75 research outputs found

    Towards a Complete Static Analyser for Java: an Abstract Interpretation Framework and its Implementation

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    AbstractWe present an abstract interpretation framework for a subset of Java (without concurrency). The framework uses a structural abstract domain whose concretization function is parameterized on a relation between abstract and concrete locations. When structurally incomptatible objects may be referred to by the same variable at a given program point, structural information is discarded and replaced by an approximated information about the objects (our presentation concentrates on type information). Plain structural information allows precise intra-procedural analysis but is quickly lost when returning from a method call. To overcome this limitation, relational structural information is introduced, which enables a precise inter-procedural analysis without resorting to inlining.The paper contains an overview of the work. We describe parts of the standard and abstract semantics; then, we briefly explain the fixpoint algorithms used by our implementation; lastly, we provide experimental results for small programs

    Tissue Resources for the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes

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    In order to generate an atlas of the functional elements driving genome expression in domestic animals, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genome (FAANG) strategy was to sample many tissues from a few animals of different species, sexes, ages, and production stages. This article presents the collection of tissue samples for four species produced by two pilot projects, at INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) and the University of California, Davis. There were three mammals (cattle, goat, and pig) and one bird (chicken). It describes the metadata characterizing these reference sets (1) for animals with origin and selection history, physiological status, and environmental conditions; (2) for samples with collection site and tissue/cell processing; (3) for quality control; and (4) for storage and further distribution. Three sets are identified: set 1 comprises tissues for which collection can be standardized and for which representative aliquots can be easily distributed (liver, spleen, lung, heart, fat depot, skin, muscle, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells); set 2 comprises tissues requiring special protocols because of their cellular heterogeneity (brain, digestive tract, secretory organs, gonads and gametes, reproductive tract, immune tissues, cartilage); set 3 comprises specific cell preparations (immune cells, tracheal epithelial cells). Dedicated sampling protocols were established and uploaded in https://data.faang.org/protocol/samples. Specificities between mammals and chicken are described when relevant. A total of 73 different tissues or tissue sections were collected, and 21 are common to the four species. Having a common set of tissues will facilitate the transfer of knowledge within and between species and will contribute to decrease animal experimentation. Combining data on the same samples will facilitate data integration. Quality control was performed on some tissues with RNA extraction and RNA quality control. More than 5,000 samples have been stored with unique identifiers, and more than 4,000 were uploaded onto the Biosamples database, provided that standard ontologies were available to describe the sample. Many tissues have already been used to implement FAANG assays, with published results. All samples are available without restriction for further assays. The requesting procedure is described. Members of FAANG are encouraged to apply a range of molecular assays to characterize the functional status of collected samples and share their results, in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles

    Towards a generic framework for the abstract interpretation of Java

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    The application field for static analysis of Java programs is getting broader, ranging from compiler optimizations (like dynamic dispatch elimination) to security issues. Many of those analyses include type analyses. We propose a `generic' framework, which improves on previous type analyses by introducing structural information. Moreover, structural information allows us to easily extend the framework to perform many different kinds of analyses. The framework is based on the abstract interpretation methodology. It is composed of a standard semantics, a family of abstract domains, an abstract semantics based on these domains and a post-fixpoint algorithm to compute the abstract semantics. The analysis is limited to a representative subset of Java, without concurrency. A complete prototype of the framework allows us to illustrate the accuracy and the efficiency of the approach (for moderately sized programs).(FSA 3)--UCL, 200

    Yu Tang RM18 ou le piercing de Johanna

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    What are the indications of RM18 Yu Tang in gynecology obstetrics ? This thesis has covered the study of RM18, a point of RM, « point noeud » of Jue Yin, point of "la Voie de I'Empereur", his maining, symptomatology, location. After having reviewed the literature and trough clinicals situations encountered in practice, we have illustrated its different indications in gynecology obstetrics.Quelles sont les indications de RM18 Yu Tang en gynécologie obstétrique ? Ce mémoire porte sur l'étude de RM18, point de RM, point nœud du Jue Yin, point de la Voie de l'Empereur, sur sa signification, sa symptomatologie, sa localisation. Suite à cette revue de littérature, à travers des situations cliniques rencontrées dans notre pratique nous avons illustré ses différentes indications en gynécologie obstétrique

    Vécu et représentations des patients traités par statine en prévention primaire : une étude qualitative

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular damage is the second leading cause of death in France. The control of cardiac risk factors, including cholesterol, are therefore essential. Alternative treatments by statins for primary prevention (PP) are controversial discussed by patients. This study investigates the experience and attitude of patients regarding the management of cholesterol as a PP. Material and method: This qualitative study was performed on patients from Savoie and Haute-Savoie (France). The recorded semi-directed interviews were conducted until data saturation. A thematic analysis of the verbatim, done by coding, was conducted by triangulation of the researchers after transcription of the interviews. Results: 14 interviews were conducted from November 2017 to May 2018. Cholesterol is perceived by patients positive as well as negative. Since Cholesterol shows an asymptomatic clinical picture, it is creating an ambivalence about its risks and consequences. The lack of data and information regarding the topic is showing the current uncertainty regarding the topic. While some patients rely mainly on lifestyle and diet rules, others entrust on the use of statin or even combine both. The choice to manage the cholesterol level by statins was justified by the otherwise necessary lifestyle modifications and restrictions. The evaluated data shows, that patients trust their doctor regarding the choice of treatment. The prescribed treatments incorporate the patients lifestyle. The optimal management of cholesterol is a mutual decision between doctor and patient. Conclusion: The patients, aware of the current controversy, make their experiences and are critical. Whether the patient is taking statins or not is essential to a global consideration, where diet and lifestyle rules also have a significant impact on patients.Introduction : Les atteintes cardiovasculaires sont la deuxième cause de mortalité en France. La maîtrise des facteurs de risque cardiaque, dont fait partie le cholestérol, est donc primordial. Les statines font polémique en prévention primaire (PP). L’objectif de l’étude était d’étudier le vécu et la représentation des patients traités par statine en PP. Matériel et méthode : C’est une étude qualitative réalisée sur des patients de Savoie et Haute-Savoie. Les entretiens semi-dirigés ont été conduits jusqu’à saturation théorique des données. Une analyse thématique des verbatims par codage, avec triangulation des 2 chercheuses a été faite, après retranscription des entretiens. Résultats : 14 entretiens ont été réalisés de novembre 2017 à mai 2018. Le cholestérol est perçu par les patients comme à la fois bon et mauvais, une maladie asymptomatique créant une ambivalence vis à vis de sa dangerosité, de ses conséquences. Le manque d’informations s’est fait ressentir. Certains patients actent leur prise en charge sur les règles hygiéno-diététiques (RHD), d’autres se reposent sur la statine, ou associent les deux. Des freins et des facteurs de modification des modes de vie sont mis en avant pour justifier ces choix. Les patients ont confiance en leur médecin, qui intègre la prise de statine en fonction des habitudes du patient. La prise en charge optimale du cholestérol relève d’une décision partagée entre médecin et patient. Conclusion : Les patients, informés de la polémique actuelle, font leurs expériences et sont critiques concernant les statines. La prise de ce traitement est au cœur d’une réflexion globale et partagée, où les RHD ont une place importante pour les patients


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    Delcambre Isabelle, Pollet Marie-Christine. Présentation. In: Spirale. Revue de recherches en éducation, n°53, 2014. Littéracies en contexte d’enseignement et d’apprentissages, sous la direction de Isabelle Delcambre et Marie-Christine Pollet. pp. 3-8
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