10,077 research outputs found

    Forelimb muscle and joint actions in Archosauria: insights from Crocodylus johnstoni (Pseudosuchia) and Mussaurus patagonicus (Sauropodomorpha)

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    Many of the major locomotor transitions during the evolution of Archosauria, the lineage including crocodiles and birds as well as extinct Dinosauria, were shifts from quadrupedalism to bipedalism (and vice versa). Those occurred within a continuum between more sprawling and erect modes of locomotion and involved drastic changes of limb anatomy and function in several lineages, including sauropodomorph dinosaurs. We present biomechanical computer models of two locomotor extremes within Archosauria in an analysis of joint ranges of motion and the moment arms of the major forelimb muscles in order to quantify biomechanical differences between more sprawling, pseudosuchian (represented the crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni) and more erect, dinosaurian (represented by the sauropodomorph Mussaurus patagonicus) modes of forelimb function. We compare these two locomotor extremes in terms of the reconstructed musculoskeletal anatomy, ranges of motion of the forelimb joints and the moment arm patterns of muscles across those ranges of joint motion. We reconstructed the three-dimensional paths of 30 muscles acting around the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. We explicitly evaluate how forelimb joint mobility and muscle actions may have changed with postural and anatomical alterations from basal archosaurs to early sauropodomorphs. We thus evaluate in which ways forelimb posture was correlated with muscle leverage, and how such differences fit into a broader evolutionary context (i.e. transition from sprawling quadrupedalism to erect bipedalism and then shifting to graviportal quadrupedalism). Our analysis reveals major differences of muscle actions between the more sprawling and erect models at the shoulder joint. These differences are related not only to the articular surfaces but also to the orientation of the scapula, in which extension/flexion movements in Crocodylus (e.g. protraction of the humerus) correspond to elevation/depression in Mussaurus. Muscle action is highly influenced by limb posture, more so than morphology. Habitual quadrupedalism in Mussaurus is not supported by our analysis of joint range of motion, which indicates that glenohumeral protraction was severely restricted. Additionally, some active pronation of the manus may have been possible in Mussaurus, allowing semi-pronation by a rearranging of the whole antebrachium (not the radius against the ulna, as previously thought) via long-axis rotation at the elbow joint. However, the muscles acting around this joint to actively pronate it may have been too weak to drive or maintain such orientations as opposed to a neutral position in between pronation and supination. Regardless, the origin of quadrupedalism in Sauropoda is not only linked to manus pronation but also to multiple shifts of forelimb morphology, allowing greater flexion movements of the glenohumeral joint and a more columnar forelimb posture

    Variation in habitat choice and delayed reproduction: Adaptive queuing strategies or individual quality differences?

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    In most species, some individuals delay reproduction or occupy inferior breeding positions. The queue hypothesis tries to explain both patterns by proposing that individuals strategically delay breeding (queue) to acquire better breeding or social positions. In 1995, Ens, Weissing, and Drent addressed evolutionarily stable queuing strategies in situations with habitat heterogeneity. However, their model did not consider the non - mutually exclusive individual quality hypothesis, which suggests that some individuals delay breeding or occupy inferior breeding positions because they are poor competitors. Here we extend their model with individual differences in competitive abilities, which are probably plentiful in nature. We show that including even the smallest competitive asymmetries will result in individuals using queuing strategies completely different from those in models that assume equal competitors. Subsequently, we investigate how well our models can explain settleme! nt patterns in the wild, using a long-term study on oystercatchers. This long-lived shorebird exhibits strong variation in age of first reproduction and territory quality. We show that only models that include competitive asymmetries can explain why oystercatchers' settlement patterns depend on natal origin. We conclude that predictions from queuing models are very sensitive to assumptions about competitive asymmetries, while detecting such differences in the wild is often problematic.

    Optically activated ZnO/Sio2/Si cantilever beams

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    The photomechanical effect induced by periodically varying sub-bandgap illumination in thin ZnO films deposited on oxidized Si has been demonstrated for the first time. The efficiency of this effect is at least one order of magnitude higher as compared to the photothermal activation of Si. Thus it can be considered as a powerful optical drive for resonant sensors. A phenomenological model of the mechanisms involved in the process is proposed. The optomechanical effect can also be used as a complementary method in determination of the surface state parameters of ZnO films

    Softness dependence of the Anomalies for the Continuous Shouldered Well potential

