710 research outputs found


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    Using anemograph data from 8 stations in the Adriatic area and two stations in the interior of Croatia the main characteristics of wind persistence were delineated. For several thresholds of wind speeds the mean duration of continuous wind blowing and values of 90%, 99% and maximal duration of all cases are presented. For all duration of wind runs the simple function y = A + B/x could be used which connects the probability of occurrence y with the chosen duration of wind run x in hours, and coefficients A and B may be determined by several nomograms and by the annual wind speed. ln the last chapter of the work results on wind direction persistence are also presented

    Ergodicity and spectral cascades in point vortex flows on the sphere

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    A.C.P. was supported under DOD (MURI) Grant No. N000141110087 ONR. The computations were supported by the CUNY HPCC under NSF Grants No. CNS-0855217 and No. CNS-0958379.We present results for the equilibrium statistics and dynamic evolution of moderately large [n = O (102 - 103)] numbers of interacting point vortices on the sphere under the constraint of zero mean angular momentum. For systems with equal numbers of positive and negative identical circulations, the density of rescaled energies, p(E), converges rapidly with n to a function with a single maximum with maximum entropy. Ensemble-averaged wave-number spectra of the nonsingular velocity field induced by the vortices exhibit the expected k-1 behavior at small scales for all energies. Spectra at the largest scales vary continuously with the inverse temperature of the system. For positive temperatures, spectra peak at finite intermediate wave numbers; for negative temperatures, spectra decrease everywhere. Comparisons of time and ensemble averages, over a large range of energies, strongly support ergodicity in the dynamics even for highly atypical initial vortex configurations. Crucially, rapid relaxation of spectra toward the microcanonical average implies that the direction of any spectral cascade process depends only on the relative difference between the initial spectrum and the ensemble mean spectrum at that energy, not on the energy, or temperature, of the system.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Calling Behaviour in the northern Queensland subpopulation of Petaurus australis

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    Vocalizations are a common form of inter- and intraspecies communication for mammals. Yellow-bellied Gliders, Petaurus australis, are the most vocal of the Australian Gliders emitting low frequency calls at high intensities. I explored the frequency of calls in relation to season, temperature and humidity, as well as the behavioral context in which the calls were emitted. Along with my field crew, I observed current feed and den trees for gliders during their most active time, dusk. Observations were performed over the course of two years during the wet and dry seasons, for a total of four observation seasons. I found a significantly higher mean call frequency during the dry season than the wet season. I determined that temperature has no apparent relationship to call frequency; however, humidity is positively correlated with call frequency. One call type was distinguished during this study, the full call. It was determined to be used for a number of purposes by the gliders, including cohesive group traveling and to defend food resources of a home range from gliders of other species. This study suggests that with an understanding of glider vocalizations, they can be used as a time and energy efficient method to monitor and survey populations

    The Consumers’ Dilemma

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    The green-building movement that originated in the late 1900s has grown significantly in recognition amongst consumers and the building community over the last decade. Each day, professionals throughout the world are conducting research, performing experiments, and creating products that conserve the world’s natural resources more efficiently. Consumers are being provided the opportunity to conserve the world’s natural resources, improve their physical health, and reduce their monthly and annual financial expenses. Why do consumers refrain from investing in these products then? Consumers question whether or not the benefits from implementing green-certified products within their home and work environments will outweigh the increased price they have to pay. Consumers are unaware of the ways they can integrate green-building practices inexpensively. They can incorporate green-building practices by implementing integrated, sustainable, and universal design principles. They can clearly convey their visions to design professionals. They can sacrifice the quantity of products they own to allow the opportunity to invest in high-quality products, and they can consider their impact on the environment around them

