66 research outputs found

    Effect of photoperiod on sexual activity of boar

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    The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of photoperiod on sexual activity of three breeds of boars: Swedish Landrace (n=34), Large White (n=38), and Duroc (n=32). Boar sexual activity was analysed based on the libido index and intensity of ejaculation. The libido index was calculated as the ratio between the duration of ejaculation and time of preparation until ejaculation. The intensity of ejaculation was the volume of ejaculate (mL) secreted in the unit of time (min). The effect of photoperiod was analysed as the effect of duration of daylight ( lt 12 h and >12 h) within photoperiod intervals (increasing and decreasing). Impact assessment was carried out by applying the General Linear Model procedure. Libido and intensity of ejaculation varied under the impact of photoperiod and the breed of boars. With the increase in age, the boar libido weakened, while the volume of ejaculate and intensity of ejaculation increased. Boars manifested better libido when the daylight lasted longer than 12 h in both photoperiod intervals. Different from libido, the volume of ejaculate and intensity of ejaculation were highest when the daylight was shorter than 12 h, but only in the decreasing photoperiod interval. Swedish Landrace boars manifested best libido, while in the production of sperm the Duroc boars were inferior compared with Swedish Landrace and Large White. The phenotypic relationship among libido, ejaculate volume, and ejaculation intensity ranges from very low to high; however, the coefficients were positive, which indicates the possibility of simultaneous improvement of these traits

    Effects of pseudoephedrine on parameters affecting exercise performance: a meta-analysis

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    Background Pseudoephedrine (PSE), a sympathomimetic drug, commonly used in nasal decongestants, is currently banned in sports by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), as its stimulant activity is claimed to enhance performance. This meta-analysis described the effects of PSE on factors relating to sport performance. Methods All included studies were randomised placebo-controlled trials and were conducted in a double blind crossover fashion. All participants (males and females) were deemed to be healthy. For the primary analysis, standardised mean difference effect sizes (ES) were calculated for heart rate (HR), time trial (TT) performance, rating of perceived exertion, blood glucose, and blood lactate. Results Across all parameters, effects were trivial with the exception of HR, which showed a small positive increase in favour of PSE ingestion (ES = 0.43; 95% confidence interval: − 0.01 to 0.88). However, subgroup analyses revealed important trends. Effect sizes for HR (increase) and TT (quicker) were larger in well-trained (VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption) ≥ 65 ml/kg/min) and younger (170 mg) resulting in small (ES = − 0.24) and moderate (ES = 0.85) effect sizes respectively for these variables. Conclusions We conclude, however, that the performance benefit of pseudoephedrine is marginal and likely to be less than that obtained from permitted stimulants such as caffeine

    Wpływ sezonu urodzenia knurów ras duroc i pietrain oraz ich mieszańców na cechy nasienia

