2,823 research outputs found

    Demand for satellite-provided domestic communications services up to the year 2000

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    Three fixed service telecommunications demand assessment studies were completed for NASA by The Western Union Telegraph Company and the U.S. Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. They provided forecasts of the total U.S. domestic demand, from 1980 to the year 2000, for voice, data, and video services. That portion that is technically and economically suitable for transmission by satellite systems, both large trunking systems and customer premises services (CPS) systems was also estimated. In order to provide a single set of forecasts a NASA synthesis of the above studies was conducted. The services, associated forecast techniques, and data bases employed by both contractors were examined, those elements of each judged to be the most appropriate were selected, and new forecasts were made. The demand for voice, data, and video services was first forecast in fundamental units of call-seconds, bits/year, and channels, respectively. Transmission technology characteristics and capabilities were then forecast, and the fundamental demand converted to an equivalent transmission capacity. The potential demand for satellite-provided services was found to grow by a factor of 6, from 400 to 2400 equivalent 36 MHz satellite transponders over the 20-year period. About 80 percent of this was found to be more appropriate for trunking systems and 20 percent CPS

    Microwave dispersion of some polar liquids

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    The Scanning Electron Microscope: How Valuable in the Evaluation of Small Bowel Mucosal Pathology in Chronic Childhood Diarrhea?

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    Data are presented on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on small intestinal biopsies of children with chronic diarrhea. In particular, there were 230 patients aged 3 months to 13 years with the following diagnoses: chronic nonspecific diarrhea, cow\u27s milk protein intolerance, soy protein intolerance, giardiasis, cystic fibrosis, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, isolated lactase deficiency, isolated sucrase-isomaltase lactase deficiency, microvillus inclusion disease, rotavirus ententis, protracted diarrhea of infancy, chylomicron retention disease, visceral myopathy and villous asthenia. Examination of biopsied intestinal mucosa by SEM has yielded important new information and insights on structural pathology and ultrastructural topography. Many of the observed changes helped to better understand the pathophysiology of some of the diarrheal disorders. SEM was also able to detect new features such as mycoplasma-like microorganisms and the absence of the glycocalyx. To adequately assess small bowel mucosal pathology at the ultrastructural level, scanning electron microscopy is an indispensable tool

    Impact of Balance Of System (BOS) costs on photovoltaic power systems

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    The Department of Energy has developed a program to effect a large reduction in the price of photovoltaic modules, with significant progress already achieved toward the 1986 goal of 50 cents/watt (1975 dollars). Remaining elements of a P/V power system (structure, battery storage, regulation, control, and wiring) are also significant cost items. The costs of these remaining elements are commonly referred to as Balance-of-System (BOS) costs. The BOS costs are less well defined and documented than module costs. The Lewis Research Center (LeRC) in 1976/77 and with two village power experiments that will be installed in 1978. The costs were divided into five categories and analyzed. A regression analysis was performed to determine correlations of BOS Costs per peak watt, with power size for these photovoltaic systems. The statistical relationship may be used for flat-plate, DC systems ranging from 100 to 4,000 peak watts. A survey of suppliers was conducted for comparison with the predicted BOS cost relationship

    A comparison of the domestic satellite communications forecast to the year 2000

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    The methodologies and results of three NASA-sponsored market demand assessment studies are presented and compared. Forecasts of future satellite addressable traffic (both trunking and customer premises services) were developed for the three main service categories of voice, data and video and subcategories thereof for the benchmark years of 1980, 1990 and 2000. The contractor results are presented on a service by service basis in two formats: equivalent 36 MHz transponders and basic transmission units (voice: half-voice circuits, data: megabits per second and video: video channels). It is shown that while considerable differences exist at the service category level, the overall forecasts by the two contractors are quite similar. ITT estimates the total potential satellite market to be 3594 transponders in the year 2000 with data service comprising 54 percent of this total. The WU outlook for the same time period is 2779 transponders with voice services accounting for 66 percent of the total

    Photovoltaic village power application: Assessment of the near-term market

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    The village power application represents a potential market for photovoltaics. The price of energy for photovoltaic systems was compared to that of utility line extensions and diesel generators. The potential domestic demand was defined in both the government and commercial sectors. The foreign demand and sources of funding for village power systems in the developing countries were also discussed briefly. It was concluded that a near term domestic market of at least 12 MW min and a foreign market of about 10 GW exists

    Photovoltaic remote instrument applications: Assessment of the near-term market

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    A preliminary assessment of the near term market for photovoltaic remote instrument applications is presented. Among the potential users, two market sectors are considered: government and private. However, the majority of the remote systems studied are operated by or for the federal, state, or local governments. Environmental monitoring and surveillance remote instrument systems are discussed. Based on information obtained in this preliminary market survey, a domestic, civilian market of at least 1.3 MW sub pk is forecast for remote instrument systems. This estimate is exclusive of several potentially large scale markets for remote instruments which are identified but for which no hard data is available

    Photovoltaic highway applications: Assessment of the near-term market

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    A preliminary assessment of the near-term market for photovoltaic highway applications is presented. Among the potential users, two market sectors are considered: government and commercial. Within these sectors, two possible application areas, signs and motorist aids, are discussed. Based on judgemental information, obtained by a brief survey of representatives of the two user sectors, the government sector appears more amenable to the introduction of photovoltaic power sources for highway applications in the near-term. However, considerable interest and potential opportunities were also found to exist in the commercial sector. Further studies to quantify the market for highway applications appear warranted

    Photovoltaic refrigeration application: Assessment of the near-term market

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    This foreign and domestic market assessment was performed as part of the Tests and Applications Project being conducted by NASA-LeRC as part of the Department of Energy's (DOE) National Photovoltaic Program. One of the objectives of that program was to stimulate the demand for photovoltaic power systems so that appropriate markets would be developed in concert with the increasing photovoltaic production capacity. The refrigeration application represented a possible market for photovoltaics; hence, a brief survey of potential applications was conducted. Both refrigerators and refrigeration systems were considered in the assessment although the primary emphasis is on refrigerators of 9 cu ft of less. Three user sectors were examined: (1) government, (2) commercial/institutional, and (3) general public

    Photovoltaic water pumping applications: Assessment of the near-term market

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    Water pumping applications represent a potential market for photovoltaics. The price of energy for photovoltaic systems was compared to that of utility line extensions and diesel generators. The potential domestic demand was defined in the government, commercial/institutional and public sectors. The foreign demand and sources of funding for water pumping systems in the developing countries were also discussed briefly. It was concluded that a near term domestic market of at least 240 megawatts and a foreign market of about 6 gigawatts exist