27 research outputs found

    Przebieg procesu likwidacji Robotniczej Spółdzielni Wydawniczej „Prasa–Książka–Ruch”

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    The text is about the process of liquidation of Workers’ Publishing Collective “Prasa-Książka-Ruch”, which had been a particularly important element of political system in The Polish People’s Republic. The author says that this subject is not widely presented in the literature. Furthermore, she claims that for proper understanding of dismantling, she had met with the former last chairman of the Collective. Those meetings had given her a chance to write about aspects which hasn’t often been presented in the literature. The text presents all the aspects and ways of liquidation but also shows main disadvantages of this process. Main signifi cation has the act from 22nd March 1990 which started the liquidation. The author presents that the most important defect of this document was preparing the act in rush and lack of consciousness of the diffi culty of this process. Accordingly, it caused many negative opinions about all the process. Key words: Workers’ publishing collective, liquidation, transformation, The Round Table, monopoly, Sławomir Tabkowski, Polish United Workers’ Part

    The role of recipient in contemporary media coverage

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationDawne postrzeganie roli odbiorcy przekazu medialnego uległo w wielu kwestiach zasadniczym zmianom. Nie ma wątpliwości, że media kreują rzeczywistość i to, jak odbiorca postrzega otaczający go świat, w dużej mierze zależy od tego, jaki komunikat do niego dotrze. Odpowiedzialna rola mediów nakłada na nie ciężar bycia nauczycielem, gdy mowa o procesie edukacji medialnej, odbiorca zaś staje się uczniem. Ideałem będzie, gdy docierać do niego będą bodźce, które pozwolą na poprawny rozwój psycho-emocjonalny, zaś nadawca nad własne potrzeby zysku przedłoży aspekt kreowania właściwych postaw społecznych. Ostatnim z omówionych problemów jest kwestia manipulacji przekazem medialnym. Zagadnienie to nie jest nowe, miało swój wyraz podczas relacjonowania przebiegu konfliktu palestyńsko-izraelskiego, a i dziś, w dobie zagrożeń terrorystycznych, stanowi ważki problem. Wszystkie te kwestie stawiają przed odbiorcą przekazu medialnego nowe zadania i nowe role, które wciąż ulegają dalszym przeobrażeniom.The previous perception of the role of the recipient of media coverage has changed substantially in many areas. There is no doubt that the media creates reality and how the perceiver sees the world around him depends in large part on the message that will reach him. The responsible role of the media imposes on them the burden of being a teacher when it comes to the process of media education when the recipient becomes a disciple. It will be ideal when he reaches the stimulus that will allow for proper psycho-emotional development, and when the broadcaster, above his own need for profit, will submit an aspect of creating proper social attitudes. The last of the issues discussed is media manipulation. This issue is not new, it has been expressed in reporting the course of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and today, in the era of terrorist threats it is a major problem. All these issues confront the media forward with new tasks and new roles for perceivers that however continue to undergo further transformations

    The technological evolution of the media and the process of socio-cultural chnages and their impact on the press in Poland

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    System transformation, which has been performed after year 1989, has started process of violent changes in each domain of life in Poland. It has allowed on economy freedom that has contributed to intensive technological evolution. This process had key meaning for development, but especially for modification of Polish press market. On the one hand we observe pluralism among press titles which has brought immediate growth on this market, but press sector had to face the challenge of competitive media that use technological development to supply their functioning. It’s said not only about the radio and television, but especially about utilization of internet on different surfaces of spheres of media. The present publication is the study of chosen aspects of changes, which have reached and still has place, in the consequence of appearance and employment of newest technical solutions. The author indicate what chances and threats can they give for farthest functioning of press in Polan

    The process of liquidation of the workers' publishing collective "Prasa-Książka-Ruch"

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    The text is about the process of liquidation of Workers’ Publishing Collective “Prasa-Książka-Ruch”, which had been a particularly important element of political system in The Polish People’s Republic. The author says that this subject is not widely presented in the literature. Furthermore, she claims that for proper understanding of dismantling, she had met with the former last chairman of the Collective. Those meetings had given her a chance to write about aspects which hasn't often been presented in the literature. The text presents all the aspects and ways of liquidation but also shows main disadvantages of this process. Main signification has the act from 22nd March 1990 which started the liquidation. The author presents that the most important defect of this document was preparing the act in rush and lack of consciousness of the difficulty of this process. Accordingly, it caused many negative opinions about all the process

    Workers' Publishing Collective "Prasa-Książka-Ruch" and the end of Polish people Republic Period and reasons of its liquidation

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    "The text is about the process of changes in Workers’ Publishing Collective “Prasa-Książka-Ruch”, which happened just before its liquidation. The author says that this subject is not widely presented in the literature. Furthermore, she claims that for proper understanding of dismantling this period is of central importance. Main signification has comprehension of inside changes that happened in this Collective, whereas the new executive started to lead their new way after the meeting by the Round Table. The author presents that the most important inside factor was lack of consciousness of the transformation’s impendence. Accordingly, no changes were planned and the Collective’s management didn’t find any adaptive strategy for new political conditions.

    The role of new media in communication between politicians and voters on the example of the presidential election in Poland

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    Rozwój nowych technologii sprawia, że wszystkie obszary życia ulegają gwałtownym zmianom. Proces ten dotyczy w sposób szczególny sfery mediów i przyczynił się do powstania tzw. nowych mediów. Środki komunikacji od zawsze stanowiły jeden z głównych filarów kampanii wyborczych, zatem wszelkie nowe narzędzia, które mogły być zastosowane znacząco wpłynęły na ewolucję zabiegów marketingowych mających na celu zdobycie, jak największej ilości głosów. Autorka dokonała analizy zmian jakie zaszły w kolejnych kampaniach prezydenckich w Polsce pod kątem wykorzystania w nich mediów. Wyraźnie wykazana została zbieżność aspektów polityczno-społecznych z metodami wykorzystanymi w poszczególnych kampaniach. Na uwagę zasługuje także fakt, iż droga do cyberkampanii była na polskiej scenie politycznej spóźniona w porównaniu do kampanii m.in w Stanach Zjednoczonych.Due to the development of new technologies, all areas of life are changing rapidly. This process concerns in a special way the sphere of the media and it contributed to the creation of the so-called new media. Means of communication have always been one of the main pillars of election campaigns, so any new tools that could be used significantly influenced the evolution of marketing methods. The author analyzed the changes that took place in subsequent presidential campaigns in Poland in terms of the usage of the media in them. The convergence of political and social aspects with the methods used in individual campaigns was clearly demonstrated. It is also worth noting that the way to the cyber campaign was delayed on the Polish political scene comparing with the campaigns for example in the United States