258 research outputs found

    Case 1 : The Fire Under the Shed: The Cornerstone Fuelling Our Plight

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    In Ghana, smoke from biomass fuel cook stoves leads to acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) in children under five. Akosua Agborson, a research fellow, had the opportunity to work with the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS) team at the Kintampo Health Research Centre to address this public health issue. The GRAPHS team is responsible for reducing air pollution and improving cook stoves for households in Ghana. Akosua decided to support the GRAPHS team by doing a case research study on gari processing involving biomass fuel. She focused on gari processors because Ghana is the sixth largest producer of gari (cassava grits) in the world. Akosua and the GRAPHS team interviewed gari processors, community leaders, and the district government officer in order to understand the levels of knowledge about health risks and the perceptions of air pollution attributable to biomass fuel used in the gari processing industry

    Malaria vaccine deployment in Africa: focus on Ghana

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    The announcement by the Ghana Health Service /Ministry of Health at the beginning of May to begin the pilot implementation of the malaria vaccine – RTS,S/AS01 (Mosquirix®) – manufactured by GSK Biologicals was greeted with rumours about conspiracy theories of secretagenda to depopulate Africa through the use of vaccines and all the other stories that are often propagated by the anti vaxxers. This was not unlike the fear and panic spread throughout the country that prevented investigators from conducting clinical trials on new vaccines against the Ebola virus disease a few years ago

    Re: Musings on malaria morbidity and mortality after the new Mosquirix® vaccine

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    Importance of pilot implementation and Phase IV studies and pending questions: The Malaria Vaccine Implementation Project (MVIP) is coordinated by the World HealthOrganisation (WHO) and led by African health authorities in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi. In Ghana, the MVIP is led by Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service and evaluatedby a consortium of researchers from University of Ghana, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Agogo Malaria Centre, and the Research and Development Division of Ghana Health Service. The project is designed to address several outstanding questions related to the public health use of the vaccine. Additionally, Phase IV studies are ongoing to further assess the safety of the vaccine in Ghana (Kintampo and Navrongo) as a standardregulatory requirement for new vaccines. Indeed, this approach has been used for the introduction of other vaccines in Ghana such as the human papilloma virus vaccine.2 Specifically, the MVIP will provide data to the Ministry of Health and partners on how best to deliver the required four doses of the vaccine in routine settings; assess the vaccine’s full potential role in reducing childhood deaths; and establish the vaccine’s safety profile inthe context of routine use. Since the Phase III study was not intended to measure the impact of the vaccine on mortality, the data from MVIP will confirm or refute theimpact of the malaria vaccine on mortality as determined in the mathematical models outlined by Penny M et. al.

    Hepatic safety and tolerability of cipargamin (KAE609), in adult patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria: a randomized, phase II, controlled, dose-escalation trial in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background The novel anti-malarial cipargamin (KAE609) has potent, rapid activity against Plasmodium falciparum. Transient asymptomatic liver function test elevations were previously observed in cipargamin-treated subjects in two trials: one in malaria patients in Asia and one in volunteers with experimentally induced malaria. In this study, the hepatic safety of cipargamin given as single doses of 10 to 150 mg and 10 to 50 mg once daily for 3 days was assessed. Efficacy results, frequency of treatment-emerging mutations in the atp4 gene and pharmacokinetics have been published elsewhere. Further, the R561H mutation in the k13 gene, which confers artemisinin-resistance, was associated with delayed parasite clearance following treatment with artemether–lumefantrine in Rwanda in this study. This was also the first study with cipargamin to be conducted in patients in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods This was a Phase II, multicentre, randomized, open-label, dose-escalation trial in adults with uncomplicated falciparum malaria in five sub-Saharan countries, using artemether–lumefantrine as control. The primary endpoint was ≥ 2 Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) Grade increase from baseline in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate transaminase (AST) during the 4-week trial. Results Overall, 2/135 patients treated with cipargamin had ≥ 2 CTCAE Grade increases from baseline in ALT or AST compared to 2/51 artemether–lumefantrine patients, with no significant difference between any cipargamin treatment group and the control group. Cipargamin exposure was comparable to or higher than those in previous studies. Hepatic adverse events and general safety and tolerability were similar for all cipargamin doses and artemether–lumefantrine. Cipargamin was well tolerated with no safety concerns. Conclusions This active-controlled, dose escalation study was a detailed assessment of the hepatic safety of cipargamin, across a wide range of doses, in patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Comparison with previous cipargamin trials requires caution as no clear conclusion can be drawn as to whether hepatic safety and potential immunity to malaria would differ with ethnicity, patient age and or geography. Previous concerns regarding hepatic safety may have been confounded by factors including malaria itself, whether natural or experimental infection, and should not limit the further development of cipargamin

