22 research outputs found

    Analysis of access to video content in Slovenia

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    Razlike med standardno televizijo in spletnimi platformami so vse bolj zamegljene. Videovsebine lahko spremljamo prek različnih naprav. Pametni televizorji nam omogočajo spremljanje različnih tipov vsebin, tudi video na zahtevo. Med zelo popularne tuje spletne platforme spada YouTube, med slovenske pa TViN in Voyo. Uporabnikom sta pri spletnih platformah najpomembnejša takojšnji dostop in preprosta uporaba. V Sloveniji veliko uporabnikov prenaša vsebine s piratskih strani, saj so brezplačne, dostop pa je hiter. Piratstva ni nujno preganjati, temveč uporabnikom ponuditi lažje in legalne poti do vsebin, če te ne obstajajo.The differences between standard television and online platforms are getting blurred. Video content can be accessed on different devices. Smart television allows use of different types of content including video on demand. The most popular foreign platforms is YouTube, in Slovenia those are TViN and Voyo. Users think the most important issues are instant access and ease of use when it comes to online platforms. A lot of Slovenes use pirate sites to download content due to fast access and free content. Piracy doesn’t necessarily have to be prosecuted, instead easier and legal ways of obtaining content should be offered where none exist


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    V diplomskem delu sem skušala odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali gledanje nasilnih risank lahko poveča nasilno vedenje otrok v vsakdanjem življenju. Ugotovitve kažejo, da nasilne risanke sicer lahko spodbujajo agresijo in posnemanje nasilnega vedenja, vendar pa dokazov o vzročni povezanosti med gledanjem nasilnih prizorov in posledičnem povečanem agresivnem vedenju v vsakdanjem življenju, ni. Pri vzrokih za agresivno obnašanje je namreč potrebno upoštevati in obravnavati širši spekter dejavnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na oblikovanje otrokove osebnosti.In the diploma, I tried to answer the question, if watching violent cartoons can increase violent behaviour of children in everyday life. Ascertainment shows that violent cartoons can stimulate aggression and imitation of violent behaviour, however there is no proof of causal connection between watching violent scenes, and consecutively increased aggressive behaviour in everyday life does not exist. With causes for aggressive behaviour, namely, it is a necessity to consider a wider spectre of factors, which can influence on the development of a child’s personality

    Development of web application for computer equipment records

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    Diplomsko delo zajema opis razvoja spletne aplikacije za Zavarovalno skupino Sava, natančneje za družbo Zavarovalnica Sava, d. d. Aplikacija služi kot eden izmed pripomočkov pri beleženju računalniške opreme podjetja in nudi številne funkcionalnosti.Te vključujejo ustvarjanje datotek za izdajo opreme, iskanje po zgodovini opreme, samodejno izpolnjevanje vnosnih polj, samodejno pošiljanje e-pošte, preverjanje pristnosti preko tehnologije Azure Active Directory itd. Delo zajema tudi analizo, v kateri aplikacijo primerjamo s predhodno.This thesis describes the development of a web application for the insurance group Sava, more specifically for the group member Zavarovalnica Sava, d. d. The application serves as one of the tools for recording computer equipment within the company and has many functionalities. These include the generation of ledger files, an equipment history search engine, automatic completion of input fields, automatic sending of emails, authentication via Azure Active Directory and more. We also conduct an analysis, where we compare the application with its predecessor

    Combined evaluation and long-term analysis of the environmental, technical and economic aspects of incentives of Slovenian Eco found for citizens investing in one-family houses

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    V diplomskem delu je predstavljen preračun rabe energije stanovanjskih stavb na različnih področjih. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov smo izbrali spodbude Eko sklada ter ugotovili katera spodbuda Eko sklada se bo dolgoročno na vseh področjih najbolje obnesla. Predstavljeni so ukrepi, stroški ter učinki za posamezen ukrep ter posamezno hišo. V analizi je na osnovi ekonomskih in okoljskih učinkov predstavljena najboljša rešitev za posamezno stanovanjsko stavbo na izbranem področju.The goal of this study is to present calculation of energy consumption in houses in different locations. On the basis of our results, we gathered incentives of Eco Fund and established which would prove the most effective in the long term. This thesis describes measures, expenses and effects for each measure and house. According to analysis of economic and environmental effects, we discuss the most suitable solution for each house in certain area

    Dimensioning of steel carport roof and its competitiveness in the market

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    Namen zaključnega dela je prikaz izvedbe gradbene konstrukcije s pozicioniranjem izdelka na trgu. V projektni nalogi je v računalniškem programu Scia Engineer 19.1 prikazan postopek dimenzioniranja jeklenega nadstreška za osebna vozila, vključno z izbiro ustreznega materiala in izračunom obremenitev po evropskem standardu Eurocode. Zasnovan nadstrešek zadosti kriterijem tako po mejnem stanju nosilnosti (MSN), kot tudi po mejnem stanju uporabnosti (MSU). Za produkt je izdelan tudi popis del, ki je osnova za pripravo ponudbe. S pomočjo različnih ponudnikov in primerjavo njihovih ponudb je zagotovljena konkurenčnost izdelka na trgu.The purpose of the final work is to show the implementation of building structures by positioning the product on the economic market. The project task shows the sizing procedure, which was supervised for passenger cars in the computer program Scia Engineer 19.1, which selected the appropriate materials for the calculation of the permit according to the European standard Eurocode. Carport roof is designed according to ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS). An inventory of works has also been prepared for the product, which is the basis for the preparation of the offer. With various providers in basic equipment, it offered a competitive price in the market

