28 research outputs found

    Kohaliku omavalitsuse sotsiaaltöötajate käsitused täienduskoolituste seostest igapäevapraktikaga

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    Töö eesmärk oli anda ülevaade sotsiaaltöötajate käsitustest täienduskoolituste ja igapäevapraktika seoste kohta. Töö teoreetiline osa oli üles ehitatud elukestva õppe teooriale, kus kirjutasin pikemalt lahti täiskasvanuhariduse ning täienduskoolituste olemuse. Täienduskoolitused on väga oluliseks osaks sotsiaaltöötaja igapäevapraktikas, seda näitab ka sotsiaaltöö kutsestandard (2014), kus on koolitustel osalemine sätestatud ühe enesearendamise osana. Sisuanalüüsi koostasin kolme viimase aasta jooksul läbitud koolituste põhjal, millele sotsiaaltöötajad tähendusi omistasid. Andmete analüüsimisel kasutasin kvalitatiivset sisuanalüüsi (Mayring, 2000), mis võimaldab leida, analüüsida ning esitada erinevaid teemasid ning alateemasid, mis andmetest ilmnevad. Uurimuse tulemused näitavad, et täienduskoolitused on sotsiaaltöötaja professionaalse arengu seisukohast olulised. Koolitused on andnud igapäevapraktikale uue vaatenurga, laiendanud silmaringi ning ning andnud infot valdkonnas tehtavate muudatuste kohta, samal ajal on raske nimetada konkreetseid teadmisi ja meetodeid, mida ollakse koolitustelt omandanud. See tuleneb tõenäoliselt sellest, et õpitut ei reflekteerita. Silmaringi avanemine, professionaalsed lektorid, praktilised näited, põnevad meetodid ja tagasiside andmine on elemendid, mis muudavad koolitustel käimise sotsiaaltöötajatele nauditavaks. Sotsiaaltöötajad tunnetavad koolitusvajadust mitmetel teemadel: klienditöö, eneseabi, seadusandlus ja erialaväline areng. Vajadus suurema kollegiaalse koostöö järele on käesoleva uurimuse üks suurimaid leide. Sotsiaaltöötajad rõhutasid eriliselt, et täienduskoolitusel käimine on võimalus näha kolleege, kellega muidu tööalaselt väga vähe kokku puututakse. Uurimusele seadis piirid see, et antud meetodiga ei saanud uurida mõju ning seetõttu uurisin sotsiaaltöötajate käsitusi koolitustel omandatu igapäevapratikas rakendamisest. Edaspidi oleks kindlasti huvitav edasi uurida teist osapoolt, antud juhul tööandjaid, mida nemad arvavad täienduskoolituse vajadusest oma töötajatele (värskemat informatsiooni, kui 2012. aasta uuring); samuti saaks intervjueeritavate arvu suurendada, et leitud tulemusi oleks võimalik üldistada.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4580056*es

    Allelic variation in HLA-B and HLA-C sequences and the evolution of the HLA-B alleles

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    Several new HLA-B (B8, B51, Bw62)- and HLA-C (Cw6, Cw7)-specific genes were isolated either as genomic cosmid or cDNA clones to study the diversity of HLA antigens. The allele specificities were identified by sequence analysis in comparison with published HLAB and -C sequences, by transfection experiments, and Southern and northern blot analysis using oligonucleotide probes. Comparison of the classical HLA-A, -B, and -C sequences reveals that allele-specific substitutions seem to be rare events. HLA-B51 codes only for one allelespecific residue: arginine at position 81 located on the cd helix, pointing toward the antigen binding site. HLA-B8 contains an acidic substitution in amino acid position 9 on the first central/3 sheet which might affect antigen binding capacity, perhaps in combination with the rare replacement at position 67 (F) on the Alpha-l helix. HLA-B8 shows greatest homology to HLA-Bw42, -Bw41, -B7, and -Bw60 antigens, all of which lack the conserved restriction sites Pst I at position 180 and Sac I at position 131. Both sites associated with amino acid replacements seem to be genetic markers of an evolutionary split of the HLA-B alleles, which is also observed in the leader sequences. HLA-Cw7 shows 98% sequence identity to the JY328 gene. In general, the HLA-C alleles display lower levels of variability in the highly polymorphic regions of the Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 domains, and have more distinct patterns of locusspecific residues in the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Thus we propose a more recent origin for the HLA-C locus

