9 research outputs found

    The Blockade of Tumoral IL1β-Mediated Signaling in Normal Colonic Fibroblasts Sensitizes Tumor Cells to Chemotherapy and Prevents Inflammatory CAF Activation

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    Heterotypic interactions between newly transformed cells and normal surrounding cells define tumor's fate in incipient carcinomas. Once homeostasis has been lost, normal resident fibroblasts become carcinoma-associated fibroblasts, conferring protumorogenic properties on these normal cells. Here we describe the IL1 beta-mediated interplay between cancer cells and normal colonic myofibroblasts (NCFs), which bestows differential sensitivity to cytotoxic drugs on tumor cells. We used NCFs, their conditioned media (CM), and cocultures with tumor cells to characterize the IL1 beta-mediated crosstalk between both cell types. We silenced IL1 beta in tumor cells to demonstrate that such cells do not exert an influence on NCFs inflammatory phenotype. Our results shows that IL1 beta is overexpressed in cocultured tumor cells. IL1 beta enables paracrine signaling in myofibroblasts, converting them into inflammatory-CAFs (iCAF). IL1 beta-stimulated-NCF-CM induces migration and differential sensitivity to oxaliplatin in colorectal tumor cells. Such chemoprotective effect has not been evidenced for TGF beta 1-driven NCFs. IL1 beta induces the loss of a myofibroblastic phenotype in NCFs and acquisition of iCAF traits. In conclusion, IL1 beta-secreted by cancer cells modify surrounding normal fibroblasts to confer protumorogenic features on them, particularly tolerance to cytotoxic drugs. The use of IL1 beta-blocking agents might help to avoid the iCAF traits acquisition and consequently to counteract the protumorogenic actions these cells. Keyword

    Evaluation of Potential Predictive Biomarkers for Defining Brain Radiotherapy Efficacy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases: A Case Report and a Narrative Review

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the second most common cancer worldwide, resulting in 1.8 million deaths per year. Most patients are diagnosed with a metastatic disease. Brain metastases are one of the most common metastatic sites and are associated with severe neurological symptoms, shorter survival, and the worst clinical outcomes. Brain radiotherapy and systemic oncological therapies are currently used for controlling both cancer progression and neurological symptoms. Brain radiotherapy includes stereotactic brain ablative radiotherapy (SBRT) or whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT). SBRT is applied for single or multiple (up to ten) small (diameter less than 4 cm) lesions, whereas WBRT is usually applied for multiple (more than ten) and large (diameter greater than 4 cm) brain metastases. In both cases, radiotherapy application may be viewed as an overtreatment which causes severe toxicities without achieving a significant clinical benefit. Thus far, a number of scoring systems to define the potential clinical benefits derived from brain radiotherapy have been proposed. However, most are not well established in clinical practice. In this article, we present a clinical case of a patient with advanced NSCLC carrying a BRAFV600E mutation and brain metastases. We review the variables in addition to applicable scoring systems considered to have potential for predicting clinical outcomes and benefits of brain radiotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC and brain metastases. Lastly, we highlight the unmet need of specific scoring systems for advanced NSCLC patients with brain metastases carrying oncogene alterations including BRAFV600E mutations

    Prior Anti-Angiogenic TKI-Based Treatment as Potential Predisposing Factor to Nivolumab-Mediated Recurrent Thyroid Disorder Adverse Events in mRCC Patients: A Case Series

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) targeting programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) or its ligand 1 (PD-L1) have revolutionized the management of many types of solid tumors, including metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Both sequential and combinatorial therapeutic strategies utilizing anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and anti-angiogenic tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have demonstrated to improve the survival of patients with mRCC as compared to standard therapies. On the other hand, both ICIs and TKIs are well known to potentially cause thyroid disorder adverse events (TDAEs). However, in the context of sequential therapeutic strategy, it is not clear whether prior anti-angiogenic TKI may increase the risk and/or the severity of ICI-related TDAEs. In this work, by describing and analyzing a case series of mRCC patients treated sequentially with prior TKIs and then with ICIs, we investigated the role of prior anti-angiogenic TKI-based treatment as a potential predisposing factor to anti-PD-1-mediated recurrent TDAEs, as well as its potential impact on the clinical characteristics of nivolumab-mediated recurrent TDAEs. Fifty mRCC patients were included in the analysis. TKI-mediated TDAEs were reported in ten out of fifty patients. TKI-mediated TDAEs were characterized by hypothyroidism in all ten patients. Specifically, 40%, 40% and 20% of patients presented grade 1, 2 and 3 hypothyroidisms, respectively. Following tumor progression and during anti-PD-1 nivolumab treatment, five out of ten patients developed anti-PD-1 nivolumab-mediated recurrent TDAEs. Anti-PD-1 nivolumab-mediated recurrent TDAEs were characterized by an early transient phase of thyrotoxicosis and a late phase of hypothyroidism in all five patients. The TDAEs were grade 1 and 2 in four and one patients, respectively. Prior anti-angiogenic TKI did not modify the clinical characteristics of nivolumab-mediated recurrent TDAEs. However, all five patients required an increased dosage of levothyroxine replacement therapy. In conclusion, our work suggests that prior anti-angiogenic TKI-based treatment significantly increases the risk of ICI-mediated recurrent TDAEs in patients with mRCC without modifying their clinical characteristics. The most relevant effect for these patients is the need to increase the dosage of lifelong levothyroxine replacement therapy

