359 research outputs found

    From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes in Spatially Curved Spacetime

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    We generalize the framework in arXiv:1104.5502 to the case that an embedding may have a nonvanishing intrinsic curvature. Directly employing the Brown-York stress tensor as the fundamental variables, we study the effect of finite perturbations of the extrinsic curvature while keeping the intrinsic metric fixed. We show that imposing a Petrov type I condition on the hypersurface geometry may reduce to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation for a fluid moving in spatially curved spacetime in the near-horizon limit.Comment: 17 pages, references added, generalizing the metric form in part 3, version published in JHE

    AdS/CFT duality for non-relativistic field theory

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    We formulate a correspondence between non-relativistic conformal field theories (NRCFTs) in d-1 spatial dimensions and gravitational theories in AdS_{d+2} backgrounds with one compactified lightlike direction. The breaking of the maximal SO(2,d+1) symmetry of AdS_{d+2} to the non-relativistic conformal group arises from boundary conditions on bulk fields, without the need to introduce non-vacuum sources of energy-momentum. As a check of the proposal, we use the gravitational theory to reproduce the NRCFT state-operator correspondence between scaling dimensions of primary operators and energy eigenstates of the non-relativistic system placed in an external harmonic potential.Comment: 19 pages LaTeX, no figure

    The Viscosity Bound Conjecture and Hydrodynamics of M2-Brane Theory at Finite Chemical Potential

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    Kovtun, Son and Starinets have conjectured that the viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s is always bounded from below by a universal multiple of \hbar i.e., /(4πkB)\hbar/(4\pi k_{B}) for all forms of matter. Mysteriously, the proposed viscosity bound appears to be saturated in all computations done whenever a supergravity dual is available. We consider the near horizon limit of a stack of M2-branes in the grand canonical ensemble at finite R-charge densities, corresponding to non-zero angular momentum in the bulk. The corresponding four-dimensional R-charged black hole in Anti-de Sitter space provides a holographic dual in which various transport coefficients can be calculated. We find that the shear viscosity increases as soon as a background R-charge density is turned on. We numerically compute the few first corrections to the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s and surprisingly discover that up to fourth order all corrections originating from a non-zero chemical potential vanish, leaving the bound saturated. This is a sharp signal in favor of the saturation of the viscosity bound for event horizons even in the presence of some finite background field strength. We discuss implications of this observation for the conjectured bound.Comment: LaTeX, 26+1 Pages, 4 Figures, Version 2: references adde

    Polymer state approximations of Schroedinger wave functions

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    It is shown how states of a quantum mechanical particle in the Schroedinger representation can be approximated by states in the so-called polymer representation. The result may shed some light on the semiclassical limit of loop quantum gravity.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, Conclusions section adde

    Wilsonian Approach to Fluid/Gravity Duality

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    The problem of gravitational fluctuations confined inside a finite cutoff at radius r=rcr=r_c outside the horizon in a general class of black hole geometries is considered. Consistent boundary conditions at both the cutoff surface and the horizon are found and the resulting modes analyzed. For general cutoff rcr_c the dispersion relation is shown at long wavelengths to be that of a linearized Navier-Stokes fluid living on the cutoff surface. A cutoff-dependent line-integral formula for the diffusion constant D(rc)D(r_c) is derived. The dependence on rcr_c is interpreted as renormalization group (RG) flow in the fluid. Taking the cutoff to infinity in an asymptotically AdS context, the formula for D()D(\infty) reproduces as a special case well-known results derived using AdS/CFT. Taking the cutoff to the horizon, the effective speed of sound goes to infinity, the fluid becomes incompressible and the Navier-Stokes dispersion relation becomes exact. The resulting universal formula for the diffusion constant D(horizon)D(horizon) reproduces old results from the membrane paradigm. Hence the old membrane paradigm results and new AdS/CFT results are related by RG flow. RG flow-invariance of the viscosity to entropy ratio η/s\eta /s is shown to follow from the first law of thermodynamics together with isentropy of radial evolution in classical gravity. The ratio is expected to run when quantum gravitational corrections are included.Comment: 34 pages, harvmac, clarified boundary conditio

    Ehlers symmetry at the next derivative order

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    We analyse four-dimensional gravity in the presence of general curvature squared corrections and show that Ehlers' SL(2,R) symmetry, which appears in the reduction of standard gravity to three dimensions, is preserved by the correction terms. The mechanism allowing this is a correction of the SL(2,R) transformation laws which resolves problems with the different scaling behaviour of various terms occurring in the reduction.Comment: 13 pages. v2: updated referenc

    Deconstructing holographic liquids

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    We argue that there exist simple effective field theories describing the long-distance dynamics of holographic liquids. The degrees of freedom responsible for the transport of charge and energy-momentum are Goldstone modes. These modes are coupled to a strongly coupled infrared sector through emergent gauge and gravitational fields. The IR degrees of freedom are described holographically by the near-horizon part of the metric, while the Goldstone bosons are described by a field-theoretical Lagrangian. In the cases where the holographic dual involves a black hole, this picture allows for a direct connection between the holographic prescription where currents live on the boundary, and the membrane paradigm where currents live on the horizon. The zero-temperature sound mode in the D3-D7 system is also re-analyzed and re-interpreted within this formalism.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Einstein-Maxwell gravitational instantons and five dimensional solitonic strings

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    We study various aspects of four dimensional Einstein-Maxwell multicentred gravitational instantons. These are half-BPS Riemannian backgrounds of minimal N=2 supergravity, asymptotic to R^4, R^3 x S^1 or AdS_2 x S^2. Unlike for the Gibbons-Hawking solutions, the topology is not restricted by boundary conditions. We discuss the classical metric on the instanton moduli space. One class of these solutions may be lifted to causal and regular multi `solitonic strings', without horizons, of 4+1 dimensional N=2 supergravity, carrying null momentum.Comment: 1+30 page

    String Theory and Quantum Chromodynamics

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    I review recent progress on the connection between string theory and quantum chromodynamics in the context of the gauge/gravity duality. Emphasis is placed on conciseness and conceptual aspects rather than on technical details. Topics covered include the large-Nc limit of gauge theories, the gravitational description of gauge theory thermodynamics and hydrodynamics, and confinement/deconfinement thermal phase transitions.Comment: 38 pages, 24 figures. Lectures given at the RTN Winter School on "Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories" at CERN on January 15-19, 200

    Causality and the AdS Dirichlet problem

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    The (planar) AdS Dirichlet problem has previously been shown to exhibit superluminal hydrodynamic sound modes. This problem is defined by bulk gravitational dynamics with Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed on a rigid timelike cut-off surface. We undertake a careful examination of this set-up and argue that, in most cases, the propagation of information between points on the Dirichlet hypersurface is nevertheless causal with respect to the induced light cones. In particular, the high-frequency dynamics is causal in this sense. There are however two exceptions and both involve boundary gravitons whose propagation is not constrained by the Einstein equations. These occur in i) AdS3_3, where the boundary gravitons generally do not respect the induced light cones on the boundary, and ii) Rindler space, where they are related to the infinite speed of sound in incompressible fluids. We discuss implications for the fluid/gravity correspondence with rigid Dirichlet boundaries and for the black hole membrane paradigm.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures. v2: added refs. v3: minor clarification