141 research outputs found

    Антигельминтная эффективность препаратов при аскаридиозе кур

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    Objective of research: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of preparations against chicken ascariasis under conditions of Western Kazakhstan. Material and methods: Experiments were performed in May 2016 on 43 chickens from the zoo of the West Kazakhstan Regional Ecological and Biological Center of the Uralsk city of the Republic of Kazakhstan spontaneously infected with Ascaridia galli. The infection rate was estimated using the helminthovoscopic methods of examinations by Fulleborn. All chickens were divided into four groups of 10-20 individuals each. Ivermec OR was administered to chickens of the first group at a single dose of 0,04 ml/kg orally individually; of the second group - Alvet at the dose of 50 mg/kg orally twice at a 24 hour interval, individually; of the third group- Piperazine at the dose _of 250 mg/kg orally twice at a 24 hour interval, individually. Chickens of the fourth group did not receive the preparation and served as controls. The efficacy of preparations was evaluated 7 days after dehelmintization according to the result of «the control test». Eggs A. galli were detected by the flotation method with the use of VIGIS counting chamber for calculation of helminth eggs in 1 g of feces. During the experiment we observed the dynamics of discharge of dead ascarides, carried out helminthoscopy every 12 hours, and after the introduction of anthelmintics on the first day - every 4-6 hours. Results and discussion: No ascarides were found in all chickens of the first and second experimental groups that received Ivermec OR and Alvet respectively; the extenseffectiveness (EE) of preparations was 100 %. No ascarides were detected only in 8 chicken of the third group; the extenseffectiveness (EE) was 80 %. Chickens of the control group remained infected with A. galli at the beginning and at the end of experiment. After giving the anthelmintics to chickens, no side effects were observed.Цель исследования - определить антигельминтную эффективность препаратов при аскаридиозе кур в условиях Западно-Казахстанской области. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили в мае 2016 г на 43 курах, принадлежащих зоопарку ЗападноКазахстанского областного эколого-биологического центра г. Уральска Республики Казахстан, спонтанно инвазированных Ascaridia galli. Зараженность птиц определяли методом гельминтоовоскопических исследований по Фюллеборну. Всех птиц разделили на четыре группы по 10-12 голов в каждой. Птицам первой группы вводили ивермек OR в дозе 0,04 мл/кг перорально однократно индивидуально, второй - альвет в дозе 50 мг/кг перорально двукратно с интервалом 24 ч индивидуально, третьей - пиперазин в дозе 250 мг/кг перорально двукратно с интервалом 24 ч индивидуально. Четвертая группа кур препарат не получала и служила контролем. Эффективность препаратов определяли по типу «контрольный тест» через 7 сут после дегельминтизации. Обнаружение яиц A. galli проводили методом флотации с использованием счетной камеры ВИГИС для учета числа яиц гельминтов в 1 г фекалий. В течение опыта следили за динамикой выделения погибших аскаридий, проводили гельминтоскопию через каждые 12 ч, а после введения антигельминтика, в первые сутки, через каждые 4-6 ч. Результаты и обсуждение. Куры первой и второй подопытных групп, получавшие соответственно ивермек OR и альвет, все освободились от аскаридий; экстенсэффективность препаратов составила 100 %. В третьей подопытной группе кур, получавших пиперазин, освободилось от A. galli 8 голов; экстенсэффективность препарата составила 80 %. Куры контрольной группы в начале и конце опыта оставались инвазированными A. galli. После дачи препаратов побочных явлений у кур не наблюдали

    Experimental study of weak antilocalization effect in a high mobility InGaAs/InP quantum well

