755 research outputs found

    Oxidation of an oil rich in docosahexaenoic acid compared to linoleic acid in lactating women

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    Background: We studied the oxidation of an oil rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; DHASCO(R)) in lactating mothers receiving a dietary DHA supplement or a placebo. The results were compared with the oxidation of linoleic acid. Methods: Breast-feeding mothers received a dietary supplement (DHASCO; 200 mg DHA/day, n = 5) or a placebo (n = 5) for 14 days. Six weeks post partum all 10 mothers received a single dose of 2 mg/kg body weight uniformly C-13-labeled DHASCO. In a previously reported study 6 mothers received 1 mg/kg body weight uniformly C-13-labeled linoleic acid. Breath samples were collected over 48 h after tracer application. The total CO2 production was measured by indirect calorimetry and the C-13 isotopic enrichment of labeled CO2 by isotopic ratio mass spectrometry. Results: The oxidation of C-13-labeled DHASCO in the supplemented and placebo groups was similar. Maximal C-13 enrichment was reached earlier in the group receiving C-13-DHASCO (median 1.0 vs. 3.0 h in the linoleic acid group). The cumulative C-13 recovery in breath was higher in the DHASCO versus the linoleic acid group until 10 h after tracer application and comparable thereafter. Conclusions: The difference in oxidation of DHASCO versus linoleic acid after tracer ingestion might be partly due to a faster absorption and oxidation of shorter chain saturated fatty acids contained in DHASCO. The cumulative oxidation of DHASCO and linoleic acid 24 and 48 h after tracer ingestion is similar. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Characterization and Verification Environment for the RD53A Pixel Readout Chip in 65 nm CMOS

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    The RD53 collaboration is currently designing a large scale prototype pixel readout chip in 65 nm CMOS technology for the phase 2 upgrades at the HL-LHC. The RD53A chip will be available by the end of the year 2017 and will be extensively tested to confirm if the circuit and the architecture make a solid foundation for the final pixel readout chips for the experiments at the HL-LHC. A test and data acquisition system for the RD53A chip is currently under development to perform single-chip and multi-chip module measurements. In addition, the verification of the RD53A design is performed in a dedicated simulation environment. The concept and the implementation of the test and data acquisition system and the simulation environment, which are based on a modular data acquisition and system testing framework, are presented in this work

    The “Top-Down” Approach to the Evaluation of Children with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection

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    The evaluation of children presenting with urinary tract infection (UTI) has long entailed sonography and cystography to identify all urological abnormalities that might contribute to morbidity. The identification of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) has been of primary concern since retrospective studies from the 1930s to 1960s established a strong association between VUR, recurrent UTI, and renal cortical scarring. It has been proposed that all VUR carries a risk for renal scarring and, therefore, all VUR should be identified and treated. We will not discuss the controversies surrounding VUR treatment in this review focusing instead on a new paradigm for the evaluation of the child with UTI that is predicated on identifying those at risk for scarring who are most deserving of further evaluation by cystography

    Academic and Corporate Vehicle Electrification Research

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    We developed and used methodology to analyze scientific publications in Scopus relating to vehicle electrification and associated key enabling technologies: batteries, fuel cells and electric machines with power electronics. The global research landscape was mapped, and an analysis of the 16 most active countries was carried out. Vehicle electrification publications are rewarded with a high citation impact, and they include corporate actors to a great extent. China dominates in vehicle electrification research as well as in the enabling technologies, and China’s position is set to become even more dominating. Battery research has grown rapidly with a high citation impact, whereas the volume of research for the other enabling technologies was more constant during 2017–2021. Automakers’ research that has led to scientific publications was specifically studied. Ford Motor Company was the automaker with the highest number of vehicle electrification publications during 2017–2021. A large share of the automakers’ publications was co-authored with academic actors, and such publications were rewarded with a higher citation impact than those without. However, the share of international co-publications among the automakers was meager. It is concluded that the analysis of vehicle electrification publications gives an overview of the rapidly developing field. Moreover, the analysis of automakers’ involvement in such research is one way of obtaining one perspective on their strategies and priorities

    Odor Management Information for Livestock Operations

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    Odor and other air-borne emissions have always been associated with livestock production operations. As these operations become larger and more concentrated, the management of odor and dust emissions to reduce their negative impacts on livestock producers and adjacent land users becomes an important issue. This paper provides basic concepts about the production, measurement, and dispersion of livestock-operation odors