262 research outputs found

    Uloga medija u konstrukciji europskoga identiteta: Informirati, obrazovati, promovirati?

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    The author examines the role of the news media in the formation of European identity, presuming that they are expected to play a crucial role in both the perception and the construction of the emerging European identity as well as in the preserving and the developing of the national identity. One of the main problems at covering the EU-related issues is setting the boundaries between informing the public and promoting specific ideas leading to the construction of the EU identity. Providing the public with true, verified, accurate, relevant, unbiased, diverse and balanced information is the primary journalistic goal, in one way or another defined by the ethical codes of all the EU states, while one-sided promotion in the sense of supplying the citizens with selective truth and biased publicity should not be considered as part of any quality news discourse, even though it is occurring under the label of identity building. The author’s thesis is that the news media are assigned an important role of informing the citizens about the relevant EU issues, without having a special task of promoting the EU. A critical distance should be established towards the information obtained from the Government and other public relations sources. Journalistic questions should be asked. To be able to implement their task, journalists need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to cover the EU politics, they should aspire to follow the standards of the classical paradigm of journalism as the public service, and maintain the professional ethical attitude in all phases of the communication process.Autorica istražuje ulogu medija u formiranju europskog identiteta, pod pretpostavkom da se od njih očekuje da igraju ključnu ulogu u percepciji i konstrukciji europskog identiteta te razvitka i očuvanja nacionalnih identiteta. Jedan od glavnih problema u izvještavanju o temama vezanim za Europsku uniju je određivanje granica između informiranja javnosti i promocije ideja koje vode stvaranju identiteta Unije. Pružati javnosti istinite, provjerene, točne, važne, nepristrane, različite i izbalansirane informacije primarni je novinarski zadatak definiran etičkim zakonima svih država Unije. Jednostrana promocija i snabdjevanje građana selektivnom istinom i pristranim informacijama ne bi trebali biti smatrani dijelom kvalitetnog novinarskog diskursa, iako se događaju pod krinkom izgradnje identiteta. Autoričina teza je da mediji imaju važnu ulogu informiranja građana o temama relevantnim za Uniju bez promoviranja Unije. Kritički odmak od informacija dobivenih od vlade ili od izvora za odnose s javnošću mora postojati. Moraju se postavljati novinarska pitanja. Kako bi ispunili svoju zadaću, novinari moraju biti opremljeni vještinama i znanjem o politici Unije, moraju slijediti standarde klasične paradigme novinarstva kao javnog servisa i zadržati profesionalni etički stav u svim fazama komunikacijskog procesa

    Acceptability of Refusal Skills Training Modalities: A Comparison of Adolescents\u27 vs. Professionals\u27 Perceptions

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    Fifty-three sexually active adolescents between 14 and 19 years of age were surveyed to identify general interest in refusal skills training for avoiding unwanted sexual activity. Subjects furnished information regarding preferences for three treatment modalities (pamphlet, behavioral rehearsal, and video modeling) used to deliver refusal skills training. Forty-one health care and school professionals (doctors, nurses, physician assistants, social workers, med tech/health educators, counselors, and psychologists) responded to a similar general interest survey and assessment of treatment modality preferences for provision of refusal skills training. Both adolescents and professionals demonstrated high general interest in refusal skills training as a viable and helpful intervention. Both groups rated behavioral rehearsal and video modeling assignificantly more acceptable than the pamphlet method for delivery of refusal skills training. The results of the survey underscore the importance of school and health care providers evaluating general interest and preferences by the adolescent community when developing and implementing educational and skills training programs for this population

    Uloga medija u konstrukciji europskoga identiteta: Informirati, obrazovati, promovirati?

