7 research outputs found

    Changes in Selected Physiological Parameters Following a Training Block of Specific Circuit Training Among National Top-level Basketball Players

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(6): 1156-1166, 2020. The study aims at measuring the effects of six weeks of specific circuit training (SCT) according to the 15-15 modality, on selected physiological parameters in national top-level basketball players. It was an intervention study, undertaken with 44 senior players randomly assigned to two groups depending on the program: intervention (IG: n = 22; SCT) and control (CG: n = 22; usual content of the defending champion team\u27s), submitted to a six-week training block. The heart rate recovery at 1 (HRR1) and then 2 (HRR2) minutes, the double product (DP) and O2max were assessed prior to and at the end of the training period. As appropriate, the Student t-test on paired or independent samples, was used to compare measures and groups. At the end of the training period, the HRR1 decreased by 14.2% (p = 0.01) and 14.1% (p = 0.03) respectively in IG and CG. The mean HRR2 was higher in IG than in GC (63 ± 8 bpm versus 57 ± 6 bpm, p = 0.003) at the end of the training period. The variation of DP in IG was not significant (p = 0. 42) while it increased by 7.2% (p = 0.0005) in CG. The O2max increased by 6.5% (p ˂ 0. 001) in IG but not in CG (p = 0.50). The specific circuit training block in the 15-15 modality improved heart rate recovery at one minute and O2max, but had no effect on the double product in the basketball players studied

    Entraînement et capacité aérobie dans une stratégie de prévention des risques cardiovasculaires chez des adolescents béninois

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    Les présents travaux ont pour but d'étudier les effets de l'entraînement sur la capacité aérobie et sur les paramètres physiologiques associés aux risques cardiovasculaires de jeunes béninois âgés entre 13 et 18 ans. La population de notre étude est constituée de 359 adolescents des deux sexes habitant la ville de Porto-Novo. Les résultats ont permis : 1- d'établir les premières normes concernant la puissance aérobie maximale (PAM) et l'endurance aérobie évaluée par le temps limite de maintien de la vitesse aérobie maximale (tlim100) ; 2- de mettre en relation les facteurs de la capacité aérobie et plusieurs paramètres physiologiques associés aux risques cardiovasculaires ; 3- et d'évaluer les effets sur la capacité aérobie de l'éducation physique scolaire seule et associée à trois modalités d'entraînement, poursuivies pendant douze semaines, à raison d'une ou deux s"ances hebdomadaires d'une heure. L'évolution de la capacité aérobie en fonction de l'âge chez les adolescents béninois présente les mêmes tendances que celles observées dans d'autres pays, mais les valeurs obtenues diffèrent des données enregistrées au Canada, en Belgique, voire en France pour le tlim100 (369s à 493s chez les garçons au Bénin versus 316s à 379s en France). La contribution des paramètres biométriques et cardiovasculaires à la prédiction de VO2max navette est significative (R2 = 0,54, p < 0.05) tandis que celle des paramètres lipidiques ne l'est pas. L'entraînement à des intensités infra maximales (< 95 % Fcmax) est un peu moins efficace que l'entraînement en intensité (85 % - 120 % VAM) pour améliorer la PAM (4.7 % versus 6.8 %), mais est plus indiqué pour prévenir les risques cardiovasculaires dès l'adolescence, en réduisant les graisses corporelles, la fréquence cardiaque de repos et la pente d'accroissement tensionnel d'exercice (b = 0.39 versus b = 0.36 au test et au retest) et le nombre d'anomalies ECG. Les résultats confirment surtout l'influence de facteurs d'environnement comme le stress thermique sur l'expression de la capacité aérobie, ainsi que la spécificité des effets de l'entraînement.The present study examines the effect of training on aerobic capacity and physiological factors associated with cardiovascular risk in Beninese youngsters aged 13 to 18 years. The population consisted of 359 adolescents of both sexes living in Porto-Novo. The data made it possible : 1) to establish a set of norms regarding maximal aerobic power (MAP) and aerobic endurance assessed by the time limit of maintaining maximal aerobic speed (tlim100) ; 2) to demonstrate the factors of aerobic capacity and several physiological factors associated with cardiovascular risk ; 3) to assess the effects on aerobic capacity of school physical education with three training modes over 12 weeks with one or two sessions per week. - Evolution of aerobic capacity in relation to age had the same tendancies as noted in other countries, but the values differed from those observed in Canada, Belgium and France regarding tlim100 (369s to 493s in Beninese boys versus 316 s to 379 s in French ones). - The contribution of biometric and cardiovascular factors in predicting shuttle VO2max was significant (R2 = 0.54, p < 0.05) while lipidic factors were not. - Training at inframaximal intensities ( < 95 % Fcmax) is slightly less efficient than intensive training (85 % - 120 % MAS) for improving MAP (4.7 % versus 6.8 %), but it is more appropriate for preventing cardiovascular risk in youngsters, since it reduced body fat, heart rate at rest, the blood pressure gradient during exercise (b = 0.39 versus b = 0.36 at test and retest) and electrocardiographic abnormalities. These data confirm the influence of environmental factors as being thermal stressors influencing the expression of aerobic capacity, and the specificity of the effects of training.BORDEAUX2-SCD-Sc.Sport/Educ.phys (335222105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Changes in Renal Parameters during a Training Camp among Handball Players in the Sub-Saharan Environment

