13 research outputs found

    Nontrivial optical response of silicon triangular prisms

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    The electromagnetic response of silicon triangle nanoprisms in the near-infrared region is investigated. It is revealed that the bianisotropic dipole approximation is insufficient for this geometry since the direct application of the Onsager-Casimir symmetry rule to the dipole response leads to a contradictory conclusion. We show that to resolve this contradiction, it is necessary to take into account the nonlocal contributions of higher orders to the excited electric and magnetic dipole moments of the prisms. However, the inclusion in the consideration of nonlocal corrections to the dipole moments leads to the need to take into account the excitation of multipoles of a higher order than dipoles

    Ore-forming Сonditions of the Blagodat Gold Deposit in the Riphean Metamorphic Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge According to Geochemical and Isotopic Data

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    Neodymium and strontium isotopic composition and rare earth elements (REE) distribution pattern have been determined in whole rocks and minerals were separated from host metamorphic rocks and disseminated sulfide ores of the Blagodat gold deposit. Isotopic data are given to construct few isochrones that could be reflected an age of main stages of metamorphic and metasomatic alteration in rocks varieties during a successive accumulation of gold in structural traps. The significant temporal range in the forming of the studied rocks can be interpreted as an evidence of multi-stage tectonic destruction accompanying with trust-folding processes, shear deformations and development of local fracture zones that had place from the Late Riphean to Middle Paleozoic time. According to isotopic data basic ore-forming processes were realized in the relatively narrow interval from 690 to 750 Ma that correspond to a beginning of continental rifting on the western margin of Siberian craton. Chemistry and trace element distribution are closed for host and auriferous schists and mainly showed differences in the composition initial sedimentary units. The middle negative value εNd (from -14 to -16) and very high positive value εSr (from +570 to +725) are mostly corresponded to that of upper continental crust matter. The role of synchronic granite intrusions in the studied area can be only estimated due to a generation of thermal energy and crustal fluids

    Open Pilot Study on the Rejuvenation Effect of Absorbable Threads in the Genital Area

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    Irina Poleva,1,* Natalia Markova,2,* Marlen Sulamanidze3,* 1UNICAM, School of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Camerino, Italy; 2Department of Dermatology, Medical Esthetic CRO, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Total Charm, Tbilisi, Georgia*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Irina Poleva, Tel +393388473415, Email [email protected]: We propose a new method of genital rejuvenation based on absorbable thread insertion. In this study, we aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of particular absorbable threads made of P (LA/CL), the so-called Nano Spring 7, for vulvar rejuvenation.Patients and Methods: The study was conducted in two parts: the first by anatomical dissection and the second by clinical study. The first part of the study clarified safety and efficacy of thread insertion in this anatomical area. During the second part, 19 patients underwent Nano Spring 7 absorbable thread insertion in the subcutaneous layer of the labia majora to improve esthetic parameters and were followed up after 7, 30, 90, and 180 days. We evaluated outcomes using four different patients’ questionnaires and one investigator’s questionnaire.Results: The anatomical dissection defined the correct anatomical layer of threads implantation and the subcutaneous structures allowing for the thread anchoring. All the patients completed the study. The patients’ and investigators’ subjective evaluations during follow-up and at the end of the study were very positive. All the patients showed a decrease in discomfort sensations related to the labia majora conditions and aesthetic improvement in the vulvar area and recommended the treatment to their friends.Conclusion: The use of absorbable threads is an innovative, safe minimally invasive approach to genital rejuvenation.Keywords: genital rejuvenation, threads in polylactic acid, non-surgical rejuvenation, threads in spring shap

    Results of the First Russian National Scientific-Practical Conference "Literature for Children and Teenagers: Approaches to Analysis, Reading Practices, and Regional Context of Study"

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    В статье подводятся итоги I Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, посвященной актуальной проблеме развития читательской культуры подрастающего поколения.The article contains a review of the results of the First Russian National Scientific-Practical Conference "Literature for Children and Teenagers: Approaches to Analysis, Reading Practices, and Regional Context of Study", focusing on the urgent issues of the development of the art of literature and the reading culture of the younger generatio

    Ore-forming Сonditions of the Blagodat Gold Deposit in the Riphean Metamorphic Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge According to Geochemical and Isotopic Data