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    By molecular dynamic simulations we study a system of particles interacting through a continuous isotropic pairwise core-softened potential consisting of a repulsive shoulder and an attractive well. The model displays a phase diagram with three fluid phases, a gas-liquid critical point, a liquid-liquid critical point, and anomalies in density, diffusion and structure. The hierarchy of the anomalies is the same as for water. We study the effect on the anomalies of varying the softness of the potential. We find that, making the soft-core steeper, the regions of density and diffusion anomalies contract in the T - {\rho} plane, while the region of structural anomaly is weakly affected. Therefore, a liquid can have anomalous structural behavior without density or diffusion anomalies. We show that, by considering as effective distances those corresponding to the maxima of the first two peaks of the radial distribution function g(r) in the high-density liquid, we can generalize to continuous two-scales potentials a criterion for the occurrence of the anomalies of density and diffusion, originally proposed for discontinuous potentials. We observe that the knowledge of the structural behavior within the first two coordination shells of the liquid is not enough to establish the occurrence of the anomalies. By introducing the density derivative of the the cumulative order integral of the excess entropy we show that the anomalous behavior is regulated by the structural order at distances as large as the fourth coordination shell. By comparing the results for different softness of the potential, we conclude that the disappearing of the density and diffusion anomalies for the steeper potentials is due to a more structured short-range order. All these results increase our understanding on how, knowing the interaction potential, we can evaluate the possible presence of anomalies for a liquid

    Light transmission assisted by Brewster-Zennek modes in chromium films carrying a subwavelength hole array

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    This work confirms that not only surface plasmons but many other kinds of electromagnetic eigenmodes should be considered in explaining the values of the transmittivity through a slab bearing a two-dimensional periodic corrugation. Specifically, the role of Brewster-Zennek modes appearing in metallic films exhibiting regions of weak positive dielectric constant. It is proposed that these modes play a significant role in the light transmission in a thin chromium film perforated with normal cylindrical holes, for appropriate lattice parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Random Vibrations of Nonlinear Continua Endowed with Fractional Derivative Elements

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    In this paper, two techniques are proposed for determining the large displacement statistics of random exciting continua endowed with fractional derivative elements: Boundary Element Method (BEM) based Monte Carlo simulation; and Statistical Linearization (SL). The techniques are applied to the problem of nonlinear beam and plate random response determination in the case of colored random external load. The BEM is implemented in conjunction with a Newmark scheme for estimating the system response in the time domain in conjunction with repeated simulations, while SL is used for estimating efficiently and directly, albeit iteratively, the response statistics

    Engagement in Structured Extracurricular Activities: A Preventive Measure for Technology Addiction in Adolescents

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    Background: Technology has been an integral part of our lives, and it has both positive and negative effects on adolescents. The engagement in structured extracurricular activities can be utilized as a prevention method for technology or internet addiction. This can channel their time and energy in the right direction and empower valuable results for youth. The present study was conducted to compare adolescents engaged in structured and non-structured extracurricular activities in terms of spending time on computers using the internet for education and entertainment. Methodology: In a cross-sectional research design, the Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire was administered to a total of 124 adolescents (75 males and 49 females) to exclude adolescents with behavioral disturbances. In addition, a semi-structured interview was also used for understanding and analyzing the impacts of structured and unstructured extracurricular activities (in terms of frequency and duration). Results and Conclusion: Results indicated that academic grades were highest in adolescents involved in structured extra-curricular activities. Internet use and mobile use for social purposes were found to be higher among adolescents involved in structured extracurricular activities. Thus, active participation in structured extracurricular activities leads to the holistic development of adolescents, better academic performance, and decreased involvement in technology

    Integration of Faith and Learning in Christian School Art Education

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    A Christian philosophy of art education begins with an understanding that God is sovereign and that his word is infallible truth. It is not always is the case that Christian school art educators have dedicated themselves to the integration of faith and learning in the art curriculum. In the art classroom the educator should promote scriptural truths, the work and importance of the Holy Spirit in the art process, and the exciting calling that God has for the Christian artist. By teaching these fundamentals to students, the classroom atmosphere will be more conducive to productive learning and response by students, and should do so in a manner that is real and practical for students’ lives. This paper will examine why the art curriculum in the Christian school should not only be based on a sound biblical philosophy, but why this philosophy needs to be “fleshed out” in practice in order to make clear and relevant a Christian perspective in students’ lives. Research in integration of faith and learning, art education as a process, and assessment in art education will be summarized along with suggestions for integration of a biblical perspective into the Christian School art classroom
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