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    The aim of the study was to describe the changes in kidney parameters induced by 10 days of tapering (TP) during a training camp (TC), where the players were preparing for a group competition, in 15 female handball team members of a Division 1 Amateur of Benin, in the sub-Saharan environment. Measures were taken in all the players before and after the intensive training (IT) and tapering (TP) phases in an intervention study. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) with the CKD-EPI 4-level race formula, the fractional excretions of sodium (FeNa) and potassium (FeK), the urine potassium-to-sodium ratio (Na/K urine), and the hemoglobin rate [Hb] were determined for all participants. At the end of IT, eGFR and FeNa increased, respectively, by 22.39% (P0.05). The number of abnormally low eGFR values (0.05) but FeNa decreased by 96.32% (P<0.001) and FeK increased by 144.41% (P<0.001). The [Hb] rate increased by 9.80% (P<0.001), and players had inadequate hydration practice. The results suggested that in addition to its already known effects, TP preserves the positive effects of IT on glomerular function in athletes preparing for a competition that presents a major challenge

    Perceptions and motivation of top-level judokas from Côte d’Ivoire about practice of rapid weight loss

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    This study determined the perceptions, the motivation, and the different methods of rapid weight loss (RWL) and its consequences concerning elite judokas in Côte d’Ivoire. Twelve judokas finalists from the 2018 National Championship, including two women, participated in this study conducted as a series of semi-structured individual interviews. Judokas' perception of RWL, motivation for its use and actual practices in terms of frequencies and techniques were investigated. More than two-thirds of the participants (70%) believe that RWL does not have any consequences on health. They achieve their weight loss by combining several techniques (food deprivation, plastic sun drills, additional training and use of laxatives). They performed RWL for less than a week at a frequency of 3 to 4 times a year. The main reasons for employing this practice are the desire to win, the fear of opponents and encouragement from coaches. This survey revealed that judokas in Côte d'Ivoire are not well aware of the consequences of RWL, but that they practise it frequently. There is a need to raise awareness and also to inform judokas about the potential risks of this practice. Keywords: Competition; Dehydration; Food deprivation; Judo; Rapid weight loss (RWL)

    Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des adolescents de la ville de Brazzaville en matiere de la prevention du COVID-19 : Knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents in the city of Brazzaville with regard to the prevention of COVID-19