    Use of virtual, augmented and mixed reality in construction

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    V zaključnem delu smo se osredotočili na uporabo naprednih tehnologij v gradbeništvu in pripadajočih strokah ter pregledali ugotovitve, analize in zaključke, pridobljene med raziskavo. Skozi celotno nalogo podrobno obravnavamo različne vidike uporabe naprednih tehnologij, kot so virtualna (VR), obogatena (AR) in mešana resničnost (MR), ter pripadajočih naprav in njihov potencial za optimizacijo procesov v gradbeništvu. Najprej bomo predstavili teoretični okvir in pregledali relevantno literaturo o uporabi naprednih tehnologij v gradbeništvu, potem pa se bomo posvetili še praktičnemu primeru, ki je omejen na eno stanovanje v večstanovanjskem objektu in pri katerem bomo opisali uporabo VR, AR in MR. Nato bomo s pomočjo analize ankete predstavili uporabniško izkušnjo posamezne tehnologije in pripadajoče naprave, kjer smo ugotovili, da se je v analiziranem vzorcu predstavnikov gradbene panoge kot najbolj uporabna izkazala mešana resničnost in naprava Trimble XR10 s Hololens 2.The thesis focuses on the use of advanced technologies in construction and related fields, offering an overview of findings, analyses, and conclusions obtained during the research. Throughout the entire thesis, various aspects of utilizing advanced technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), along with their associated devices, are extensively examined for their potential to optimize processes in construction. Initially, a theoretical framework and review of relevant literature on the use of advanced technologies in construction are presented. Subsequently, a practical case study, limited to a single apartment within a multi-residential building, illustrates the application of VR, AR, and MR. Following that, with the help of survey analysis, the user experience of each technology and its corresponding device is presented, where we found that in the analyzed sample, mixed reality and the Trimble XR10 with Hololens 2 device emerged as the most useful for representatives of the construction industry

    Monitoring and optimizing electricity usage by utilizing internet of things (IoT)

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    Z večanjem števila električnih naprav in višanjem življenjskega standarda se povečujejo tudi potrebe energetskih podjetij po natančnejših napovedih porabe električne energije. Zdi se, da bi v obdobju vseprisotnega računalništva in interneta stvari lahko avtomatizirali spremljanje porabe energije, porabo pa optimizirali. Diplomska naloga proučuje pomen interneta stvari (IOT) in računalništva na robu ter njuno vlogo pri realizaciji implementacije protokola ZWave v platformi za upravljanje pametnih naprav. V sklopu diplomske naloge je bila implementirana spletna platforma za upravljanje pametnih naprav, ki deluje s pomočjo knjižnice, ki je bila implementirana po specifikacijah protokola ZWave v programskem jeziku C# v platformi .NET Core.By increasing the amount of electrical appliances and raising standard of living, there is an increased need for energy companies to provide more precise forecasts of electricity consumption. It seems that monitoring and energy consumption could be automated and optimized in the period of IOT. The thesis examines the importance of the Internet Of Things (IOT), computing on the edge and their role in realization of implementing web management ZWave protocol platform. There has been web management platform implemented within practical part of the thesis. It is supported by implemented C# Z-Wave library, which was realized by Zwave protocol specifications

    Comprehensive architectural renovation of the health center in Radlje ob Dravi

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    Arhitektura zdravstvenih domov lahko s svojo premišljeno zasnovo, v kateri zdravstveni delavci zdravijo, ugodno vpliva na počutje obiskovalcev, bolnikov in zaposlenih. S celovitim pristopom k arhitekturni prenovi smo ustvarili boljše pogoje za vse uporabnike zdravstvenega doma. S pomočjo teoretskih izhodišč in analiz obstoječega stanja smo ugotovili, da obravnavan objekt ne izpolnjuje sodobnih funkcionalnih in energetskih standardov ter predpisov. Na podlagi teoretskih izhodišč in analiz referenčnih primerov smo zasnovali novo funkcionalno ureditev zdravstvenega doma. V projektnem delu smo določene dele objekta porušili, ter ga nadzidali za eno etažo z lahko leseno konstrukcijo. V kletni etaži smo dodali garažno hišo, ki rešuje problem premajhnega števila parkirnih mest. Kvalitetne arhitekturne elemente obstoječega objekta smo poizkusili v veliki meri ohraniti, dele obstoječega objekta pa smo ustrezno energetsko sanirali. V zaključku smo spoznali, da je mogoče s premišljeno in predvsem s celovito arhitekturno prenovo obstoječi objekt zdravstvenega doma ustrezno prenoviti in mu z arhitekturnimi elementi dodati manjkajočo identiteto.Thoughtful health centre architecture design of the treatment premises can favourably affect the well-being of visitors, patients and employees. With a holistic approach to architectural renovation, better conditions for all healthcare users were created. With the help of theoretical starting points and the existing situation analyses, it was found out that the object in question does not meet functional and modern energy standards and regulations. Based on theoretical starting points and reference case analysis, a new functional health centre system was designed. In the project part, certain parts of the building were demolished, the walls were raised, and light timber construction was added to create the additional upper floor. In the basement floor a garage house was added to solve the small number of parking spaces problem. The quality architectural elements of the existing building were maintained to a great extent, and the parts of the existing building were properly sanitized. In conclusion, it can be said, that with a thoughtful, and above all comprehensive architectural renovation, the existing health centre facility can be adequately renovated by adding the architectural elements, to upgrade its missing identity