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    The author examines the role of the news media in the formation of European identity, presuming that they are expected to play a crucial role in both the perception and the construction of the emerging European identity as well as in the preserving and the developing of the national identity. One of the main problems at covering the EU-related issues is setting the boundaries between informing the public and promoting specific ideas leading to the construction of the EU identity. Providing the public with true, verified, accurate, relevant, unbiased, diverse and balanced information is the primary journalistic goal, in one way or another defined by the ethical codes of all the EU states, while one-sided promotion in the sense of supplying the citizens with selective truth and biased publicity should not be considered as part of any quality news discourse, even though it is occurring under the label of identity building. The author’s thesis is that the news media are assigned an important role of informing the citizens about the relevant EU issues, without having a special task of promoting the EU. A critical distance should be established towards the information obtained from the Government and other public relations sources. Journalistic questions should be asked. To be able to implement their task, journalists need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to cover the EU politics, they should aspire to follow the standards of the classical paradigm of journalism as the public service, and maintain the professional ethical attitude in all phases of the communication process.Autorica istražuje ulogu medija u formiranju europskog identiteta, pod pretpostavkom da se od njih očekuje da igraju ključnu ulogu u percepciji i konstrukciji europskog identiteta te razvitka i očuvanja nacionalnih identiteta. Jedan od glavnih problema u izvještavanju o temama vezanim za Europsku uniju je određivanje granica između informiranja javnosti i promocije ideja koje vode stvaranju identiteta Unije. Pružati javnosti istinite, provjerene, točne, važne, nepristrane, različite i izbalansirane informacije primarni je novinarski zadatak definiran etičkim zakonima svih država Unije. Jednostrana promocija i snabdjevanje građana selektivnom istinom i pristranim informacijama ne bi trebali biti smatrani dijelom kvalitetnog novinarskog diskursa, iako se događaju pod krinkom izgradnje identiteta. Autoričina teza je da mediji imaju važnu ulogu informiranja građana o temama relevantnim za Uniju bez promoviranja Unije. Kritički odmak od informacija dobivenih od vlade ili od izvora za odnose s javnošću mora postojati. Moraju se postavljati novinarska pitanja. Kako bi ispunili svoju zadaću, novinari moraju biti opremljeni vještinama i znanjem o politici Unije, moraju slijediti standarde klasične paradigme novinarstva kao javnog servisa i zadržati profesionalni etički stav u svim fazama komunikacijskog procesa

    A review of approaches and tools for collaborative networks simulation

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    Collaborative networks (CN) are characterised by being complex systems, highlighting the need of considering simulation approaches to support the resolution of CN models. Simulation approaches are seen as a supporting tool to analyse the formal model of a supply network. Three relevant simulation approaches are identified for its application in the context of CN models: Discrete Events Simulation, System Dynamics and Agent Based Simulation. Each simulation approach is briefly described and compared with each other, according to a group of relevant features, with the main aim of aiding the modellers in the task of selecting the most appropriate simulation approach to address the modelling process in the context of CN. Besides, a group of commercial and academic tools are listed for each simulation approach.Andres, B.; Poler, R. (2016). A review of approaches and tools for collaborative networks simulation. Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management. 13(3):232-242. doi:10.14488/BJOPM.2016.v13.n3.a1S23224213

    Between Scylla and Charybdis – Public Service Broadcasters in the Western Balkans between Commercialization and Politicization

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    This paper identifi es the main issues of public service broadcasters (PSBs) in six countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) in the period between 2010 and 2017, using a traditional literature review approach and document analysis. The analysis confi rmed that PSBs in the region share the following (largely intertwined) issues: substantial fi nancial problems; attempts to solve their diffi cult fi nancial situations by competing with private commercial broadcasters, resulting in extensive broadcasting of entertainment content at the expense of public interest content; continuous pressure from state and political elites, resulting in editorial dependence and politically biased news content; problems adjusting to the new technological environment and delays in digitalization. These issues arise (also) from some common characteristics of the wider media and social context in the region, such as small advertising markets and potential, a lack of tradition in terms of independent countries and democracies, and positive perceptions of market forces and deregulation compared to political interference

    Storyboard tools for university and education research projects

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    [EN] This paper is focused on the presentation of storyboard and storytelling open source online tools, for its application in the university context and in the education research projects. The main aim of this paper is to provide an open source tool to support (i) university teachers, using storyboard tools as a novel educational resource to include in their master and practice classes, allowing them to structure concepts or explain methodologies through images that have attached short descriptions; (ii) university students, as future industrial engineers, employing storyboard tools for structuring the decision-making process, by taking into account all the actors that are affected in the decision process; (iii) education research projects, adopting storyboard as a tool to aid the creative writing through matching creative images with keywords to capture the essence of the research project.The research leading to these results has received funding from European Community's H2020 Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement no 636909, "Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET)".Andres, B.; Poler, R. (2017). Storyboard tools for university and education research projects. INTED proceedings (Online). 220-227. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2017.0173S22022

    An Information Management Conceptual Approach for the Strategies Alignment Collaborative Process

