522 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic waves destabilized by runaway electrons in near-critical electric fields

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    Runaway electron distributions are strongly anisotropic in velocity space. This anisotropy is a source of free energy that may destabilize electromagnetic waves through a resonant interaction between the waves and the energetic electrons. In this work we investigate the high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are destabilized by runaway electron beams when the electric field is close to the critical field for runaway acceleration. Using a runaway electron distribution appropriate for the near-critical case we calculate the linear instability growth rate of these waves and conclude that the obliquely propagating whistler waves are most unstable. We show that the frequencies, wave numbers and propagation angles of the most unstable waves depend strongly on the magnetic field. Taking into account collisional and convective damping of the waves, we determine the number density of runaways that is required to destabilize the waves and show its parametric dependences.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Physics of Plasma

    A critique of the narrowing of morality to justice

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    There are a lot of moral values in the practice of communities and the moral philosophies make different hierarchies among them on the one side, and there are different generalizations of morality (rules, maxims, virtues, principles etc.) which mean the fixed norms of morality on the other side. There is the well-known line of critics of MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, Michael Walzer and Charles Taylor which attacks the moral theory of John Rawls as the reduction of the morality to the justice and which tendency appeared in the most clear form in the theory of Jürgen Habermas. The study tries to show that beyond the American line of thought the critique of this reduction can be based in the genuine German line of thought which appeared in the ethics of Rudolph von Jhering and Nicolai Hartmann. In order to show the consequences of this reduction the study compares the theory of Rawls and Habermas with the ethics of Rudolph von Jhering and Nicolai Hartmann who outline in their theories a lot of moral values and as one of these values the justice is placed among them

    Separation of powers and parliamentarism in Hungary

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    As a result of the restructuring of the mechanism of power after the system change in 1989, an unusual high degree of power concentration has taken place in Hungary compared to the rest of Europe. In Hungary, a Constitutional Court keeps in check the parliamentary majority and the government, and this Constitutional Court is relatively perhaps more powerful than any other judiciary body anywhere in the world

    A mesterséges intelligencia: egy új létréteg kialakulása?

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    A tanulmány a mesterséges intelligencia utóbbi évtizedekben megfigyelhető, növekvő erejének elemzésére az eddigi evolúciós ugrások ontológiai leírását veszi alapul, elsősorban Nicolai Hartmann nyomán. Az emberi értelmi struktúrák növekedésével Hartmann a szellemi létréteg fizikai, biológiai és a lelki-tudati létrétegek fölé épülését, és ezzel együtt az ezek általi hordozottságát emelte ki. A tanulmány elemzései szerint a mesterséges, gépi értelem növekvő ereje az eddigiekben ezt csak fokozta, de új létrétegként nem emelkedett az eddigi emberi lét négy létrétegű szerkezete fölé. Ám ha a többek által prognosztizált önszerveződő mesterséges intelligencia tényleg kialakulna a jövő évtizedeiben, akkor ez egy új evolúciós ugrásként érintené a földi evolúció eddigi létrétegeit. A tanulmány hipotézise szerint azonban ez nem lenne leírható az eddigiek után egy újabb létréteg többi fölé épüléseként, hanem csak a függetlenné vált értelmi létréteg közvetlen fizikai-mechanikai létre való ráutaltságaként.&#x0D; &#x0D; ---&#x0D; &#x0D; Artificial intelligence: the emergence of a new layer?&#x0D; &#x0D; Artificial intelligence in the functioning of modern societies is analysed in ontological categories based on the ontology of Nicolai Hartmann. The hierarchy of the layers of being has not yet been modified by artificial intelligence; machine intelligence can be seen as the enhancing of special human capacities. But if autonomous artificial intelligence could be completely self-organised in a digital platform in the future, then a new evolutionary layer of being could be grasped theoretically. Its distinction from the existing layers of being would lie in the fact that this new layer could function without the substructure of the biological and mental entities, and that this new layer of being could intertwine with the physical being layer alone.</jats:p

