143 research outputs found

    Frequency Division Multiplexing Readout and Simultaneous Manipulation of an Array of Flux Qubits

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    An important desired ingredient of superconducting quantum circuits is a readout scheme whose complexity does not increase with the number of qubits involved in the measurement. Here, we present a readout scheme employing a single microwave line, which enables simultaneous readout of multiple qubits. Consequently, scaling up superconducting qubit circuits is no longer limited by the readout apparatus. Parallel readout of 6 flux qubits using a frequency division multiplexing technique is demonstrated, as well as simultaneous manipulation and time resolved measurement of 3 qubits. We discuss how this technique can be scaled up to read out hundreds of qubits on a chip.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Desenvolvimento de um Curso On-line para o Ensino de Machine Learning voltado a Classificação de Imagens de Macrofungos no Ensino Médio usando Python

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Ciências da Computação.Machine Learning (ML) é atualmente uma das tecnologias com maior crescimento do mundo. Porém atualmente o conhecimento sobre esta tecnologia é pouco popularizado pelo fato da mesma não ser abordada na Educação Básica. Esse trabalho tem como proposta criar um curso on-line interdisciplinar para ensinar conceitos de ML no ensino médio utilizando da linguagem de programação Python. O curso visa ensinar a aplicação de conceitos de ML de forma prática na biologia voltada na classificação de espécies de Macrofungos. O curso será desenvolvido baseado na análise do estado da arte, adotando o design instrucional resultando na criação de um plano de ensino, o desenvolvimento de todo o material didático em forma de um curso on-line, infraestrutura técnica e a definição da avaliação da aprendizagem do aluno. Espera-se que os resultados deste trabalho contribuam para a popularização do conhecimento de Machine Learning e a geração de interesse nos jovens nas áreas de Computação e Biologia

    Interacting two-level defects as sources of fluctuating high-frequency noise in superconducting circuits

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    Since the very first experiments, superconducting circuits have suffered from strong coupling to environmental noise, destroying quantum coherence and degrading performance. In state-of-the-art experiments, it is found that the relaxation time of superconducting qubits fluctuates as a function of time. We present measurements of such fluctuations in a 3D-transmon circuit and develop a qualitative model based on interactions within a bath of background two-level systems (TLS) which emerge from defects in the device material. In our model, the time-dependent noise density acting on the qubit emerges from its near-resonant coupling to high-frequency TLS which experience energy fluctuations due to their interaction with thermally fluctuating TLS at low frequencies. We support the model by providing experimental evidence of such energy fluctuations observed in a single TLS in a phase qubit circuit


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    The X-ray Telescope on board the Hinode mission revealed the occurrence, in polar coronal holes, of much more numerous jets than previously indicated by the Yohkoh/Soft X-ray Telescope. These plasma ejections can be of two types, depending on whether they fit the standard reconnection scenario for coronal jets or if they include a blowout-like eruption. In this work, we analyze two jets, one standard and one blowout, that have been observed by the Hinode and STEREO experiments. We aim to infer differences in the physical parameters that correspond to the different morphologies of the events. To this end, we adopt spectroscopic techniques and determine the profiles of the plasma temperature, density, and outflow speed versus time and position along the jets. The blowout jet has a higher outflow speed, a marginally higher temperature, and is rooted in a stronger magnetic field region than the standard event. Our data provide evidence for recursively occurring reconnection episodes within both the standard and the blowout jet, pointing either to bursty reconnection or to reconnection occurring at different locations over the jet lifetimes. We make a crude estimate of the energy budget of the two jets and show how energy is partitioned among different forms. Also, we show that the magnetic energy that feeds the blowout jet is a factor of 10 higher than the magnetic energy that fuels the standard event

    How to Improve the Quality of Life of Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated with Hormone Therapy?

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is a hormone-sensitive tumor. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the cornerstone of systemic therapy for patients with intermediate or high-risk localized, recurrent, and metastatic prostate cancer. Although generally well tolerated, ADT can lead to short- and long-term adverse events that can worsen the quality of life of patients with PC. In the last decade, the introduction of novel generation androgen receptor pathway inhibitors (ARPI) has resulted in an improvement in the prognosis of patients with metastatic PC when used in combination with ADT. The use of ARPI in increasingly early stages of the disease determines a longer exposure of patients to these treatments. Although ARPIs are normally well-tolerated drugs, they generally cause an increase in toxicity compared to ADT alone, being able to worsen some adverse events already induced by ADT or leading to the development of specific side effects. Although there are no specific treatments for all the adverse events induced by hormonal therapies, it is essential to know the possible toxicities induced by the different treatments and to start procedures to prevent and/or recognize and consequently treat them early in order to not compromise the quality of life of the patients with PC. The aim of this review is to describe the adverse events induced by hormonal therapies. We will first describe the side effects induced by both ADT and ARPI and then the specific adverse events of the different ARPIs. Furthermore, we will try to highlight the possible therapeutic options to prevent or mitigate the toxicity induced by hormone therapies in order to improve the quality of life of the patients with PC

    Knowledge of public health informatics among Italian medical residents: design and preliminary validation of a questionnaire

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    Background: public health requires strong information skills and competencies, as it is information-intensive and information-driven. Public health informatics has been defined as the “systematic application of information, computer science, and technology to public health practice, research, and learning”. New information and communication technologies offer unprecedented opportunities, such as linking smart-phones and mobiles devices to web based tools for data collection, enabling and enhancing participatory epidemiology. However, being an emerging discipline, despite its potential and importance, public health informatics is often neglected and overlooked, being rarely offered as course. The present study was designed as a pilot study, with the aim of designing and validating a questionnaire on the knowledge of public health informatics among medical residents in public health in Italy.  Methods and Results: thirty-two Italian residents in public health volunteered to take part into the study. Mean age of the sample was 31.44±2.23 years, most responders were males (68.8%), from northern Italy (53.1%), at the third year of residency (34.4%) and currently doing practical training at the clinical management staff/hospital directorate (34.4%). Other places of training were the Prevention Department (21.9%), the Institute of Hygiene (18.8%), the local health units and the territory (12.5%), the occupational health service (6.3%) and the Regional Health Agency (3.1%). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielded a value of 0.909, demonstrating excellent psychometric properties of the instrument.  Conclusion: in conclusion, the developed questionnaire seems to be an appropriate and useful tool to detect gaps concerning knowledge, education and practices of public health informatics among residents in public health.&nbsp