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    The magnetoresistance associated with quantum interference corrections in a high mobility, gated InGaAs/InP quantum well structure is studied as a function of temperature, gate voltage, and angle of the tilted magnetic field. Particular attention is paid to the experimental extraction of phase-breaking and spin-orbit scattering times when weak anti- localization effects are prominent. Compared with metals and low mobility semiconductors the characteristic magnetic field Btr=/4eDτB_{tr} = \hbar/4eD \tau in high mobility samples is very small and the experimental dependencies of the interference effects extend to fields several hundreds of times larger. Fitting experimental results under these conditions therefore requires theories valid for arbitrary magnetic field. It was found, however, that such a theory was unable to fit the experimental data without introducing an extra, empirical, scale factor of about 2. Measurements in tilted magnetic fields and as a function of temperature established that both the weak localization and the weak anti-localization effects have the same, orbital origin. Fits to the data confirmed that the width of the low field feature, whether a weak localization or a weak anti-localization peak, is determined by the phase-breaking time and also established that the universal (negative) magnetoresistance observed in the high field limit is associated with a temperature independent spin-orbit scattering time.Comment: 13 pages including 10 figure

    Electron localization in sound absorption oscillations in the quantum Hall effect regime

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    The absorption coefficient for surface acoustic waves in a piezoelectric insulator in contact with a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure (with two-dimensional electron mobility μ=1.3×105cm2/Vs)\mu= 1.3\times 10^5 cm^2/V\cdot s) at T=4.2K) via a small gap has been investigated experimentally as a function of the frequency of the wave, the width of the vacuum gap, the magnetic field, and the temperature. The magnetic field and frequency dependencies of the high-frequency conductivity (in the region 30-210 MHz) are calculated and analyzed. The experimental results can be explained if it assumed that there exists a fluctuation potential in which current carrier localization occurs. The absorption of the surface acoustic waves in an interaction with two-dimensional electrons localized in the energy "tails" of Landau levels is discussed.Comment: RevTeX 6 pages+6 EPS pic


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    Relevance. The process of sustainable use of mineral resources, which is one of the priority areas of both rehabilitation, extraction of natural resources, and the state policy in the field of national security, is of particular importance. Currently, the state regulation of subsoil use faces a number of pressing problems: first, the process of recovering the exhaustible resources of solid commercial minerals (SCM) is hampered; secondly, penetration the sixth techno-economic paradigm and the growing “fourth industrial revolution” dictate their terms for organizing a sustainable subsoil use, which implies achieving a balance of common development factors (resource, “green”, social, economic ones) using high technologies, artificial intelligence devices, robotics and other innovative solutions. In order to implement sustainable subsoil use at the regional and country levels, it is necessary to diagnose the state of the mineral resources base (MRB). This evaluation can become a functional tool for state regulation of subsoil use. Purpose of the work is to analyze the state of the mineral resource base of the subsoil use of the Ural Federal District (UFD) from the point of view of fulfilling the condition of balance (security). Results. The basic principle is defined – the condition for achieving a balance of subsoil use; peculiarities and problems in the management of subsoil use of the Ural Federal District on the basis of the analysis of the Ural Federal District and the system for financing geological exploration in the UFD; some possible directions for meeting the condition for achieving a balance are identified. Conclusion. The exhaustion of the region’s MRB of SCM and the priority of the extraction of fuel and energy raw materials contribute to a reduction in federal funding for the development of the MRB of SCM of the Ural Federal District. The subsoil users of the region are provided with reserves, to some extent, and they are not interested in carrying out further prospecting works. The foregoing demonstrates the need to develop and implement some balanced solutions for further stage of geological study of the MRB of SCM in the framework of public private partnerships using industry regulation mechanisms to achieve a sustainable supply of producers with their own raw materials