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    The aim of this study was evaluation of the quality of ejaculates of boars from Duroc and Pietrain breeds, and also crossbreeds born in different seasons. Materials used for the study were gathered during the process of breeding boars. There were 143 boars of breeds Duroc, Pietrain and their crossbreeds (Duroc x Pietrain and Pietrain x Duroc). The 20 442 of boars’ ejaculates were examined between 1997–2009 in the Małopolska Biotechnology Centre – Examinations Station of Boars in Czermin. Ejaculates were evaluated basing on: the volume of spermatozoid fractions, the percentage of progressive spermatozoids, spermatozoid concentration, total count of progressive spermatozoids and the total number of insemination doses obtained from one ejaculation. The parameters of examined ejaculates of boars races were analyzed statistically accordingly with their births seasons: spring (from 22nd March to 21st June), summer (from 22nd June to 21st of September), autumn (from 22nd September to 21st of December), winter (from 22nd December to 21st of March). The studies have shown the significance of impact that season of birth has on semen quality of boars and crossbreeds of evaluated races. The highest reproductive potential expressed as a number of insemination doses, was found in boars of Duroc and Pietrain breeds born in the summer. In case of crossbreeds, the best quality of sperm was found in males born in the winter season.Celem badań była ocena jakości ejakulatów knurów ras duroc, pietrain i ich mieszańców urodzonych w różnych porach roku. Materiał do badań stanowiły wyniki użytkowania rozpłodowego 143 knurów rasy duroc, pietrain i mieszańców (duroc x pietrain i pietrain x duroc). Ocenie poddano łącznie 20 442 ejakulaty knurów użytkowanych w latach 1997–2009 w Małopolskim Centrum Biotechniki, Stacja Eksploatacji Knurów w Czerminie. Ejakulaty oceniano na podstawie: objętości frakcji plemnikowej, odsetka plemników o ruchu postępowym, koncentracji plemników, ogólnej liczby plemników o ruchu postępowym, liczby dawek inseminacyjnych uzyskanych z jednego ejakulatu. Parametry ejakulatów knurów ocenianych ras analizowano statystycznie w porach roku urodzenia knura: wiosna (od 22 marca do 21 czerwca), lato (od 22 czerwca do 21 września), jesień (od 22 września do 21 grudnia), zima (od 22 grudnia do 21 marca).W badaniach wykazano istotny wpływ sezonu urodzenia knurów ocenianych ras i mieszańców na cechy jakościowe nasienia. Najwyższym potencjałem reprodukcyjnym wyrażonym liczbą dawek inseminacyjnych charakteryzowały się knury rasy duroc i pietrain urodzone latem. W przypadku mieszańców tych ras w obu wariantach krzyżowania najkorzystniejszymi parametrami nasienia charakteryzowały się samce urodzone w sezonie zimowym

    Wyniki użytkowania rozpłodowego knurów inseminacyjnych wybranych ras w sezonach cyklu rozrodczego dzika europejskiego (Sus scrofa L.)

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    The quality of ejaculates of purebred boars born in different seasons of the year

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    Jakość ejakulatów knurów pobieranych w różnych porach dnia

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    Wpływ wybranych czynników na masę narządów wewnętrznych tuczników

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    The aim of the study was the evaluate the influence of breed, meat and fat-content on the weight of chosen internal organs. The research involved 120 fatteners of the Polish Landrace, Polish Large White, Pietrain and Duroc breeds of pigs. After slaughter and veterinary examination, internal organs were obtained: the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys. The organs were weighed to an accuracy of 0.01kg. On the basis of the weight of the organs and the weight of the fatteners before slaughter, the indicator of the proportion of the examined organs to the body- weight of fatteners was calculated. The research has shown a significant influence of breed on the weight of internal organs. Especially significant differences were observed between the Polish Large White and Duroc breeds. Statistically significant influence of fat and meat-content on the weight of organs was also observed. Fatteners with lower fat and higher meat-content were characterized by higher weight and proportion of the heart, lungs and liver.Celem badań było określenie wpływu rasy, mięsności i otłuszczenia tuczników na masę wybranych narządów wewnętrznych. Materiał badawczy stanowiło 120 tuczników rasy polskiej białej zwisłouchej, wielkiej białej polskiej, pietrain i duroc. Po uboju tuczników i badaniu weterynaryjnym pobierano do oceny narządy wewnętrzne: serca, płuca, wątrobę, śledzionę, nerki. Pobrane narządy ważono z dokładnością do 0,01 kg. Na podstawie masy narządów i masy tuczników przed ubojem obliczono wskaźnik udziału ocenianych narządów wewnętrznych do masy ciała tuczników. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że na masę narządów oraz ich udział w masie ciała tuczników istotnie wpływał czynnik rasowy. Szczególnie wyraźne różnice ciężaru organów wewnętrznych odnotowano między rasą wbp i duroc. Wykazano również statystycznie istotny wpływ otłuszczenia i mięsności tuczników na masę narządów. Większą masą i udziałem serca, płuc i wątroby charakteryzowały się tuczniki o mniejszym otłuszczeniu i wyższej mięsności