2,085 research outputs found

    Subjective Quality Assessment of the Impact of Buffer Size in Fine-Grain Parallel Video Encoding

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    Fine-Grain parallelism is essential for real-time video encoding performance. This usually implies setting a fixed buffer size for each encoded block. The choice of this parameter is critical for both performance and hardware cost. In this paper we analyze the impact of buffer size on image subjective quality, and its relation with other encoding parameters. We explore the consequences on visual quality, when minimizing buffer size to the point of causing the discard of quantized coefficients for highest frequencies. Finally, we propose some guidelines for the choice of buffer size, that has proven to be heavily dependent, in addition to other parameters, on the type of sequence being encoded. These guidelines are useful for the design of efficient realtime encoders, both hardware and software

    Synthetic magnetic field effects on neutral bosonic condensates in quasi three-dimensional anisotropic layered structures

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    We discuss a system of dilute Bose gas confined in a layered structure of stacked square lattices (slab geometry). A derived phase diagram reveals a non-monotonic dependence of the ratio of tunneling to on-site repulsion on the artificial magnetic field applied to the system. The effect is reduced when more layers are added, which mimics a two- to quasi-three-dimensional geometry crossover. Furthermore, we establish a correspondence between anisotropic infinite (quasi three-dimensional) and isotropic finite (slab geometry) systems that share exactly the same critical values, which can be an important clue for choosing experimental setups that are less demanding, but still leading to the identical results. Finally, we show that the properties of the ideal Bose gas in a three-dimensional optical lattice can be closely mimicked by finite (slab) systems, when the number of two-dimensional layers is larger than ten for isotropic interactions or even less, when the layers are weakly coupled.Comment: http://pra.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v83/i2/e02360

    Quantum rotor description of the Mott-insulator transition in the Bose-Hubbard model

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    We present the novel approach to the Bose-Hubbard model using the U(1)\mathrm{U}(1) quantum rotor description. The effective action formalism allows us to formulate a problem in the phase only action and obtain an analytical formulas for the critical lines. We show that the nontrivial U(1)\mathrm{U}(1) phase field configurations have an impact on the phase diagrams. The topological character of the quantum field is governed by terms of the integer charges - winding numbers. The comparison presented results to recently obtained quantum Monte Carlo numerical calculations suggests that the competition between quantum effects in strongly interacting boson systems is correctly captured by our model.Comment: accepted to PR

    Dissipate locally, couple globally: a sharp transition from decoupling to infinite range coupling in Josephson arrays with on-site dissipation

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    We study the T=0 normal to superconducting transition of Josephson arrays with {\it on-site} dissipation. A perturbative renormalization group solution is given. Like the previously studied case of {\it bond} dissipation (BD), this is a "floating" to coupled (FC) phase transition. {\it Unlike} the BD transition, at which {\it only} nearest-neighbor couplings become relevant, here {\it all} inter-grain couplings, out to {\it infinitely} large distances, do so simultaneously. We predict, for the first time in an FC transition, a diverging spatial correlation length. Our results show the robustness of floating phases in dissipative quantum systems.Comment: 7+ pages, 3 eps figures, Europhysics Letters preprint format, as publishe

    Local dissipation effects in two-dimensional quantum Josephson junction arrays with magnetic field

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    We study the quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional arrays of Josephson-couples junctions with short range Josephson couplings (given by the Josephson energy) and the charging energy. We map the problem onto the solvable quantum generalization of the spherical model that improves over the mean-field theory method. The arrays are placed on the top of a two-dimensional electron gas separated by an insulator. We include effects of the local dissipation in the presence of an external magnetic flux f in square lattice for several rational fluxes f=0,1/2,1/3,1/4 and 1/6. We also have examined the T=0 superconducting-insulator phase boundary as function of a dissipation alpha for two different geometry of the lattice: square and triangular. We have found critical value of the dissipation parameter independent on geometry of the lattice and presence magnetic field.Comment: accepted to PR