146 research outputs found

    Geschlechterbedingte Ungleichheit bei der Entlohnung in Slowenien. Einige Merkmale

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    In this paper we analyze some aspects of the gender-based earnings disparities in Slovenia. With the data available we first compare some characteristics of women\u27s employment in Slovenia, Croatia and some European countries: femaleness of occupations; women\u27s average level of professional skill as a percentage of men\u27s; and women\u27s average earnings as a percentage of men\u27s. In the second part of the paper the gender wage gap1 in Slovenia is analyzed. The results of our analysis pointed out that the percent of women employed and the ratio between women\u27s and men\u27s average professional skill in an occupation statistically significantly influence the ratio between women\u27s and men\u27s average earnings. The effect of variables in male-dominated occupations differs from their effect in female-dominated and integrated occupations.U ovom se radu proučavaju neki pokazatelji nejednakosti zarada u Sloveniji koji se temelje na razlici u spolu. Raspoloživi podaci omogućuju usporedbu nekih obilježja zaposlenosti žena u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i nekim europskim zemljama: ženska zanimanja; prosječna razina stručne spreme žena izražena u odnosu na postotak spreme muškaraca i prosječne zarade žena izražene u odnosu na postotak zarade muškaraca. U drugom dijelu članka analizira se nejednakost plaća po spolovima u Sloveniji. Rezultati ove analize pokazuju da postotak zaposlenih žena i omjer između prosječnih stručnih sprema žena i muškaraca u nekom zanimanju statistički značajno utječu na omjer zarada žena i muškaraca. Učinak varijabla u zanimanjima u kojima su više zastupljeni muškarci razlikuje se od njihova učinka u integriranim zanimanjima i onima u kojima dominiraju žene.Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht bestimmte Merkmale, die für die geschlechterbedingte Ungleichheit bei der Entlohnung in Slowenien charakteristisch sind. Die verfügbaren Daten ermöglichen einen Vergleich von Merkmalen, die die Berufstätigkeit von Frauen in Slowenien, Kroatien und einigen anderen europäischen Ländern begleiten. Dazu gehören: Frauenberufe; durchschnittlicher Ausbildungsgrad weiblicher Arbeitskräfte im Verhältnis zum Ausbildungsgrad männlicher Arbeitskräfte; Durchschnittsgehälter von Frauen im Verhältnis zu Durchschnittsgehältern von Männern. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird die Ungleichheit bei der Entlohnung von Frauen und Männern in Slowenien analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analyse zeigen, dass der Prozentsatz berufstätiger Frauen und das in einem Beruf herrschende Verhältnis zwischen dem durchschnittlichen Ausbildungsgrad von Frauen einerseits und dem von Männern andererseits auf statistisch relevante Weise die unterschiedliche Entlohnung von Frauen und Männern beeinflusst. Die genannten Variablen wirken sich anders aus in Berufen, die überwiegend von Männern ausgeübt werden, und wiederum anders in sog. Frauenberufen sowie solchen, die von beiden Geschlechtern gleichermaßen ausgeübt werden

    Odnos med komponentami zavarovalniških družb in kakovostjo njihovih storitev

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    Background and Purpose: An increasing number of insurance companies and the intensity of competition in this field require research on customer perceptions of the components of insurance services and insurance company. The objective of this study was to examine the conceptual model and to study the relationships between customer perceptions of the innovation, reputation, adequacy of premium, and adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research model was tested with structural equation modelling (SEM) with a sample of 200 Slovenian users of insurance services. Results: The results indicated that higher perceived innovation of insurance company was associated with higher perceived reputation of insurance company. In addition, higher perceived reputation of insurance company was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage and the premium for insurance services. The study also found that higher perceived adequacy of premium was associated with higher perceived adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services. Conclusion: The original contribution of this article is also the highlighting of relationship between perceived reputation of insurance company, perceived adequacy of information about the insurance premium and perceived adequacy of information about the coverage of insurance services.Namen: Povečevanje števila zavarovalnic in intenzivnost konkuriranja na trgu zahteva raziskovanje uporabnikovega zaznavanja komponent zavarovalnih storitev in zavarovalnic. Cilj študije je bil proučiti konceptualni model in odnose med uporabnikovim zaznavanjem inovativnosti zavarovalnice, ugleda zavarovalnice, ustreznosti informacij o zavarovalni premiji in ustreznosti zavarovalnega kritja zavarovalnih storitev. Metodologija: Raziskovalni model je bil testiran s pomočjo modeliranja s strukturnimi enačbami, na osnovi vzorca 200 slovenskih uporabnikov zavarovalnih storitev. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da višja kot je zaznana inovativnost zavarovalnice, višji je zaznani ugled zavarovalnice. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se višji zaznani ugled zavarovalnice odraža v višji zaznani ustreznosti informacij o zavarovalnem kritju in zavarovalni premiji zavarovalnih storitev. Študija je še pokazala, da višja kot je zaznana ustreznost informacije o zavarovalni premiji, višja je zaznana ustreznost informacij o zavarovalnem kritju zavarovalnih storitev . Sklepne ugotovitve: Izvirnost znanstvenega prispevka se kaže v obravnavanju odnosa med zaznanim ugledom za - varovalnice, zaznano ustreznostjo informacij o zavarovalni premiji in zaznano ustreznostjo informacij o zavarovalnem kritju zavarovalnih storitev