    Situational analysis of service provision for adolescents with mental and neurological disorders in in two districts of Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Prevalence among adolescents with mental disorders are about 20% worldwide. In 2012, Ghana enacted the Mental Health Act, Act 846 to regulate mental health care, but did not include specific programmatic details of service provision nor any measurable indicators for adolescent mental health. Currently no service programmes focused on adolescents and no aggregated data exists documenting prevalence of mental and neurological disorders among adolescents. In the Brong Ahafo region, mental health providers carry out simultaneous programmes to diagnose, treat, and counsel patients. There is a need to investigate how these service programmes are currently functioning as measured by World Health Organisation guidelines. This study therefore, investigated quality of service provision for adolescents with mental disorders in Kintampo North and South districts of central Ghana. METHODS: Mixed method approach of quantitative and qualitative data collection, organization, and analysis was implored. Quantitative method data collection used case registers to identify mental and neurological disorders among adolescents. Qualitative methods used in-depth interviews of service providers, primary caregivers, and users of healthcare on the services available to treat mental and neurological disorders among adolescents. A combination of quality standards tools was used to assess services. RESULTS: Epilepsy was the most common treated disorder among adolescents receiving services at the four facilities in the two districts. Providers and stakeholders had limited or no training in adolescent mental health. Validated diagnostic tools were not being used to rule out differential diagnosis; medication procurement was a challenge to consistent treatment. Data collection and analysis was not standardized. Providers, stakeholders, patients, and their primary caregivers reported challenges with funding, transportation logistics, and stigma against people with mental and neurological disorders. CONCLUSION: There are few mental health service providers for people living with mental disorders in the two Kintampo districts, with no specific services for adolescents. The Mental Health Act 846 of 2012 is an important milestone in mental health care but there are not specific plans for its implementation. Community sensitization, education in mental health and neurological disorders, and advocacy against stigma are all successful programmes that have the potential to be scaled up

    Barriers and facilitators to nationwide implementation of the malaria vaccine in Ghana.

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    Interventions such as antimalarial drugs, bed nets and insecticides have helped curb the burden of malaria in the past decade, yet malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children below the age of five years. In 2019, Ghana, Malawi, and Kenya in sub-Saharan Africa (countries with moderate to high transmission areas of malaria and deaths) started piloting the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine in selected regions. Using qualitative methods, this study examined the main factors (forces) that will influence or hinder the nationwide implementation of the malaria vaccine, if approved, in Ghana. We conducted in-depth interviews with 12 key individuals (national, research/academia, and program implementing partners) in the public health sector in Ghana in October 2018 to February 2019. Results were analyzed using Kurt Lewin's force field analysis (FFA) to understand how organizations interact with their external environment in the delivery of health policies such as the implementation of the malaria vaccine. We found that the disease burden of malaria deaths in Ghana, efficacy of the vaccine, stakeholder involvement, and evidence for feasibility of vaccine delivery generated by the consortium of researchers (body of researchers) that can track the implementation were the driving forces to scale up the vaccine into routine health system. On the other hand, the needed logistics, funding, administration of the 4-dose vaccine and follow up were identified as potential barriers. The most influential force collectively highlighted by the respondents was the disease burden, and the most influential barrier was the logistics of delivering the vaccine. Our findings provide decision-makers with key barriers and facilitators to guide policy and decision-making for malaria control in Ghana and other similar settings in low middle-income countries

    Estimating malaria parasite density: assumed white blood cell count of 10,000/μl of blood is appropriate measure in Central Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: White blood cells count (WBCc) is a bedrock in the estimation of malaria parasite density in malaria field trials, interventions and patient management. White blood cells are indirectly and relatively used in microscopy to estimate the density of malaria parasite infections. Due to frequent lack of facilities in some malaria-endemic countries, in order to quantify WBCc of patients, an assumed WBCc of 8.0 X 10(9)/L has been set by the World Health Organization to help in estimating malaria parasite densities. METHODS: This comparative analysis study, in Central Ghana, compiled laboratory data of 5,902 Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite positive samples. Samples were obtained from consented participants of age groups less than five years. Full blood counts (FBC) of participants' samples were analysed using the ABX Micros 60 Haematology Analyzer. Blood slides were read by two competent microscopists to produce concordant results. All internal and external quality control measures were carried out appropriately. Parasite densities were calculated using participants' absolute WBCc and assumed WBCc of 5,000 to 10,000 per microlitre of blood. RESULTS: From the 5,902 Pf malaria positive samples, the mean (SD) WBCc and geometric mean parasite density were 10.4 (4.6) × 10(9)/L and 7,557/μL (95% CI 7,144/μL to 7,994/μL) respectively. The difference in the geometric mean parasite densities calculated using absolute WBCs and compared to densities with assumed WBCs counts were significantly lower for 5.0 × 10(9)/L; 3,937/μL, 6.0 × 10(9)/L; 4,725/μL and 8.0 × 10(9)/L; 6,300/μL. However, the difference in geometric mean parasite density, 7,874/μL (95 % CI, 7,445/μL to 8,328/μL), with assumed WBCc of 10.0 × 10(9)/L was not significant. CONCLUSION: Using the assumed WBCc of 8.0 X 10(9)/L or lower to estimate malaria parasite densities in Pf infected children less than five years old could result in significant underestimation of parasite burden. Assumed WBCc of 10.0 × 10(9)/L at 95 % CI of geometric mean of parasite density statistically agreed with the parasite densities produce by the absolute WBCc of participants. The study suggests where resources are limited, use of assumed WBCc of 10.0 × 10(9)/L of blood to estimate malaria parasite density in central Ghana. Preferably, absolute WBCc should be used in drug efficacy and vaccine trials

    Challenges and lessons learned during the planning and early implementation of the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine in three regions of Ghana: a qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: In 2019, the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine was introduced on a pilot basis in six regions of Ghana by the Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service as part of the WHO-coordinated Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP). This is the first time a malaria vaccination programme has been implemented in any country. This paper describes the challenges faced, and lessons learned, during the planning and early implementation of the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine in three out of the six regions that implemented the programme in Ghana. METHODS: Twenty-one in-depth interviews were conducted with regional and district health service managers and frontline health workers three months after the start of MVIP in May 2019. Data were coded using NVivo software version 12 and a coding framework was developed to support thematic analysis to identify the challenges and lessons learned during the RTS,S/AS01E implementation pilot, which were also categorized into the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). RESULTS: Participants reported challenges related to the characteristics of the intervention, such as issues with the vaccine schedule and eligibility criteria, and challenges related to how it was implemented as a pilot programme. Additionally, major challenges were faced due to the spread of rumours leading to vaccine refusals; thus, the outer setting of the CFIR was adapted to accommodate rumours within the community context. Health service managers and frontline health workers also experienced challenges with the process of implementing RTS,S/AS01E, including inadequate sensitization and training, as well as issues with the timeline. They also experienced challenges associated with the features of the systems within which the vaccine was being implemented, including inadequate resources for cold-chain at the health facility level and transportation at the district and health facility levels. This study identified the need for a longer, more intensive and sustained delivery of contextually-appropriate sensitization prior to implementation of a programme such as MVIP. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified 12 main challenges and lessons learned by health service managers and health workers during the planning and early implementation phases of the RTS,S/AS01E pilot introduction in Ghana. These findings are highly relevant to the likely scale-up of RTS,S/AS01E within Ghana and possible implementation in other African countries, as well as to other future introductions of novel vaccines

    The Influence of Apparent Temperature on Mortality in the Kintampo Health and Demographic Surveillance Area in the Middle Belt of Ghana: A Retrospective Time-Series Analysis.

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    Globally, studies have shown that diurnal changes in weather conditions and extreme weather events have a profound effect on mortality. Here, we assessed the effect of apparent temperature on all-cause mortality and the modifying effect of sex on the apparent temperature-mortality relationship using mortality and weather data archived over an eleven-year period. An overdispersed Poisson regression and distributed lag nonlinear models were used for this analysis. With these models, we analysed the relative risk of mortality at different temperature values over a 10-day lag period. By and large, we observed a nonlinear association between mean daily apparent temperature and all-cause mortality. An assessment of different temperature values over a 10-day lag period showed an increased risk of death at the lowest apparent temperature (18°C) from lag 2 to 4 with the highest relative risk of mortality (RR = 1.61, 95% CI: 1.2, 2.15, p value = 0.001) occurring three days after exposure. The relative risk of death also varied between males (RR = 0.31, 95% CI: 0.10, 0.94) and females (RR = 4.88, 95% CI: 1.40, 16.99) by apparent temperature and lag. On the whole, males are sensitive to both temperature extremes whilst females are more vulnerable to low temperature-related mortality. Accordingly, our findings could inform efforts at reducing temperature-related mortality in this context and other settings with similar environmental and demographic characteristics