    Forms of judicial power

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    Complex society: one of the possible Luhmannite theories of sociology

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    In the first part of the study a version of Luhmann's theory of differentiation is undertaken. Luhmann took Parson's analytical systems approach away and sees the systemic social mechanisms as real and concret. In the sixties and seventies it was a great problem for him to find the structures of empirical delimitation of subsystems of society above the organisational systems level. Recently he was able to work out this with theoretical sharpness. A subsystem of society can be delimited by its being organized around a binary code. The modern science is organized around the binary code of true/ false, the law around the code "lawful/ unlawful", the economy around the code "profitable/ non-profitable". The above-mentioned is the starting point of the paper but there are undertaken some corrections on this theorem. In the reality the binary codes of truefalse, lawful/ unlawful etc. dominate only the communications of the professional scientists, lawyers etc. and this domination is forced through the special recruting-, socialisation-, rewarding-, and sanctioning mechanisms created in each professional system of institutions. Hence the structural differentiations of society above the organizational systems level have to be reduced to the level of the professional institutions. In this way the category of "everyday life" emerged for the diffuse, non-specialized communications and in this formulation the modernisation of european societies can be grasped as the differentiation of systems of professional institutions out of the diffuse everyday life. With this correction the theory of Luhmannn came closer to Habermas's theory but the paper does not share his aversion against the systemic formations. On the basis of Karl Polanyi's distinction of economy into material production and formal market economy the paper takes out the latter of the simple professional systems and makes evident that the market mechanisms play important role in organising a lot of professional systems. Markests within the university-scientific system, within sports, arts etc. These are the cases of double rationalities. Furthermore the study corrects Luhmann's starting-point that the communications in the professional systems of institutions are only dominated by the special binary code and it is emphasized they are formed through a lot of other aspects of evaluations. But after the differentiation of the professional systems these aspects of evaluation other than the own binary code can form the professional communications only through the domination of the central binary code of each professional system. This correction brings Luhmann's theory closer to Richard Munch's theory of interpenetration. And last but not least these corrections draws attention to Parson's theory of professions. Although his analytical systems approach was found as insufficient. In the second part of the study the theoretical framework of the professional system of institutions is applied to the political system, the legal system and the social system of science

    Contribution to the comparison of the theories of Bourdieu and Luhmann

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    On the level of overall social theory thinking, there have been only very few thinkers in the past decades who have conceived a theory that contain detailed analysis in terms of several social spheres. The French Pierre Bourdieu and the German Niklas Luhmann are definitely two of the few, and their impact can be shown, albeit the approach applied is different in each scientists' community, all over the world in social science analyses. Having dug himself into the works of both sociologists, one will soon reveal that these two theories show similarities in several respects, and also find points of departure totally different from each other. This paper attempts to describe some of the differences and some of the similarities between the theories of Luhmann and Bourdieu

    Constitutionalization and political fighting through litigation

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    The appearance of constitutional jurisdiction, which subsequent to 19th century beginnings in America has spread in several European countries since the end of the 1940's and become a routine procedure after the changes in 1989 in Central and Eastern European countries, is a new product of development. Compared to dogmatically chiselled traditional administration of justice made more accurate by judicial case law, this new layer of law, which originally appeared in the form of human rights as the collection of ideological/ political requirements outside legal systems in operation, is characterised by highly different features. One such difference is that the normative content of constitutional rights and freedoms and fundamental principles is more abstract than the rules of traditional fields of law. The other difference is due to the fact that relations between particular rights are mostly irreconcilably strained, and a certain right can be enforced only at the expense of another right or principle. These features did not cause any problems while people had to fight with them as ideal requirements, setting human rights against actual conditions, for the transformation of prevalent conditions. Judicial decisions based on them as constitutional rights and freedoms used for being applied in cases, however, often lead to legal uncertainty