    Innovativeness and financial resources diversity of Slovenian early-stage enterpreneurs

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    This paper focuses on the diversity of financial resources for Slovenian early-stage entrepreneurs. In the empirical study, we examined whether early-stage entrepreneurs with different characteristics regarding innovativeness also differ regarding the mode of obtaining financial resources, where the average number of used financial resource types and the average share of owned financial resources provided were analysed. Demographic characteristics (age and gender) of early-stage entrepreneurs were also taken into account. As results suggest, there are differences in the diversity of financial resources used between groups of early-stage entrepreneurs in relation to various aspects of their innovativeness. However, a statistically significant difference occurred only when analysing innovativeness in terms of technology. Results also indicate that there are statistically significant differences between groups of entrepreneurs according to their age, in both the number of financial resources used and the share of own financial resources provided. On the other hand, results don’t indicate any statistically significant gender differences, either in the number of financial resources used or in the share of own financial resources provided. This paper is based on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data for Slovenia; the large number of countries participating in the world-wide GEM research enables the international comparability of the topic analysed. As such, this research provides important insights into early-stage entrepreneurs’ behaviour in a country context

    The impact of selected individual and external factors on the occurrence of severe injuries: Case study of Slovenia

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    The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the importance of different determinants and their impact on the severity of injuries of individuals in road traffic accidents, so that measures that are supposed to prevent or reduce severe injury consequences can be developed. In this paper three research models have been built. Model I was built to study the impact of demographic factors (gender and age) on the individual’s likelihood to wear a seat-belt while Model II to study the impact of demographic factors (gender and age) and the impact of wearing a seat belt on the likelihood that fatal injuries of individuals in road traffic accidents occur. Model III was formed to study the impact of several environmental factors on the likelihood that the accident involves severe or fatal injuries of road traffic accident participants. Altogether our study revealed that middle-aged individuals (over 25 years and up to 65 years old) are less likely to wear a seat belt and at the same time more likely to suffer fatal injuries in road traffic accidents. This is the result that implies that the targeted policy measures to the population between 25 and 65 years of age are needed to reduce the fatal injuries occurrence in Slovenia.https://doi.org/10.7307/ptt.v27i4.167027pubpub

    Vpliv organizacijskih dejavnikov na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij informacijske rešitve CRM

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    Background and Purpose: Information solutions for analytical customer relationship management CRM (aCRM IS) that include the use of analytical tools are becoming increasingly important, due organizations’ need for knowledge of their customers and the ability to manage big data. The objective of the research is, therefore, to determine how the organizations’ orientations (process, innovation, and technology) as critical organizational factors affect the attitude towards the use of the analytical tools of aCRM IS. Design/Methodology/Approach: To measure the orientation of the organization (process, innovation, and technology), we redesigned the existing scale, which was validated using exploratory factor analysis. In the next phase, we created a model by which we examined the impact of the organization’s stance in relation to the use of the analytical tools of aCRM IS, where we used multiple regression analysis. The model was verified on a sample of Slovenian Organizations (n=105), which use the analytical tools of aCRM IS for analyzing the data they have on their customers and business partners. Results: In the study we found that all critical factors of the organization, specifically process, technology, and innovation orientation, have a positive impact on the attitudes towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. Innovation orientation is particularly important and has the strongest influence on the attitude towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. We found that innovation orientation on new ideas, methods, and approaches has the strongest effect, followed by the impact of innovation orientation on acceptance of novelty. Conclusion: The more innovation-, technology-, and process-oriented organizations are, the more positive their attitude towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. The study is particularly important for organizations that are introducing an aCRM IS into their business system.Ozadje in namen: Informacijska rešitev analitičnega upravljanja s strankami (aCRM IR) zajema med drugim uporabo analitičnih orodij, ki zaradi potrebe organizacij po znanju strank in upravljanju masivnih podatkov, pridobivajo na vse večji veljavi. Zato je bil cilj raziskave ugotoviti, kako naravnanost organizacije (procesna, inovativna in tehnološka) kot kritični organizacijski dejavnik vpliva na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Zasnova/metodologija/pristop: Za merjenje naravnanosti organizacije (procesna, inovativna in tehnološka) smo preoblikovali obstoječe merilne lestvice, ki smo jih validirali s pomočjo eksploratorne faktorske analize. V naslednji fazi smo oblikovali model, s katerim smo preverjali vpliv naravnanosti organizacije na odnos do uporabe a analitičnih orodij aCRM IR, pri čemer smo uporabili multiplo regresijsko analizo. Model smo preverjali na vzorcu slovenskih organizacij (n=105), ki za analiziranje podatkov o strankah in poslovnih partnerjih uporabljajo analitična orodja. Rezultati: V študiji smo ugotovili, da imajo vsi trije vidiki naravnanosti organizacije, procesna, tehnološka in inovativna naravnanost, pozitivni vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR v organizaciji. Še zlasti je pomembna inovativna naravnanost organizacije, ki ima najmočnejši vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Inovativno naravnost je dvodimenzionalni konstrukt. Ugotovili smo, da ima inovativna naravnanost na nove ideje, metode in pristope največji vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR, sledi pa inovativna naravnanost na sprejem novosti v organizaciji. Zaključek: Bolj kot so organizacije inovativno, tehnološko in procesno naravnane, bolj pozitivni odnos imajo v povprečju do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Študija je še posebej pomembna za organizacije, ki vpeljujejo aCRM IR v poslovni sistem