    Molecules and Mechanisms to Overcome Oxidative Stress Inducing Cardiovascular Disease in Cancer Patients

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are molecules involved in signal transduction pathways with both beneficial and detrimental effects on human cells. ROS are generated by many cellular processes including mitochondrial respiration, metabolism and enzymatic activities. In physiological conditions, ROS levels are well-balanced by antioxidative detoxification systems. In contrast, in pathological conditions such as cardiovascular, neurological and cancer diseases, ROS production exceeds the antioxidative detoxification capacity of cells, leading to cellular damages and death. In this review, we will first describe the biology and mechanisms of ROS mediated oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease. Second, we will review the role of oxidative stress mediated by oncological treatments in inducing cardiovascular disease. Lastly, we will discuss the strategies that potentially counteract the oxidative stress in order to fight the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease, including that induced by oncological treatments

    Role of Human Leukocyte Antigen System as A Predictive Biomarker for Checkpoint-Based Immunotherapy in Cancer Patients

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    Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy have clearly shown that checkpoint-based immunotherapy is effective in a small subgroup of cancer patients. However, no effective predictive biomarker has been identified so far. The major histocompatibility complex, better known in humans as human leukocyte antigen (HLA), is a very polymorphic gene complex consisting of more than 200 genes. It has a crucial role in activating an appropriate host immune response against pathogens and tumor cells by discriminating self and non-self peptides. Several lines of evidence have shown that down-regulation of expression of HLA class I antigen derived peptide complexes by cancer cells is a mechanism of tumor immune escape and is often associated to poor prognosis in cancer patients. In addition, it has also been shown that HLA class I and II antigen expression, as well as defects in the antigen processing machinery complex, may predict tumor responses in cancer immunotherapy. Nevertheless, the role of HLA in predicting tumor responses to checkpoint-based immunotherapy is still debated. In this review, firstly, we will describe the structure and function of the HLA system. Secondly, we will summarize the HLA defects and their clinical significance in cancer patients. Thirdly, we will review the potential role of the HLA as a predictive biomarker for checkpoint-based immunotherapy in cancer patients. Lastly, we will discuss the potential strategies that may restore HLA function to implement novel therapeutic strategies in cancer patients

    Bispecific Antibodies: A Novel Approach for the Treatment of Solid Tumors

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    : Advancement in sequencing technologies allows for the identification of molecular pathways involved in tumor progression and treatment resistance. Implementation of novel agents targeting these pathways, defined as targeted therapy, significantly improves the prognosis of cancer patients. Targeted therapy also includes the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). These drugs recognize specific oncogenic proteins expressed in cancer cells. However, as with many other types of targeting agents, mAb-based therapy usually fails in the long-term control of cancer progression due to the development of resistance. In many cases, resistance is caused by the activation of alternative pathways involved in cancer progression and the development of immune evasion mechanisms. To overcome this off-target resistance, bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) were developed to simultaneously target differential oncogenic pathway components, tumor-associated antigens (TAA) and immune regulatory molecules. As a result, in the last few years, several bsAbs have been tested or are being tested in cancer patients. A few of them are currently approved for the treatment of some hematologic malignancies but no bsAbs are approved in solid tumors. In this review, we will provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of bsAbs for the treatment of solid malignancies outlining their classification, design, main technologies utilized for production, mechanisms of action, updated clinical evidence and potential limitations

    Interfering with the Tumor-Immune Interface: Making Way for Triazine-Based Small Molecules as Novel PD-L1 Inhibitors

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    : The inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis by monoclonal antibodies has achieved remarkable success in treating a growing number of cancers. However, a novel class of small organic molecules, with BMS-202 (1) as the lead, is emerging as direct PD-L1 inhibitors. Herein, we report a series of 2,4,6-tri- and 2,4-disubstituted 1,3,5-triazines, which were synthesized and assayed for their PD-L1 binding by NMR and homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence. Among them, compound 10 demonstrated to strongly bind with the PD-L1 protein and challenged it in a co-culture of PD-L1 expressing cancer cells (PC9 and HCC827 cells) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells enhanced antitumor immune activity of the latter. Compound 10 significantly increased interferon Îł release and apoptotic induction of cancer cells, with low cytotoxicity in healthy cells when compared to 1, thus paving the way for subsequent preclinical optimization and medical applications