    Interaction effects and phase relaxation in disordered systems

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    This paper is intended to demonstrate that there is no need to revise the existing theory of the transport properties of disordered conductors in the so-called weak localization regime. In particular, we demonstrate explicitly that recent attempts to justify theoretically that the dephasing rate (extracted from the magnetoresistance) remains finite at zero temperature are based on the profoundly incorrect calculation. This demonstration is based on a straightforward evaluation of the effect of the electron-electron interaction on the weak localization correction to the conductivity of disordered metals. Using well-controlled perturbation theory with the inverse conductance gg as the small parameter, we show that this effect consists of two contributions. First contribution comes from the processes with energy transfer smaller than the temperature. This contribution is responsible for setting the energy scale for the magnetoresistance. The second contribution originates from the virtual processes with energy transfer larger than the temperature. It is shown that the latter processes have nothing to do with the dephasing, but rather manifest the second order (in 1/g1/g) correction to the conductance. This correction is calculated for the first time. The paper also contains a brief review of the existing experiments on the dephasing of electrons in disordered conductors and an extended qualitative discussion of the quantum corrections to the conductivity and to the density of electronic states in the weak localization regime.Comment: 34 pages, 13 .eps figure

    Роль циркулирующей в крови опухолевой ДНК при раке толстой кишки

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    The term “liquid biopsy” describes the study of various tumor derivatives (circulating tumor DNA, circulating tumor cells, tumor RNA, tumor proteins) in the blood plasma. Results of liquid biopsy provide real-time information on the molecular pathologies and morphologicalfeatures throughout the whole tumor mass and allow to estimate evolutionary changes of tumor mass in the dynamics, heterogeneity of mass formation and effectiveness of the therapy. Despite the impressive perspective of this method in the diagnosis, monitoring of disease, there is a number of problems for the implementation of liquid biopsy for various cancer pathologies. In this literature review, we focus on the role of circulating DNA as a source of information about the tumor in patients with colon cancer.Под термином «жидкостная биопсия» (“liquid biopsy”) понимают изучение различных дериватов опухоли (циркулирующая опухолевая ДНК, циркулирующие опухолевые клетки, опухолевая РНК, белки опухоли) в плазме крови. Данные жидкостной биопсиидают информацию о молекулярных нарушениях и морфологии в реальном времени по всей опухолевой массе и позволяют оценить в динамике эволюционные изменения образования, гетерогенность заболевания и эффективность терапии. Несмотря на впечатляющую перспективу применения данного метода в диагностике и мониторинге заболевания, тем не менее существует ряд проблем по внедрению жидкостной биопсии при различных онкопатологиях. В данном обзоре литературы мы сконцентрируемсяна роли циркулирующей ДНК как источнике информации об опухоли у больных раком толстой кишки


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    The comparative study of the processes of growth, organ formation and physiological and biochemical responses of plants in experiences in vitro and in vivo are carried out under influence steroid glycosides and plant hormones (auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins). The common and specific properties of these connections are revealed. On the strength of these properties, the steroid glycosides are referred to new group steroid phytohormones. The general properties of steroid glycosides are optimization of all the known processes of growth and morphogenesis (intensification of the growth of stems, leaves and roots of wheat, apical dominance in barley and wheat, accelerating germination of freshly harvested potato tubers, the increase of pigment content in the cereals leaves, the cotyledons of pumpkin and amaranth seedlings, the accumulation of biomass in clover plants), attraversa ability and regulation of physiological and biochemical processes of plants. The new plant hormones are hydrophilic conjugate that activates juvenile and volumetric growth, with prolonged activity, high stability and transportability in plants.Изучение процессов роста разных органов и видов растений в опытах in vivo и in vitro, особенностей органо- образования, физиолого-биохимических реакций и функций стероидных гликозидов на фоне известных фитогормонов ауксинов, гиббереллинов и цитокининов позволило выявить как общие, так и специфические свойства этой группы природных регуляторов роста, по совокупности которых они отнесены к новой группе стероидных фитогормонов, имеющих наиболее широкое сходство с ауксином. К общим свойствам стероидных гликозидов можно отнести рост растяжением колеоптилей злаков, интенсификацию роста стеблей, листьев и корней пшеницы, апикальное доминирование у ячменя и пшеницы, ускорение прорастания свежеубранных клубней картофеля, повышение содержания пигментов в листьях злаков, семядолях тыквы и проростках щирицы, накопление биомассы в растениях клевера, т. е. оптимизирование всех известных процессов роста и формообразования, а также аттрагирующую способность и регуляцию физиолого-биохимических процессов растений. Отличительные особенности новых фитогормонов – гидрофильные конъюгаты, активирующие ювенильный и объемный рост, обладающие пролонгированной активностью, высокой стабильностью и транспортабельностью в растениях.