    A Physical Map Including a New Class I Gene (cda12) of the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex (A2/313 Haplotype) Derived from a Monosomy 6 Mutant Cell Line

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    To avoid interpretative problems due to restriction fragment length polymorphisms, the monosomy 6 mutant cell line BM19.7 was employed to establish a molecular map of the human major histocompatibility (HLA) complex in the A2,B13,Bw4,DRw6,DRw52,DQw1,DPw2 haplotype. Results were obtained mainly by field-inversion gel electrophoresis and Southern blotting techniques. The map extends to 4800 kb and includes the HLA complex with a length of 4200 kb. Five HTF islands could be positioned on the map. The class I region has a size of about 2000 kb and includes nonclassical HLA class I genes, some of which must be localized within 200 kb telomeric of HLA-A. A new class I gene, cda12, distinct from HLA-A, HLA-B, or HLA-C, has been localized within 50 kb from HLA-A. The class I region contains a gap of about 500 kb, just telomeric of HLA-C, in which further class I genes could not be detected. The class II region has a size of 1000 kb, which is separated from the class I region by about 1200 kb. The 5' end of the HLA-B gene is situated centromeric, giving an orientation opposite to that of the TNFA and TNFB loci. The estimated length of the HLA complex correlates well with its size determined cytogenetically using mutant cell lines with interstitial deletions

    A Pan-Cancer Landscape of ABCG2 across Human Cancers: Friend or Foe?

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    Emerging evidence from research or clinical studies reported that ABCG2 (ATP-binding cassette sub-family G member 2) interrelates with multidrug resistance (MDR) development in cancers. However, no comprehensive pan-cancer analysis is available at present. Therefore, we explore multiple databases, such as TCGA to investigate the potential therapeutic roles of ABCG2 across 33 different tumors. ABCG2 is expressed on a lower level in most cancers and shows a protective effect. For example, a lower expression level of ABCG2 was detrimental to the survival of adrenocortical carcinoma (TCGA-ACC), glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and kidney renal clear cell carcinoma (KIRC) patients. Distinct associations exist between ABCG2 expression and stemness scores, microenvironmental scores, microsatellite instability (MSI), and tumor mutational burden (TMB) of tumor patients. We observed a significant positive correlation between the ABCG2 mutation site and prognosis in uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma (UCEC) patients. Moreover, transmembrane transporter activity and hormone biosynthetic-associated functions were found to be involved in the functionality of ABCG2 and its related genes. The cDNAs of cancer cell lines were collected to detect exon mutation sequences and to analyze ABCG2 mRNA expression. The mRNA expression level of ABCG2 showed a significant difference among spheres and drug-resistant cancer cell lines compared with their corresponding adherent cancer cell lines in six types of cancer. This pan-cancer study provides, for the first time, a comprehensive understanding of the multifunctionality of ABCG2 and unveils further details of the potential therapeutic role of ABCG2 in pan-cancer

    Berbamine targets cancer stem cells and reverses cabazitaxel resistance via inhibiting IGF2BP1 and p‐STAT3 in prostate cancer

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    Background Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are a small subpopulation of tumor cells with the capability of self-renewal and drug resistance, leading to tumor progression and disease relapse. Our study aimed to investigate the antitumor effect of berbamine, extracted from berberis amurensis, on prostate CSCs. Methods Sphere formation was used to collect prostate CSCs. The viability, proliferation, invasion, migration, and apoptosis assays were used to evaluate the antitumor effect of berbamine on prostate CSCs. Prostate CSC markers were analyzed by flow cytometry and qRT-PCR. Small RNA sequencing analysis was conducted to analyse miRNAs. Exosomes were extracted using the ExoQuick-TC kit and verified by testing exosomal markers using western blot. Results Berbamine targets prostate CSCs. Additionally, berbamine enhanced the antitumor effect of cabazitaxel, a second-line chemotherapeutic drug for advanced prostate cancer, and re-sensitized Cabazitaxel-resistant PCa cells (CabaR-DU145) to cabazitaxel by inhibiting ABCG2, CXCR4, IGF2BP1, and p-STAT3. Berbamine enhanced the expression of let-7 miRNA family and miR-26b and influenced the downstream targets IGF2BP1 and p-STAT3, respectively. Silencing CXCR4 and ABCG2 downregulated the expression of IGF2BP1 and p-STAT3, respectively. Importantly, berbamine enhanced also levels of exosomal let-7 family and miR-26b, suggesting that berbamine possibly influences the expression of let-7 family and miR-26b through exosome delivery. Exosomes derived from berbamine-treated CabaR-DU145 cells re-sensitized the cells to cabazitaxel. Conclusion Berbamine enhanced the toxic activity of cabazitaxel and reversed cabazitaxel resistance potentially through CXCR4/exosomal let-7/IGF2BP1 and ABCG2/exosomal miR-26b/p-STAT3 axes