    Multiple conceptual modelling of perceived quality of in-flight airline services

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    Despite growing literature on the different aspects of airline service quality in relation to behavioural intentions, less attention has been paid to some specific aspects of in-flight services. The focus of the present research is, therefore, on a multiple conceptual model of the quality of in-flight services in relation to passengers’ perception of value, followed by recommendations (word of mouth - WOM) of airlines, as well as the quality and comfort of airline seats. The study is performed using two databases of reviewers’/passengers’ opinions regarding the quality of in-flight airline services and airline seat comfort. Our research results reveal that the perceived comfort of the airplane seat is the most important factor of passengers’ perceived quality of in-flight airline services, which also considerably affects the passengers’ perception of value, and consequently moderates behavioural intentions (in our research, expressed through positive WOM). The analysis of the relative importance of the components of perceived airline seats’ comfort shows that seat width is the most significant factor that contributes to the overall perceived comfort of the airline seat.https://doi.org/10.7307/ptt.v29i3.219529pubpub

    The impairment test of goodwill: an empirical analysis of incentives for earnings management in Italian publicly traded companies

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    Since the current International Accounting Standard 36 introduced substantial subjectivity while testing goodwill for impairment, this study aims to establish if management exploits the discretion and performs the impairment test of goodwill opportunistically. The presence of discretion, while applying impairment test, is tested on the sample of Italian publicly traded companies in the period of the current financial crisis. Despite the fact that the sample of companies consists of those with market to book ratio less than one, only 26% of the companies recorded a goodwill write-off. The logistic regression was used to test contracting and reporting incentives. The results of the analysis indicate that even in the case of IFRS users some incentives exist, while recognising the impairment losses of goodwill

    Gender differences in the usage of resources in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification process in Slovenia and Croatia

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    While entrepreneurship research is usually focused on early-stage or established entrepreneurship, in this article we are taking a step back to earlier stages in the entrepreneurial process and focus on the opportunity identification and resources that might support it. The article provides a clearer insight into the extent of resources possessed by adults in Slovenia and Croatia, into gender differences in the opportunity identification process and the usage of resources within this process. Our research shows that women possess on average lower levels of resources, which explain their lower opportunity identification prevalence. Results show that the increase in resources, especially in the area of human capital consisting of skills, knowledge and experiences for entrepreneurship, has a significant and positive effect on opportunity identification among women