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    Contexte : Les nombres de cas confirmés de COVID-19 et de décès dus à cette pandémie ne cessent d’augmenter. En République du Congo, Brazzaville est le plus grand foyer de contamination. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques de la population jeune face à cette épidémie de COVID-19. Méthode : Une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique a été menée auprès de 323 adolescents de 14-18 ans. Les données ont été recueillies par un questionnaire en ligne. Résultats : Parmi les 323 participants à l’étude, plus de la moitié déclaraient avoir reçu des informations sur le COVID-19. La majorité des participants avaient répondu que les principaux symptômes de la COVID-19 étaient la fièvre, la toux sèche, le mal de gorge, la fatigue, les difficultés respiratoires, et le nez qui coule. Les modes de transmission de la COVID-19 étaient connus : le contact direct avec une personne atteinte, les gouttelettes respiratoires d’un sujet infecté et les objets contaminés. Quant aux attitudes et pratiques, la plupart des participants se lavaient les mains régulièrement au savon. Peu d’entre eux respectaient la distanciation sociale d’au moins 1 m dans les milieux publics, toussaient dans le creux du coude et dans un mouchoir jetable. Les sujets portaient régulièrement les masques de protection artisanaux. Conclusion : Brazzaville est le plus grand foyer de contamination en République du Congo. Les résidents adolescents adoptent des attitudes et pratiques parfois défavorables malgré leur niveau bon de connaissance sur la COVID-19. Une intervention à l’éduction pour la santé plus efficace à cette population parait nécessaire et urgente afin de réduire le risque de contamination cette pandémie. Background: The number of confirmed cases and deaths due to this pandemic continues to increase. In the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville is the largest source of contamination. The objective of this study is to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the youth population with regard to this COVID-19 epidemic. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study was conducted with 323 adolescents aged 14-18 years. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. Results: Of the 323 participants in the study, more than half reported receiving information about COVID-19. The majority of participants responded that the main symptoms of COVID-19 were fever, dry cough, sore throat, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and runny nose. The modes of transmission of COVID-19 were known direct contact with an infected person, respiratory droplets from an infected subject and contaminated objects. In terms of attitudes and practices, most participants washed their hands regularly with soap. Few of them respected the social distance of at least 1 m in public places, coughed in the crook of the elbow and in a disposable handkerchief. Subjects regularly wore the homemade protective masks. Conclusion: Brazzaville is the largest outbreak in the Republic of Congo. Adolescent residents sometimes adopt unfavourable attitudes and practices despite their good level of knowledge about VIDOC-19. A more effective health education intervention for this population seems necessary and urgent to reduce the risk of contamination of this pandemic

    Évolution des paramètres associés à la fonction rénale après un match de basketball en milieu africain subsaharien

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    Objective: This experimental study aims at analyzing the parameters associated with the renal function before and after a basketball game, in female players of the elite division of Benin. Methods: Blood and urine samples were drawn from antecubital veinus in 16 players of two teams from Porto-Novo, at rest, at the end, one hour and 24 hours after a basketball game, in order to determine the absolute glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and that reported to the standard of body surface area (GFRc), the urinary sodium/potassium ratio (Na/K), serum albumin and the haemoglobin concentrations. Results: At rest, all the winners and losers presented abnormal decreased values of GFRc, while 13 of them (81.25%) are weakened, with a mean haemoglobin concentration of 10.57 ± 0.22 g/100 mL. At the end of the game, GFRc decreased significantly in the winners (-27.32%, p = 0.046) and the losers (-35.45%, p = 0.020). During the following 24 hours, the GFRc gradually increased in the winners, up to a value that is significantly higher than that of the rest (+11.75%, p = 0.02). Only the Na/K ratio registered 24 hours after the game in the winners, is significantly higher (p < 0.001) than preceding measures. Conclusion: A basketball game, played in the hot and wet environment of Porto-Novo (Benin Republic), induced a decrease of GFRc, suggesting a transitory failure of the renal function in these weakened girls at rest. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Muscular Reinforcement among Judokas in Developing Countries: Case Study of the Republic of Benin

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    This cross-sectional survey determined the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice about muscular reinforcement (MR) among judokas in the Republic of Benin as typical of a developing country. It also examined the relations between the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice among these judokas. It was undertaken using a non-probabilistic and exhaustive sample of 79 judokas in the cities of Cotonou and Porto-Novo having a minimum rank of green belt. The levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice were assessed by a questionnaire that comprised 43 items. Information relating to the socio-demographic characteristics and judo practice of the participants were also acquired. The levels among the surveyed judokas were low for knowledge (62 78.5%), attitude (49 62.0%), and practice (49 62.0%). The level of knowledge was significantly associated with attitude and practice for MR (x2= 3.99 p = 0.04 Cramer’s V = 0.22). The association between the levels of attitude and that of practice was non-significant (χ2 = 0.29 p = 0.59). The judokas of developing countries like those in southern Benin would benefit from specific training and participation in more competitions to improve their practice regarding MR and their sports performance