22 research outputs found

    Towards the visualization of genome activity at nanoscale dimensions

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    A report on the Fifth Annual Nanostructural Genomics meeting, Bar Harbor, USA, 7-10 September 2005

    The Nucleolus and the Four Ribonucleoproteins of Translation

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    Signal recognition particle RNA localization within the nucleolus differs from the classical sites of ribosome synthesis

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    The nucleolus is the site of ribosome biosynthesis, but is now known to have other functions as well. In the present study we have investigated how the distribution of signal recognition particle (SRP) RNA within the nucleolus relates to the known sites of ribosomal RNA synthesis, processing, and nascent ribosome assembly (i.e., the fibrillar centers, the dense fibrillar component (DFC), and the granular component). Very little SRP RNA was detected in fibrillar centers or the DFC of the nucleolus, as defined by the RNA polymerase I–specific upstream binding factor and the protein fibrillarin, respectively. Some SRP RNA was present in the granular component, as marked by the protein B23, indicating a possible interaction with ribosomal subunits at a later stage of maturation. However, a substantial portion of SRP RNA was also detected in regions of the nucleolus where neither B23, UBF, or fibrillarin were concentrated. Dual probe in situ hybridization experiments confirmed that a significant fraction of nucleolar SRP RNA was not spatially coincident with 28S ribosomal RNA. These results demonstrate that SRP RNA concentrates in an intranucleolar location other than the classical stations of ribosome biosynthesis, suggesting that there may be nucleolar regions that are specialized for other functions

    Manfaat Retribusi TPI Terhadap Pendapatan Nelayan Di PPN Pekalongan : Sebuah Tinjauan Kebijakan

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    Pekalongan Archipelagic Fishing Port is one of many ports which it has not executed appeal wipping out of fisheries retribution include fish auction fee. Objectives of this research are analysis implementation of auction fee policy and its benefit for fishermen income on Pekalongan Archipelagic Fishing Port. Methods that it used on this research were study case. This research used analysis of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results of this research explained that fish auction fee referred to Perda No 12 in 2009. Fish auction fee is allocated both routine and incidental every year. Each fishermen who landed fish felt receiving benefit, but it were not equal which they were pay. If fish auction fee is stopped, operation of fish auction will be depend on both local government budget and particular alocation fund from center government.Key word : benefit, income, fish auction fe

    The 4D Nucleome Project [preprint]

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    The spatial organization of the genome and its dynamics contribute to gene expression and cellular function in normal development as well as in disease. Although we are increasingly well equipped to determine a genome\u27s sequence and linear chromatin composition, studying the three-dimensional organization of the genome with high spatial and temporal resolution remains challenging. The 4D Nucleome Network aims to develop and apply approaches to map the structure and dynamics of the human and mouse genomes in space and time with the long term goal of gaining deeper mechanistic understanding of how the nucleus is organized. The project will develop and benchmark experimental and computational approaches for measuring genome conformation and nuclear organization, and investigate how these contribute to gene regulation and other genome functions. Further efforts will be directed at applying validated experimental approaches combined with biophysical modeling to generate integrated maps and quantitative models of spatial genome organization in different biological states, both in cell populations and in single cells

    MicroRNA-206 colocalizes with ribosome-rich regions in both the nucleolus and cytoplasm of rat myogenic cells

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    MicroRNAs are small, ≈21- to 24-nt RNAs that have been found to regulate gene expression. miR-206 is a microRNA that is expressed at high levels in Drosophila, zebrafish, and mouse skeletal muscle and is thought to be involved in the attainment and/or maintenance of the differentiated state. We used locked nucleic acid probes for in situ hybridization analysis of the intracellular localization of miR-206 during differentiation of rat myogenic cells. Like most microRNAs, which are presumed to suppress translation of target mRNAs, we found that miR-206 occupies a cytoplasmic location in cultured myoblasts and differentiated myotubes and that its level increases in myotubes over the course of differentiation, consistent with previous findings in muscle tissue in vivo. However, to our surprise, we also observed miR-206 to be concentrated in nucleoli. A probe designed to be complementary to the precursor forms of miR-206 gave no nucleolar signal. We characterized the intracellular localization of miR-206 at higher spatial resolution and found that a substantial fraction colocalizes with 28S rRNA in both the cytoplasm and the nucleolus. miR-206 is not concentrated in either the fibrillar centers of the nucleolus or the dense fibrillar component, where ribosomal RNA transcription and early processing occur, but rather is localized in the granular component, the region of the nucleolus where final ribosome assembly takes place. These results suggest that miR-206 may associate both with nascent ribosomes in the nucleolus and with exported, functional ribosomes in the cytoplasm

    Diffusion-based Transport of Nascent Ribosomes in the Nucleus

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    Although the complex process of ribosome assembly in the nucleolus is beginning to be understood, little is known about how the ribosomal subunits move from the nucleolus to the nuclear membrane for transport to the cytoplasm. We show here that large ribosomal subunits move out from the nucleolus and into the nucleoplasm in all directions, with no evidence of concentrated movement along directed paths. Mobility was slowed compared with that expected in aqueous solution in a manner consistent with anomalous diffusion. Once nucleoplasmic, the subunits moved in the same random manner and also sometimes visited another nucleolus before leaving the nucleus