    Identification of a novel combination treatment strategy in clear cell renal cell carcinoma stem cells with shikonin and ipilimumab

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    BackgroundManagement of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) has changed rapidly in recent years with the advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). However, only a limited number of patients can sustainably respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors and many patients develop resistance to therapy, creating an additional need for therapeutic strategies to improve the efficacy of systemic therapies.MethodsBinding probability and target genes prediction using online databases, invasion, migration, and apoptosis assays as well as the inhibition of cancer stem cells (CSCs) markers in ccRCC cell lines were used to select the most promising phytochemicals (PTCs). Mixed lymphocyte tumor cell culture (MLTC) system and flow cytometry were performed to confirm the potential combination strategy. The potential immunotherapeutic targets and novel CSC markers were identified via the NanoString analysis. The mRNA and protein expression, immune signatures as well as survival characteristics of the marker in ccRCC were analyzed via bioinformation analysis.ResultsShikonin was selected as the most promising beneficial combination partner among 11 PTCs for ipilimumab for the treatment of ccRCC patients due to its strong inhibitory effect on CSCs, the significant reduction of FoxP3+ Treg cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients and activation of the endogenous effector CD3+CD8+ and CD3+CD4+ T cells in response to the recognition of tumor specific antigens. Based on NanoString analysis VCAM1, CXCL1 and IL8 were explored as potential immunotherapeutic targets and novel CSC markers in ccRCC. The expression of VCAM1 was higher in the tumor tissue both at mRNA and protein levels in ccRCC compared with normal tissue, and was significantly positively correlated with immune signatures and survival characteristics in ccRCC patients.ConclusionWe propose that a combination of shikonin and ipilimumab could be a promising treatment strategy and VCAM1 a novel immunotherapeutic target for the treatment of ccRCC

    Evolution of a CD3+/CD+ α/ β T-Cell Receptor+ Mature T-Cell Clone from CD3-CD7+ Sorted Human Bone Marrow Cells

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    In order to study extrathymic differentiation in vitro, CD7+CD3- lymphocytes were sorted from normal human bone marrow and cultured under conditions of limiting dilution together with irradiated pooled allogeneic peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in the presence of 1000 U/ml of interleukin-2 (IL-2). One clone was obtained that failed to react with monoclonal antibody (mAb) TCRδ1 (TCRγ/δ-specific) or WT31 (TCR2, α/β-specific). From day 35 through day 74 in culture, the surface phenotype of this clone evolved into CD3+, CD4+, CD8-, TCR2+, TCR1-, and was further characterized as CD2+, CD45RO+, CD16-, and CD56-. The presence of mRNA for TCR α and γ but not ,and γ chains was confirmed by Northern blotting. Accessory cell-dependent autocrine proliferative responses to PHA (most likely driven by IL-2) were initially absent, but became measurable at the same time as the TCR was acquired. However, in the absence of PHA, the clone failed to respond to a panel of homozygous B-cell lines representing the majority of MHC class II alleles. Autoreactivity was also not demonstrable. Cytotoxicity was limited to MHC unrestricted “natural killer (NK)-like” lysis of K562 target cells, with no autocytotoxicity detected. Tle NK-like lysis diminished over time in parallel with the acquisition of surface TCR. The cloned cells were not suppressive for mature lymphocyte proliferation. After stimulation, the cells secreted tumor necrosis factor α and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) detected by immunoassays, and T-cell growth factors, most likely IL-2, as detected by bioassays. Polymerase chain-reaction methods demonstrated the presence of mRNA for IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-9, interferon-δ, and GM-CSF in these cells after stimulation with PHA and B-LCL

