4 research outputs found

    Impact of Different Active-Speech-Ratios on PESQ’s Predictions in Case of Independent and Dependent Losses (in Presence of Receiver-Side Comfort-Noise)

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    This paper deals with the investigation of PESQ’s behavior under independent and dependent loss conditions from an Active-Speech-Ratio perspective in presence of receiver-side comfort-noise. This reference signal characteristic is defined very broadly by ITU-T Recommendation P.862.3. That is the reason to investigate an impact of this characteristic on speech quality prediction more in-depth. We assess the variability of PESQ’s predictions with respect to Active-Speech-Ratios and loss conditions, as well as their accuracy, by comparing the predictions with subjective assessments. Our results show that an increase in amount of speech in the reference signal (expressed by the Active-Speech-Ratio characteristic) may result in an increase of the reference signal sensitivity to packet loss change. Interestingly, we have found two additional effects in this investigated case. The use of higher Active-Speech-Ratios may lead to negative shifting effect in MOS domain and also PESQ’s predictions accuracy declining. Predictions accuracy could be improved by higher packet losses


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    A methodological approach to the analysis of the economic category "merited labour", in which the employee is considered as a subject and an object of work at once is worked out, method of calculation of the integral index of merited labour in the subjects of Russia in the dynamics and in the context of industries and municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region is justified. Ratings of integral indicators of quality of life in terms of "merited labour" program are composed. Integral indices and ratings of decent work in the RF subjects and municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region are calculated and analyzed. The practical significance of the work consists in the possibility of use in forming the monitoring of social and labor sphere of the region taking into account regional specificity, and in application of the integral index of merited labour allowing to give a qualitative description of the social and labor sphere of the region and estimate the effectiveness of policies of executive power in this area

    Spatial Patterns of Sea Level Variability Associated with Natural Internal Climate Modes

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