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    [EN] This paper proposes an information management approach to deal with the strategies alignment collaborative process. Much attention has been given to the information management in collaborative networks (CNs), resulting in a wide variety of information management approaches and frameworks. The treatment, estimation, and collection of data are key issues that still need to be addressed, due to the complexity associated with the information exchange and the need to build trust relationships within the CN. In order to address this literature gap, this paper presents an approach to manage information in the specific collaborative process of strategies alignment. The approach is composed of a methodology, that enables to identify the roles participating in the application of the collaborative process, select the collaborative application context, determine the level of collaboration to be applied, and estimate and gather the data required to feed the strategies alignment process. The proposed information management approach bridges the conceptual model of strategies alignment process, with its application in real-world CNs.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872548 "Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs" (DIH4CPS) (http://dih4cps.eu/).Andres, B.; Poler, R. (2020). An Information Management Conceptual Approach for the Strategies Alignment Collaborative Process. Sustainability. 12(10):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12103959S1221210Camarinha-Matos, L. M., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Collaborative networks: a new scientific discipline. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16(4-5), 439-452. doi:10.1007/s10845-005-1656-3Cheikhrouhou, N., Pouly, M., & Madinabeitia, G. (2013). Trust categories and their impacts on information exchange processes in vertical collaborative networked organisations. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(1-2), 87-100. doi:10.1080/0951192x.2012.681913Andres, B., & Poler, R. (2016). A decision support system for the collaborative selection of strategies in enterprise networks. Decision Support Systems, 91, 113-123. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2016.08.005Blome, C., Paulraj, A., & Schuetz, K. (2014). Supply chain collaboration and sustainability: a profile deviation analysis. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(5), 639-663. doi:10.1108/ijopm-11-2012-0515Soosay, C. A., & Hyland, P. (2015). A decade of supply chain collaboration and directions for future research. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20(6), 613-630. doi:10.1108/scm-06-2015-0217Chen, L., Zhao, X., Tang, O., Price, L., Zhang, S., & Zhu, W. (2017). Supply chain collaboration for sustainability: A literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Production Economics, 194, 73-87. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.04.005Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworldFonseca, L. M., Domingues, J. P., & Dima, A. M. (2020). Mapping the Sustainable Development Goals Relationships. Sustainability, 12(8), 3359. doi:10.3390/su12083359Horan, D. (2019). A New Approach to Partnerships for SDG Transformations. Sustainability, 11(18), 4947. doi:10.3390/su11184947Andres, B., & Marcucci, G. (2020). A Strategies Alignment Approach to Manage Disruptive Events in Collaborative Networks. Sustainability, 12(7), 2641. doi:10.3390/su12072641Andres, B., & Blanes, V. J. (2020). A Negotiation Approach to Support the Strategies Alignment Process in Collaborative Networks. Sustainability, 12(7), 2766. doi:10.3390/su12072766Provan, K. G., & Kenis, P. (2007). Modes of Network Governance: Structure, Management, and Effectiveness. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18(2), 229-252. doi:10.1093/jopart/mum015Pilbeam, C., Alvarez, G., & Wilson, H. (2012). The governance of supply networks: a systematic literature review. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(4), 358-376. doi:10.1108/13598541211246512Alemany, M. M. E., Alarcón, F., Lario, F.-C., & Boj, J. J. (2011). An application to support the temporal and spatial distributed decision-making process in supply chain collaborative planning. Computers in Industry, 62(5), 519-540. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2011.02.002Schneeweiss, C. (2003). Distributed decision making in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 84(1), 71-83. doi:10.1016/s0925-5273(02)00381-xAlemany, M. M. E., Boj, J. J., Mula, J., & Lario, F.-C. (2009). Mathematical programming model for centralised master planning in ceramic tile supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 48(17), 5053-5074. doi:10.1080/00207540903055701Saiz, J. J. A., Rodriguez, R. R., Bas, A. O., & Verdecho, M. J. (2010). An information architecture for a performance management framework by collaborating SMEs. Computers in Industry, 61(7), 676-685. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2010.03.012Andrés, B., & Poler, R. (2013). Relevant problems in collaborative processes of non-hierarchical manufacturing networks. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 6(3). doi:10.3926/jiem.552Mula, J., Poler, R., & Garcia, J. P. (2006). MRP with flexible constraints: A fuzzy mathematical programming approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157(1), 74-97. doi:10.1016/j.fss.2005.05.045Campuzano, F., Mula, J., & Peidro, D. (2010). Fuzzy estimations and system dynamics for improving supply chains. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 161(11), 1530-1542. doi:10.1016/j.fss.2009.12.002Mula, J., Peidro, D., & Poler, R. (2014). Optimization Models for Supply Chain Production Planning Under Fuzziness. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 397-422. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-53939-8_17Da Piedade Francisco, R., Azevedo, A., & Almeida, A. (2012). Alignment prediction in collaborative networks. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 23(8), 1038-1056. doi:10.1108/17410381211276862Savastano, M., Amendola, C., Bellini, F., & D’Ascenzo, F. (2019). Contextual Impacts on Industrial Processes Brought by the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing: A Systematic Review. Sustainability, 11(3), 891. doi:10.3390/su1103089