    Скрининг рака толстой кишки: достижения и перспективы

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    Today there is no unified colorectal cancer screening program. The whole number of different screening tests exists, which significantly differs from each other as a methodology and cost, as the object of study. The purpose of this review is the analysis of colorectal cancer screening in our country and also abroad, evaluation of the effectiveness of the registered methods, and the search of the ways of improvement of the screening methods.На данный момент не существует единой общепринятой скрининговой программы колоректального рака. При этом есть целый ряд  скрининговых  методов,  значительно  различающихся  между собой как  технологией  проведения  и  стоимостью, так и объектом исследования. Целью данного обзора являются анализ состояния скрининга рака толстой кишки в нашей стране и за рубежом, оценка эффективности уже зарегистрированных методов и рассмотрение путей совершенствования скрининговых методик

    Magnetic-field-dependent zero-bias diffusive anomaly in Pb oxide-n-InAs structures: Coexistence of two- and three-dimensional states

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    The results of experimental and theoretical studies of zero-bias anomaly (ZBA) in the Pb-oxide-n-InAs tunnel structures in magnetic field up to 6T are presented. A specific feature of the structures is a coexistence of the 2D and 3D states at the Fermi energy near the semiconductor surface. The dependence of the measured ZBA amplitude on the strength and orientation of the applied magnetic field is in agreement with the proposed theoretical model. According to this model, electrons tunnel into 2D states, and move diffusively in the 2D layer, whereas the main contribution to the screening comes from 3D electrons.Comment: 8 double-column pages, REVTeX, 9 eps figures embedded with epsf, published versio

    Factors associated with the efficiency of maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Objective: to evaluate tolerability and efficacy of maintenance treatment in the absence of progression after 16 weeks of first-line therapy in patients with unresectable metastatic colon cancer.Materials and methods. We have analyzed medical case histories of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who underwent treatment in the department of clinical pharmacology and chemotherapy of N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center from 2007 to 2015 years. Inclusion criteria were the following: 16–24 weeks of first-line chemotherapy with no signs of progression and the inability to perform metastasectomy. Progression-free survival was the main criterion for effectiveness in our study.Results. 160 (44.5 %) of 359 treated patients met the inclusion criteria. 102 (63.7 %) patients were followed up, while the other 58 (36.3 % – comparison group) patients underwent maintenance chemotherapy. Grade I–II toxic reactions and grade III complications associated with first-line chemotherapy were insignificantly more common in the group of patients left on maintenance chemotherapy: 72.4 % and 37.9 % versus 57.8 % and 24.5 % in the comparison group, p = 0.07 and p = 0.07 respectively. The frequency of grade I–II toxic reactions and grade III complications in the second-line treatment did not differ between treatment groups (p = 0.9 and p = 0.8). The median of progression-free survival in observation group and comparison group was 4, and 6 months (odds ratio (OR) 0.6; p = 0.009), and life expectancy – 23 and 31 months (OR 0.75; p = 0.1), respectively. Statistically significant differences between groups with respect to achieving the objective response and/or normalization of carcinoembryonic antigen level were revealed: median of progression-free survival was 13 (n = 26 of 57; 45.6 %) and 4 months (n = 31 of 57, 54.4 %), respectively (HR 0.38; p = 0.002), median of life expectancy – 34 months versus 26 months (OR 0.37; p = 0.3). Conclusions. Carrying out maintenance therapy is associated with increased incidence of grade III complications during the first-line treatment, but does not affect the tolerability of the second-line treatment. Supportive chemotherapy with fluoropyrimidines remains to be the most effective in patients with favorable prognostic factors such as normalization of carcinoembryonic antigen and/or achievement of the objective response on the background of first-line chemotherapy