627 research outputs found

    Disorder-driven superconductor-normal metal phase transition in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors

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    Effects of non-magnetic disorder on the critical temperature T_c and on diamagnetism of quasi-one-dimensional superconductors are reported. The energy of Josephson-coupling between wires is considered to be random, which is typical for dirty organic superconductors. We show that this randomness destroys phase coherence between wires and that T_c vanishes discontinuously at a critical disorder-strength. The parallel and transverse components of the penetration-depth are evaluated. They diverge at different critical temperatures T_c^{(1)} and T_c, which correspond to pair-breaking and phase-coherence breaking respectively. The interplay between disorder and quantum phase fluctuations is shown to result in quantum critical behavior at T=0, which manifests itself as a superconducting-normal metal phase transition of first-order at a critical disorder strength.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Rotating vortex dipoles in ferromagnets

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    Vortex-antivortex pairs are localized excitations and have been found to be spontaneously created in magnetic elements. In the case that the vortex and the antivortex have opposite polarities the pair has a nonzero topological charge, and it behaves as a rotating vortex dipole. We find theoretically, and confirm numerically, the form of the energy as a function of the angular momentum of the system and the associated rotation frequencies. We discuss the process of annihilation of the pair which changes the topological charge of the system by unity while its energy is monotonically decreasing. Such a change in the topological charge affects profoundly the dynamics in the magnetic system. We finally discuss the connection of our results with Bloch Points (BP) and the implications for BP dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Periodic sequences of arbitrage: a tale of four currencies

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    This paper investigates arbitrage chains involving four currencies and four foreign exchange trader‐arbitrageurs. In contrast with the three‐currency case, we find that arbitrage operations when four currencies are present may appear periodic in nature, and not involve smooth convergence to a ‘balanced’ ensemble of exchange rates in which the law of one price holds. The goal of this article is to understand some interesting features of sequences of arbitrage operations, features which might well be relevant in other contexts in finance and economics

    Correction of Experimental Retinal Ischemia by L-Isomer of Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine Malate

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    An important task of pharmacology and ophtalmology is to find specific and highly effective agents for correcting retinal ischemia. The objective of this study is to increase the effectiveness of pharmacological correction of retinal ischemia by using new 3-hydroxypyridine derivative-L-isomer of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine malat

    Classical and relativistic dynamics of supersolids: variational principle

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    We present a phenomenological Lagrangian and Poisson brackets for obtaining nondissipative hydrodynamic theory of supersolids. A Lagrangian is constructed on the basis of unification of the principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and classical field theory. The Poisson brackets, governing the dynamics of supersolids, are uniquely determined by the invariance requirement of the kinematic part of the found Lagrangian. The generalization of Lagrangian is discussed to include the dynamics of vortices. The obtained equations of motion do not account for any dynamic symmetry associated with Galilean or Lorentz invariance. They can be reduced to the original Andreev-Lifshitz equations if to require Galilean invariance. We also present a relativistic-invariant supersolid hydrodynamics, which might be useful in astrophysical applications.Comment: 22 pages, changed title and content, added reference