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    Neodymium and strontium isotopic composition and rare earth elements (REE) distribution pattern have been determined in whole rocks and minerals were separated from host metamorphic rocks and disseminated sulfide ores of the Blagodat gold deposit. Isotopic data are given to construct few isochrones that could be reflected an age of main stages of metamorphic and metasomatic alteration in rocks varieties during a successive accumulation of gold in structural traps. The significant temporal range in the forming of the studied rocks can be interpreted as an evidence of multi-stage tectonic destruction accompanying with trust-folding processes, shear deformations and development of local fracture zones that had place from the Late Riphean to Middle Paleozoic time. According to isotopic data basic ore-forming processes were realized in the relatively narrow interval from 690 to 750 Ma that correspond to a beginning of continental rifting on the western margin of Siberian craton. Chemistry and trace element distribution are closed for host and auriferous schists and mainly showed differences in the composition initial sedimentary units. The middle negative value εNd (from -14 to -16) and very high positive value εSr (from +570 to +725) are mostly corresponded to that of upper continental crust matter. The role of synchronic granite intrusions in the studied area can be only estimated due to a generation of thermal energy and crustal fluids

    Associations of Micro – and Nanosize Isolations of the Precious Metals Complex in Ores

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    Охарактеризованы микро- и наноминеральные обособления в горных породах и рудах. Минералы благородных металлов наноразмерных обособлений широко распространены в рудах золото-сульфидных и особенно комплексных месторождений. Изучены микро- и наноминеральный комплексы благородных металлов в нефелиновых породах Кузнецкого Алатау, являющихся рудами глиноземного производства. Обращается внимание геологов на крупные и уникальные по объемам скопления благородных металлов в виде микронных и наноразмерных частиц минералов. Для промышленного освоения таких месторождений необходима разработка приемлемых технологий обогащения руд и металлургического передела концентратов. Наиболее перспективным направлением по обогащению руд с наноразмерной величиной минералов полезного компонента является адгезионная флотация. Организация промышленной разработки месторождений микро- и наноминеральных обособлений золота и платиноидов позволит значительно увеличить производство благородных металлов в России.Micro-and nanomineral isolations in rocks and ores are described in the paper. Minerals of precious metals of nanosize are widespread in gold-sulphidic ore deposits and especially complex deposits. The micro– and nanomineral complex of precious metals in the nepheline rocks of Kuznetsk Ala Tau, which are the ores of aluminous manufacture has been studied. The attention of geologists is paid to large and unique congestion of precious metals in the form of micron and nanosize particles of minerals. Working out of comprehensible technologies of ore-dressing and metallurgical repartition of concentrates is necessary for industrial development of such deposits. The adhesive flotation is the most promising direction in ore-dressing with nanosize minerals of a useful complex. The idustrial field development management of micro– and nanomineral isolations of gold and platinum minerals deposits will allow to increase precious metals production in Russia considerably

    Associations of Micro – and Nanosize Isolations of the Precious Metals Complex in Ores

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    Охарактеризованы микро- и наноминеральные обособления в горных породах и рудах. Минералы благородных металлов наноразмерных обособлений широко распространены в рудах золото-сульфидных и особенно комплексных месторождений. Изучены микро- и наноминеральный комплексы благородных металлов в нефелиновых породах Кузнецкого Алатау, являющихся рудами глиноземного производства. Обращается внимание геологов на крупные и уникальные по объемам скопления благородных металлов в виде микронных и наноразмерных частиц минералов. Для промышленного освоения таких месторождений необходима разработка приемлемых технологий обогащения руд и металлургического передела концентратов. Наиболее перспективным направлением по обогащению руд с наноразмерной величиной минералов полезного компонента является адгезионная флотация. Организация промышленной разработки месторождений микро- и наноминеральных обособлений золота и платиноидов позволит значительно увеличить производство благородных металлов в России.Micro-and nanomineral isolations in rocks and ores are described in the paper. Minerals of precious metals of nanosize are widespread in gold-sulphidic ore deposits and especially complex deposits. The micro– and nanomineral complex of precious metals in the nepheline rocks of Kuznetsk Ala Tau, which are the ores of aluminous manufacture has been studied. The attention of geologists is paid to large and unique congestion of precious metals in the form of micron and nanosize particles of minerals. Working out of comprehensible technologies of ore-dressing and metallurgical repartition of concentrates is necessary for industrial development of such deposits. The adhesive flotation is the most promising direction in ore-dressing with nanosize minerals of a useful complex. The idustrial field development management of micro– and nanomineral isolations of gold and platinum minerals deposits will allow to increase precious metals production in Russia considerably

    Characteristic Features of Natural Electric Polarization of Rocks and Ores at Gold-sulphide Blagodatnoye Deposit (the Yenisey Мountain Ridge)