    News Reporting about Genetically Modified Organisms in the Context of Different Journalistic Ideologies

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    The aim of this article is to research how Slovenian journalists carry out the professional ideology of objectivity, which is prevalently founded on the Anglo-American model of journalism and demands that journalists devote the same amount of space or time to all actors involved in an event. The study was performed on a case of news reporting about one of the most controversial biotechnological topics, i.e., the introduction of the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). All previous studies about news reporting on this topic in European media showed that journalists were mostly constructing the anti-GMOs discourse, based on sources which put the risks of GMOs at the forefront. Because these studies used only quantitative methods and analysed only the elite press, our study combines methods and includes diverse media in the sample. Both quantitative analysis (content analysis) and qualitative analysis (critical discourse analysis) of news items about GMOs, published in the Slovenian press, television programs and the press agency in 2009 and 2010 revealed that journalists predominantly cited sources which opposed the introduction of the cultivation of GMOs, and they explicitly expressed their own opinions, which were against GMOs. Journalists of tabloids were particularly negative in their views; they tried to mobilize the audience to boycott GMO-products. The research indicated that journalists did not follow the American tradition of equally citing different opinions about the topic and not express*ing journalists’ own opinions. Instead, their reporting was closer to that of the European tradition. The research also proved that in this case the journalistic practice did not correspond to the ideological concept of journalism formally adopted by the Slovenian journalistic community. Therefore, each analysis of journalistic professionalism should include research of everyday journalistic practice in addition to analysis of journalists’ ideology

    News Reporting about Genetically Modified Organisms in the Context of Different Journalistic Ideologies

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    The aim of this article is to research how Slovenian journalists carry out the professional ideology of objectivity, which is prevalently founded on the Anglo-American model of journalism and demands that journalists devote the same amount of space or time to all actors involved in an event. The study was performed on a case of news reporting about one of the most controversial biotechnological topics, i.e., the introduction of the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). All previous studies about news reporting on this topic in European media showed that journalists were mostly constructing the anti-GMOs discourse, based on sources which put the risks of GMOs at the forefront. Because these studies used only quantitative methods and analysed only the elite press, our study combines methods and includes diverse media in the sample. Both quantitative analysis (content analysis) and qualitative analysis (critical discourse analysis) of news items about GMOs, published in the Slovenian press, television programs and the press agency in 2009 and 2010 revealed that journalists predominantly cited sources which opposed the introduction of the cultivation of GMOs, and they explicitly expressed their own opinions, which were against GMOs. Journalists of tabloids were particularly negative in their views; they tried to mobilize the audience to boycott GMO-products. The research indicated that journalists did not follow the American tradition of equally citing different opinions about the topic and not express*ing journalists’ own opinions. Instead, their reporting was closer to that of the European tradition. The research also proved that in this case the journalistic practice did not correspond to the ideological concept of journalism formally adopted by the Slovenian journalistic community. Therefore, each analysis of journalistic professionalism should include research of everyday journalistic practice in addition to analysis of journalists’ ideology

    A decision support system for the collaborative selection of strategies in enterprise networks

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    Collaborative networks (CN) consist of autonomous and heterogeneous partners, and each defines its own objectives and formulates its own strategies, which are selected and activated to achieve these objectives. The heterogeneity that characterises network partners could lead to contradictions appearing among the strategies formulated in each CN enterprise. Consequently, the strategies formulated in one enterprise could negatively influence the achievement of the objectives defined in other enterprises of the same network. These contradictions lead to strategies misalignments, which worsens the network performance. In order to deal with these misalignments, a DSS is proposed to support the process of selecting the strategies among all those formulated, with the aim of achieving higher alignment levels. The proposed DSS considers the impacts that each strategy formulated in each enterprise has on the performance of the objectives defined by each network partner. This allows enterprises to select a set of aligned strategies. The selection of proper strategies to be activated in each enterprise strongly influences the CN's performance level, and higher levels of network adaptability, agility and competitiveness are achieved. The proposed DSS is validated under real conditions in a food industry network. The DSS is evaluated by emulating real collaborative conditions and is compared with the equivalent non-collaborative decision making perspective used for selecting strategies. The results demonstrate that the collaborative approach outperforms the performance level of the non-collaborative one and is more effective for handling the robustness and the long-term operation of the CN.Andres, B.; Poler, R. (2016). A decision support system for the collaborative selection of strategies in enterprise networks. Decision Support Systems. 91:113-123. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2016.08.005S1131239