    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and type 2 inflammation

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    Current treatment paradigm in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) recommends nasal steroids and saline nasal rinses for milder cases, and oral corticosteroids and eventual surgery for severe cases. The most common endotype of CRSwNP is type 2 inflammation. As a result of the common inflammatory pathway type 2, CRSwNP is often associated with asthma and/or salicylate sensitivity. Classification of chronic rhinosinusitis into different endotypes leads to more precise treatment strategies. Classification endotypes to type 2 or non-type 2 in the future will probably be further developed for treatment purposes. Biologic therapy focused on the pathophysiology of the underlying inflammatory disease type 2 has led to a significant shift in the treatment options for CRSwNP, primarily for the most severe cases, refractory to standard treatment. Our experience proved biologics effective in patients with CRSwNP to whom biologics were prescribed because of severe asthma

    Osvrt na meteorološka istraživanja u Hrvatskoj do 1997.

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    This review of meteorological research is based on the published professional and scientific papers. Papers are divided into 19 main topics: books, measurements and data processing, solar energy, planetary boundary layer, ecological problems, climatological papers, research on wind and air humidity, traffic and agricultural meteorology, hail defense, biometeorology, air- sea interaction, atmospheric electricity, history of meteorology, research projects and other activities. For every group, main research problems and achieved results are outlined on the basis of selected papers, which are quoted in the list of references. This list does not include complete bibliography of meteorological papers published so far in Croatia. However, it was in- tended to include all authors with some of their papers in order to get insight into research they were involved with, and their contribution. The first meteorological papers commenced to appear in the middle of the nineteenth century but the greatest number of papers has been published in the last 50 years. This is in harmony with the development of meteorology as profession and of meteorological institutions: Geophysical Institute "Andrija Mohorovičić" and Meteorological and Hydrological Service.Pregled meteoroloških istraživanja izrađen je na osnovi objavljenih znanstvenih i stručnih radova. Tematski su radovi svrstani u 19 skupina: knjige, mjerenja i obrada podataka, sunčana energija, numeričko modeliranje, analiza i prognoza vremena, planetarni granični sloj, ekološka problematika, klimatološki radovi, istraživanje vjetra i vlage u zraku, prometna i poljoprivredna meteorologija, obrana od tuče, biometeorologija, međusobno djelovanje atmosfere i mora, atmosferski elektricitet, povijest meteorologije, istraživački projekti i ostale djelatnosti. Unutar svake skupine navode se glavni problemi istraživanja i postignuti rezultati na osnovi odabranih radova, koji se navode u popisu literature. Taj popis dakle ne sadrži cjelokupnu bibliografiju meteoroloških radova dosad objavljenih u Hrvatskoj. Ipak se nastojalo obuhvatiti sve autore s nekoliko njihovih djela, da se dobije uvid čime su se pojedinci bavili i koji je njihov doprinos. Vidljivo je da su prvi meteorološki radovi na hrvatskom počeli izlaziti sredinom 19. st., a najveći broj radova da je objavljen u posljednjih 50 godina. To se poklapa s razvojem struke i meteoroloških institucija: Geofizičkog zavoda Andrija Mohorovičić i Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda

    Pravne podlage, standardi in kriteriji za ocenjevanje toplotnih razmer pri delu v gozdu

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    In this discourse, the Slovene legal basis for thermal conditions at work, together with three international standards for studying thermal conditions SIST EN ISO 7730 (Thermal comfort), SIST EN 27243 (hot environments) and SIST EN ISO 11079 (cold environments), are presented. All three international standards list the criteria for evaluation of thermal conditions and represent the scientific research basis for studying work in practice. For efficient work safety, knowledge of the national legislation is implicit.V članku so predstavljene pravne podlage za urejanje toplotnih razmer na delovnem mestu v slovenski zakonodaji ter trije mednarodni standardi za preučevanje toplotnih razmer SIST EN ISO 7730 (toplotno udobje), SIST EN 27243 (vroča okolja) in SIST EN ISO 11079 (hladna okolja). Vsi trije mednarodni standardi podajajo kriterije za ocenjevanje toplotnih razmer in so osnova za znanstveno preučevanje in delo v praksi. Za učinkovito varstvo pri delu je nujno potrebno tudi poznavanje nacionalne zakonodaje