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    Естественное электрическое поле золотосульфидного месторождения «Благодатное» имеет структуру слабовыраженного диполя. Потенциалы поляризации линейной минерализованной зоны изменяются от –260 мВ на фланге, не содержащем промышленных концентраций золота, до +30 мВ на ее южном, более продуктивном окончании. Природа этих аномалий устанавливается по минералогическому составу пород и руд, флюидным включениям в них, данным магниторазведки и гамма-спектрометрии, геоморфологического анализа. Электрохимические особенности месторождения определяются, главным образом, присутствием сульфидов и метасоматического графита. Предполагается косая поляризация золоторудной структуры, вызванная распределением графита, галенита и сфалерита. Это приводит к значительному перепаду электродных потенциалов в поляризующейся минерализованной зоне и, как следствие, к протеканию катодных и анодных процессов в ее верхней части. Аномалии, обусловленные развитием графита, соответствуют участкам месторождения, на которых достигалась максимальная восстановленность рудообразующих флюидов. Изменчивость их режима связана с вариациями Eh-потенциала, что могло быть одной из причин возникновения минералогической зональности и фактором, контролирующим отложение золота.Natural electric field at the deposit has a structure of linear low doublet. Polarization potentials of extended mineralized zone range from -260 mV on the flank, which doesn’t contain commercial gold concentrations, to +30 mV on the opposite productive flank. The nature of anomalies is determined on the basis of magnetic survey and gamma-spectrometry results, analysis of geomorphologic conditions at the deposit and study of embedded fluid and mineralogical rock and ore composition. Electrochemical activity of rocks and ores depends on the content of metasomatic graphite and sulphide in their composition. The question concerning the convergence of geologic processes causing metasomatic graphitization is posed. It is assumed that gold ore structure oblique polarization causes heterogeneous reflection of sulphidation block in the natural electric field. It occurs mainly due to geo-electrochemical zonality of a structure with graphite appearance on the one flank and the increase of galenite-sphalerite paragenesis content in the productive strata on the other flank. This leads to considerable drop of electrode potentials of the polarizing body and, consequently, urges cathode and anode processes in its upper part. Anomalies caused by graphite are related to mineralized zone fragments. Maximum solution recovery was reached in these fragments during fluid system function. Fluid regime variability in relation to Eh-potentials could be one of the main reasons of ore mineralization zonality in the deposit and a favourable condition for gold concentration

    Characteristic Features of Natural Electric Polarization of Rocks and Ores at Gold-sulphide Blagodatnoye Deposit (the Yenisey Мountain Ridge)

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    Естественное электрическое поле золотосульфидного месторождения «Благодатное» имеет структуру слабовыраженного диполя. Потенциалы поляризации линейной минерализованной зоны изменяются от –260 мВ на фланге, не содержащем промышленных концентраций золота, до +30 мВ на ее южном, более продуктивном окончании. Природа этих аномалий устанавливается по минералогическому составу пород и руд, флюидным включениям в них, данным магниторазведки и гамма-спектрометрии, геоморфологического анализа. Электрохимические особенности месторождения определяются, главным образом, присутствием сульфидов и метасоматического графита. Предполагается косая поляризация золоторудной структуры, вызванная распределением графита, галенита и сфалерита. Это приводит к значительному перепаду электродных потенциалов в поляризующейся минерализованной зоне и, как следствие, к протеканию катодных и анодных процессов в ее верхней части. Аномалии, обусловленные развитием графита, соответствуют участкам месторождения, на которых достигалась максимальная восстановленность рудообразующих флюидов. Изменчивость их режима связана с вариациями Eh-потенциала, что могло быть одной из причин возникновения минералогической зональности и фактором, контролирующим отложение золота.Natural electric field at the deposit has a structure of linear low doublet. Polarization potentials of extended mineralized zone range from -260 mV on the flank, which doesn’t contain commercial gold concentrations, to +30 mV on the opposite productive flank. The nature of anomalies is determined on the basis of magnetic survey and gamma-spectrometry results, analysis of geomorphologic conditions at the deposit and study of embedded fluid and mineralogical rock and ore composition. Electrochemical activity of rocks and ores depends on the content of metasomatic graphite and sulphide in their composition. The question concerning the convergence of geologic processes causing metasomatic graphitization is posed. It is assumed that gold ore structure oblique polarization causes heterogeneous reflection of sulphidation block in the natural electric field. It occurs mainly due to geo-electrochemical zonality of a structure with graphite appearance on the one flank and the increase of galenite-sphalerite paragenesis content in the productive strata on the other flank. This leads to considerable drop of electrode potentials of the polarizing body and, consequently, urges cathode and anode processes in its upper part. Anomalies caused by graphite are related to mineralized zone fragments. Maximum solution recovery was reached in these fragments during fluid system function. Fluid regime variability in relation to Eh-potentials could be one of the main reasons of ore mineralization zonality in the deposit and a favourable condition for gold concentration