guess that the precursors may reveal the critical approach of the main-shock. When a heterogeneous material is stretched, its evolution towards breaking is characterized by the appearance of microcracks before the final break-up. Microcracks produce both acoustic and electromagnetic(EM) emission in the frequency range from VLF to VHF. The microcracks and the associated acoustic and EM activities constitute the so-called precursors of general fracture. These precursors are detectable not only at laboratory but also at geophysical scales. VLF and VHF acoustic and EM emissions have been reported resulting from volcanic and seismic activities in various geologically distinct regions of the world. In the present work we attempt to establish the hypothesis that the evolution of the Earth's crust towards the critical point takes place not only in a mechanical but also in an electromagnetic sense. In other words, we focus on the possible electromagnetic criticality, which is reached while the catastrophic rupture in the Earth's crust approaches. Our main tool is the monitoring of micro-fractures that occur before the final breakup, by recording their radio-electromagnetic emissions. We show that the spectral power law analysis of the electromagnetic precursors reveals distinguishing signatures of underlying critical dynamics, such as: (i) the emergence of memory effects; (ii) the decrease with time of the anti-persistence behaviour; (iii) the presence of persistence properties in the tail of the sequence of the precursors; and (iv) the acceleration of the precursory electro-magnetic energy release. Moreover, the statistical analysis of the amplitudes of the electromagnetic fluctuations reveals the breaking of the symmetry as the theory predicts. Finally, we try to answer the question: how universal the observed electromagnetic critical behaviour of the failing system is

    Multi-timescale Solar Cycles and the Possible Implications

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    Based on analysis of the annual averaged relative sunspot number (ASN) during 1700 -- 2009, 3 kinds of solar cycles are confirmed: the well-known 11-yr cycle (Schwabe cycle), 103-yr secular cycle (numbered as G1, G2, G3, and G4, respectively since 1700); and 51.5-yr Cycle. From similarities, an extrapolation of forthcoming solar cycles is made, and found that the solar cycle 24 will be a relative long and weak Schwabe cycle, which may reach to its apex around 2012-2014 in the vale between G3 and G4. Additionally, most Schwabe cycles are asymmetric with rapidly rising-phases and slowly decay-phases. The comparisons between ASN and the annual flare numbers with different GOES classes (C-class, M-class, X-class, and super-flare, here super-flare is defined as ≥\geq X10.0) and the annal averaged radio flux at frequency of 2.84 GHz indicate that solar flares have a tendency: the more powerful of the flare, the later it takes place after the onset of the Schwabe cycle, and most powerful flares take place in the decay phase of Schwabe cycle. Some discussions on the origin of solar cycles are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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