    Die Frage der Sukzession in Familienbetrieben in Transitionsländern

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    In countries with a long history of entrepreneurship and market economy, significant research efforts have been devoted to family business succession. Such studies are rare in former communist countries, mainly because private enterprises were outlawed during the socialist economy era. Considering reports on the importance and complexity of succession issues, and taking into account the ageing of owners-managers of family enterprises, it is expected that an increasing number of family enterprises are going to face succession problems in transition countries in the near future. This paper reports on the rebirth of family enterprises in transition countries, and on results of a survey among 350 Slovenian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Family enterprises are still controlled mainly by the founding generation with no succession experiences, no role- -models, and almost no possibility of sharing succession experiences with others, since the majority of their colleagues’ owners-managers are the founders (not successors). Besides raising owners-managers’ awareness, also providing information on support available for facilitating business transfers, offering special training programs on business transfers, including succession topics in study programs, special counseling on business transfers, and the creation of a business sellers and buyers database/market place are urgently needed in transition economies.U zemljama s dugom poviješću poduzetništva i tržišne ekonomije zamjetni istraživački napori posvećeni su sukcesiji u obiteljskim poduzećima. Takve su studije rijetke u bivšim komunističkim zemljama uglavnom stoga što su privatna poduzeća bila izvan zakona u razdoblju socijalističke privrede. Razmatrajući izvještaje o važnosti i složenosti pitanja sukcesije, i uzimajući u obzir starenje vlasnika- menadžera obiteljskih poduzeća, očekuje se da će se u tranzicijskim zemljama sve veći broj obiteljskih poduzeća u bliskoj budućnosti suočiti s problemom sukcesije. Ovaj članak izvještava o ponovnom stvaranju obiteljskih poduzeća u tranzicijskim zemljama i o rezultatima istraživanja među 350 malih i srednjih slovenskih poduzeća (SME). Obiteljskim poduzećima uglavnom još upravljaju generacije osnivača koje nemaju iskustava sukcesije, jasnih uzora u tome, kao ni gotovo nikakve mogućnosti dijeljenja iskustava o sukcesiji s drugima, jer većinu njihovih kolega vlasnika-menadžera također čine osnivači (a ne sljednici). Osim razvijanja svijesti vlasnika-menadžera i pružanja informacija o raspoloživoj podršci koja može olakšati poslovne transfere, u tranzicijskim privredama prijeko je potrebno ponuditi posebne programe usavršavanja u poslovnim transferima, uključujući sukcesijske teme u studijskim programima, posebne savjetodavne usluge o poslovnim transferima i stvaranje baze podataka/tržišta poslovnih ponuđača i kupaca.In Ländern, in denen Unternehmertum und Marktwirtschaft auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken, widmet sich die Forschung in beträchtlichem Umfang der Frage der Sukzession in Familienbetrieben. In ex-kommunistischen Staaten sind solche Untersuchungen vor allem deshalb selten, weil sich in der sozialistischen Planwirtschaft private Betriebe außerhalb des Gesetzes befanden. In Anlehnung an Berichte über die Bedeutung und Komplexität der Sukzessionsfrage sowie im Hinblick auf das zunehmende Alter der Eigentümer und Manager von Familienbetrieben wird erwartet, dass in absehbarer Zeit eine immer größere Zahl von Familienbetrieben in den Transitionsländern mit dem Problem der Sukzession konfrontiert sein wird. Der vorliegende Artikel berichtet über die Wiederaufnahme von familieneigenen Betriebsgründungen in den Transitionsländern sowie über die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die in 350 slowenischen Klein- und Mittelbetrieben durchgeführt wurde. Im Großen und Ganzen steht den Familienbetrieben immer noch die Generation ihrer Gründer voran, die keinerlei Erfahrung mit der Sukzession haben noch aber klare Vorstellungen davon, ebensowenig die Möglichkeit zum diesbezüglichen Erfahrungsaustausch mit anderen, da ja die Mehrzahl ihrer Kollegen, wie sie selbst auch, Betriebsgründer sind (und nicht den Betrieb von jemandem übernommen haben). Die Transitionsländer müssen sich darum bemühen, auf der Seite der in Betriebseigentümer das Bewusstsein von Managern heranzubilden und ihnen Unterstützung beim Unternehmenstransfer anzubieten. Des Weiteren müssen Sonderprogramme angeboten werden, um Unternehmer über Betriebsübernahmen zu informieren, für entsprechende Schulungsprogramme und Ratgeberdienstleistungen zu werben und eine Datenbank für Unternehmensanbieter und -käufer zu gründen

    Determinants of cruise passengers’ expenditures in the port of call

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    Cruise tourism generates different types of cruise consumption and related indirect, direct and induced expenditure effects, in homeports as well as in ports of call. Cruise passengers’ expenditures produce positive economic effects for destinations, from increasing the incomes and employment, to tax incomes, duties, etc. Therefore, it is no doubt that cruise stakeholders and local economies can benefit from increased cruise passenger consumption. To stimulate higher consumption and passengers’ satisfaction, it is necessary to design the supportive policy framework and build appropriate quality of products and services. Identifying influential variables of cruise passengers’ expenditures in this sense enables the design of appropriate policies and measures. In the current research, based on a survey of 357 cruise passengers, several variables included in a new theoretical model of the expenditures determinants, such as gender, nationality, frequency of cruising and frequency of visits, were found to be statistically significantly associated with cruise passengers’ expenditures. Several conclusions and suggestions to stimulate cruise passenger expenditures based on research findings are provided