    The intracellular detection of MIP-1beta enhances the capacity to detect IFN-gamma mediated HIV-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses in a flow cytometric setting providing a sensitive alternative to the ELISPOT

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>T-cell mediated immunity likely plays an important role in controlling HIV-1 infection and progression to AIDS. Several candidate vaccines against HIV-1 aim at stimulating cellular immune responses, either alone or together with the induction of neutralizing antibodies, and assays able to measure CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses need to be implemented. At present, the IFN-γ-based ELISPOT assay is considered the gold standard and it is broadly preferred as primary assay for detection of antigen-specific T-cell responses in vaccine trials. However, in spite of its high sensitivity, the measurement of the sole IFN-γ production provides limited information on the quality of the immune response. On the other hand, the introduction of polychromatic flow-cytometry-based assays such as the intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) strongly improved the capacity to detect several markers on a single cell level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cumulative analysis of 275 samples from 31 different HIV-1 infected individuals using an ICS staining procedure optimized by our laboratories revealed that, following antigenic stimulation, IFN-γ producing T-cells were also producing MIP-1β whereas T-cells characterized by the sole production of IFN-γ were rare. Since the analysis of the combination of two functions decreases the background and the measurement of the IFN-γ+ MIP-1β+ T-cells was equivalent to the measurement of the total IFN-γ+ T-cells, we adopted the IFN-γ+ MIP-1β+ data analysis system to evaluate IFN-γ-based, antigen-specific T-cell responses. Comparison of our ICS assay with ELISPOT assays performed in two different experienced laboratories demonstrated that the IFN-γ+ MIP-1β+ data analysis system increased the sensitivity of the ICS up to levels comparable to the sensitivity of the ELISPOT assay.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The IFN-γ+ MIP-1β+ data evaluation system provides a clear advantage for the detection of low magnitude HIV-1-specific responses. These results are important to guide the choice for suitable highly sensitive immune assays and to build reagent panels able to accurately characterize the phenotype and function of responding T-cells. More importantly, the ICS assay can be used as primary assay to evaluate HIV-1-specific responses without losing sensitivity in comparison to the ELISPOT assay.</p

    Diagnostic and Prognostic Role of miR-192 in Different Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Introduction. It has been shown that miR-192 is abnormally expressed in a variety of cancer types and participates in different kinds of signaling pathways. The role of miR-192 in the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer has not been verified. This article is aimed at exploring the diagnostic and prognostic value of miR-192 through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods. A systematic search was performed through PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases up to June 16, 2020. A total of 16 studies were enrolled in the meta-analyses, of which 11 articles were used for diagnostic meta-analysis and 5 articles were used for prognostic meta-analysis. The values of sensitivity and specificity using miR-192 expression as a diagnostic tool were pooled in the diagnostic meta-analysis. The hazard ratios (HRs) of overall survival (OS) with 95 confidence intervals (CIs) were extracted from the studies, and pooled HRs were evaluated in the prognostic meta-analysis. Eleven studies including 667 cancer patients and 514 controls met the eligibility criteria for the diagnostic meta-analysis. Five studies including 166 patients with high miR-192 expression and 236 patients with low miR-192 expression met the eligibility criteria for the prognostic meta-analysis. Results. The overall diagnostic accuracy was as follows: sensitivity 0.79 (95%CI=0.75-0.82), specificity 0.74 (95%CI=0.64-0.82), positive likelihood ratio 3.03 (95%CI=2.11-4.34), negative likelihood ratio 0.29 (95%CI=0.23-0.37), diagnostic odds ratio 10.50 (95%CI=5.89-18.73), and area under the curve ratio (AUC) 0.82 (95%CI=0.78-0.85). The overall prognostic analysis showed that high expression of miR-192 in patients was associated with positive survival (HR=0.62, 95%CI:0.41-0.93, p=0.020). Conclusion. Our results revealed that miR-192 was a potential biomarker with good sensitivity and specificity in cancers. Moreover, highly expressed miR-192 predicted a good prognosis for patients