410 research outputs found

    Primordial Black Holes in an Accelerating Universe

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    General expressions are given for the generation of Primordial Black Holes (PBH) in a universe with a presently accelerated expansion due to a(n effective) cosmological constant. We give expressions both for a powerlaw scalefree primordial spectrum and for spectra which are not of that type. Specializing to the case of a pure cosmological constant Λ\Lambda and assuming flatness, we show that a comological constant with ΩΛ,0=0.7\Omega_{\Lambda,0}=0.7 will decrease the mass variance at the PBH formation time by about 15% compared with a critical density universe.Comment: 9 pages, uses LaTeX, version accepted in Phys. Lett. B, results unchange

    Why do cosmological perturbations look classical to us?

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    According to the inflationary scenario of cosmology, all structure in the Universe can be traced back to primordial fluctuations during an accelerated (inflationary) phase of the very early Universe. A conceptual problem arises due to the fact that the primordial fluctuations are quantum, while the standard scenario of structure formation deals with classical fluctuations. In this essay we present a concise summary of the physics describing the quantum-to-classical transition. We first discuss the observational indistinguishability between classical and quantum correlation functions in the closed system approach (pragmatic view). We then present the open system approach with environment-induced decoherence. We finally discuss the question of the fluctuations' entropy for which, in principle, the concrete mechanism leading to decoherence possesses observational relevance.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, invited contribution to a special issue of Advanced Science Letters, final versio

    Can Lightcone Fluctuations be Probed with Cosmological Backgrounds?

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    Finding signatures of quantum gravity in cosmological observations is now actively pursued both from the theoretical and the experimental side. Recent work has concentrated on finding signatures of light-cone fluctuations in the CMB. Because in inflationary scenarios a Gravitational Wave Background (GWB) is always emitted much before the CMB, we can ask, in the hypothesis where this GWB could be observed, what is the imprint of light cone fluctuations on this GWB. We show that due to the flat nature of the GWB spectrum, the effect of lightcone fluctuations are negligible.Comment: 10 pages, references adde

    The End of Cosmic Growth

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    The growth of large scale structure is a battle between gravitational attraction and cosmic acceleration. We investigate the future behavior of cosmic growth under both general relativity (GR) and modified gravity during prolonged acceleration, deriving analytic asymptotic behaviors and showing that gravity generally loses and growth ends. We also note the `why now' problem is equally striking when viewed in terms of the shut down of growth. For many models inside GR the gravitational growth index γ\gamma also shows today as a unique time between constant behavior in the past and a higher asymptotic value in the future. Interestingly, while f(R)f(R) models depart in this respect dramatically from GR today and in the recent past, their growth indices are identical in the asymptotic future and past.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures; v2 minor edits, matches accepted PR

    The growth of matter perturbations in f(R) models

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    We consider the linear growth of matter perturbations on low redshifts in some f(R)f(R) dark energy (DE) models. We discuss the definition of dark energy (DE) in these models and show the differences with scalar-tensor DE models. For the f(R)f(R) model recently proposed by Starobinsky we show that the growth parameter γ0γ(z=0)\gamma_0\equiv \gamma(z=0) takes the value γ00.4\gamma_0\simeq 0.4 for Ωm,0=0.32\Omega_{m,0}=0.32 and γ00.43\gamma_0\simeq 0.43 for Ωm,0=0.23\Omega_{m,0}=0.23, allowing for a clear distinction from Λ\LambdaCDM. Though a scale-dependence appears in the growth of perturbations on higher redshifts, we find no dispersion for γ(z)\gamma(z) on low redshifts up to z0.3z\sim 0.3, γ(z)\gamma(z) is also quasi-linear in this interval. At redshift z=0.5z=0.5, the dispersion is still small with Δγ0.01\Delta \gamma\simeq 0.01. As for some scalar-tensor models, we find here too a large value for γ0dγdz(z=0)\gamma'_0\equiv \frac{d\gamma}{dz}(z=0), γ00.25\gamma'_0\simeq -0.25 for Ωm,0=0.32\Omega_{m,0}=0.32 and γ00.18\gamma'_0\simeq -0.18 for Ωm,0=0.23\Omega_{m,0}=0.23. These values are largely outside the range found for DE models in General Relativity (GR). This clear signature provides a powerful constraint on these models.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, improved presentation, references added, results unchanged, final version to be published in JCA

    Parameter extraction by Planck for a CDM model with broken scale invariance and cosmological constant

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    We consider a class of spatially flat cold dark matter (CDM) models, with a cosmological constant and a broken-scale-invariant (BSI) steplike primordial spectrum of adiabatic perturbations, previously found to be in very good agreement with observations. Performing a Fisher matrix analysis, we show that in case of a large gravitational waves (GW) contribution some free parameters (defining the step) of our BSI model can be extracted with remarkable accuracy by the Planck satellite, thanks to the polarisation anisotropy measurements. Further, cosmological parameters can still be found with very good precision, despite a larger number of free parameters than in the simplest inflationary models.Comment: Final version to appear in MNRAS. Minor changes. 5 pages, 1 LaTeX figure, uses mn.st

    Dispersion in the growth of matter perturbations

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    We consider the linear growth of matter perturbations on low redshifts in modified gravity Dark Energy (DE) models where G_eff(z,k) is explicitly scale-dependent. Dispersion in the growth today will only appear for scales of the order the critical scale ~ \lambda_{c,0}, the range of the fifth-force today. We generalize the constraint equation satisfied by the parameters \gamma_0(k) and \gamma'_0(k) \equiv \frac{d\gamma(z,k)}{dz}(z=0) to models with G_{eff,0}(k) \ne G. Measurement of \gamma_0(k) and \gamma'_0(k) on several scales can provide information about \lambda_{c,0}. In the absence of dispersion when \lambda_{c,0} is large compared to the probed scales, measurement of \gamma_0 and \gamma'_0 provides a consistency check independent of \lambda_{c,0}. This applies in particular to results obtained earlier for a viable f(R) model.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Scalar Field Cosmologies With Inverted Potentials

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    Regular bouncing solutions in the framework of a scalar-tensor gravity model were found in a recent work. We reconsider the problem in the Einstein frame (EF) in the present work. Singularities arising at the limit of physical viability of the model in the Jordan frame (JF) are either of the Big Bang or of the Big Crunch type in the EF. As a result we obtain integrable scalar field cosmological models in general relativity (GR) with inverted double-well potentials unbounded from below which possess solutions regular in the future, tending to a de Sitter space, and starting with a Big Bang. The existence of the two fixed points for the field dynamics at late times found earlier in the JF becomes transparent in the EF.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure