Case 1 : The Fire Under the Shed: The Cornerstone Fuelling Our Plight


In Ghana, smoke from biomass fuel cook stoves leads to acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) in children under five. Akosua Agborson, a research fellow, had the opportunity to work with the Ghana Randomized Air Pollution and Health Study (GRAPHS) team at the Kintampo Health Research Centre to address this public health issue. The GRAPHS team is responsible for reducing air pollution and improving cook stoves for households in Ghana. Akosua decided to support the GRAPHS team by doing a case research study on gari processing involving biomass fuel. She focused on gari processors because Ghana is the sixth largest producer of gari (cassava grits) in the world. Akosua and the GRAPHS team interviewed gari processors, community leaders, and the district government officer in order to understand the levels of knowledge about health risks and the perceptions of air pollution attributable to biomass fuel used in the gari processing industry

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