838 research outputs found

    Quantitative Biological Electron Probe Microanalysis with a Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer

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    This paper describes the details of quantitative electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) performed with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS). EPMA was carried out on the giant neuron of a fresh frozen ganglion from the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The freeze-dried cryosections were compared with sections of freeze-dried, embedded tissue. It was found, that in the ganglion there are two kinds of neurons with a different chlorine concentration of 11 mmole/liter and 32 mmole/liter. Isolated neurons in culture were shown to differ in elemental composition from those in the ganglion tissue


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    One of the subject areas in economic security studies (a new direction in management science) is an assessment. Estimates of a particular object will most significantly reflect its state in case there is an information analytical support. Information analytical assessment provision in economic security studies must meet assessment information needs by providing such resource as indicators, using which it will be possible to have a high–quality economic security estimates of the objects selected for assessment. The indicators selection and further operations with them using the assessment methods to get the objects estimates in mіcrolevel economic security studies is performed taking into account an object of assessment, a research context of economic security, quality estimates requirements, availability and accessibility of information for determining values of indicators, estimates character (retrospective, current, predictive). There are some examples of indicators and methods of the objects assessment in the microlevel economic security studies considered that are eligible for assessment in a protective context of an enterprise economic security.Одной из предметных областей в науке об экономической безопасности (новое  направление в управленческой науке) является оценивание. Оценки конкретного объекта максимально достоверно будут отображать его состояние в случае наличия информационно–аналитического обеспечения. Информационно–аналитическое обеспечение оценивания в науке об экономической безопасности должно удовлетворять информационные потребности оценивания путем предоставления такого ресурса, как показатели, на основе которых можно получить качественные оценки экономической безопасности выбранных объектов оценивания. Выбор показателей и дальнейшие операции с ними с применением методов оценивания для получения оценок объектов в науке об экономической безопасности на микроуровне осуществляется с учетом объекта оценивания, контексты исследования экономической безопасности, требований к качеству оценок,  наличия и доступности информации для определения значений показателей, характера оценок (ретроспективные, текущие или прогнозные).  Как пример, представлено некоторые показатели и методы оценивания объектов в науке об экономической безопасности на микроуровне, которые подходят для оценивания в защитном контексте экономической безопасности предприятия.Однією з предметних областей в економічній безпекології (новий напрям в управлінській науці) є оцінювання. Оцінки конкретного об’єкта максимально достовірно будуть відображати його стан за наявності інформаційно–аналітичного забезпечення. Інформаційно–аналітичне забезпечення оцінювання в економічній безпекології має задовольнити інформаційні потреби оцінювання шляхом надання такого ресурсу як показники, з використанням яких можна отримати якісні оцінки економічної безпеки вибраних об’єктів оцінювання. Вибір показників та подальші операції з ними за допомогою методів оцінювання для отримання оцінок об’єктів в економічній безпекології макрорівня здійснюються з урахуванням об’єкта оцінювання, контексту дослідження економічної безпеки, вимог до якості оцінок, наявності та доступності інформації для визначення значень показників, характеру оцінок (ретроспективні, поточні, прогнозні). Як приклад надано деякі показники та методи оцінювання об’єктів в економічній безпекології мікрорівня, які придатні для оцінювання у захисному контексті економічної безпеки підприємства

    Formation of d-wave superconducting order in a randomly doped lattice

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    We consider the interplay between superconducting coupling and dopant impurity scattering of charge carriers in planar square lattice systems and examine physical conditions (doping level, temperature, local symmetry of coupling and scattering potentials) necessary in this model system to obtain a d-wave superconducting order, like that observed in real doped cuprate HTSC materials. Using the Lifshitz model for the disorder introduced into system by dopants, we analyze also the non-uniform structure of such d-wave parameter, including both its magnitude and phase variation. The results indicate that d-wave superconductivity turns possible in a doped metal until it can be destroyed at too high doping levels.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Dissymmetrical tunnelling in heavy fermion metals

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    A tunnelling conductivity between a heavy fermion metal and a simple metallic point is considered. We show that at low temperatures this conductivity can be noticeably dissymmetrical with respect to the change of voltage bias. The dissymmetry can be observed in experiments on the heavy fermion metals whose electronic system has undergone the fermion condensation quantum phase transition.Comment: 7 pages, Revte

    The Statistics of Crumpled Paper

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    A statistical study of crumpled paper is allowed by a minimal 1D model: a self-avoiding line bent at sharp angles -- in which resides the elastic energy -- put in a confining potential. Many independent equilibrium configurations are generated numerically and their properties are investigated. At small confinement, the distribution of segment lengths is log-normal in agreement with previous predictions and experiments. At high confinement, the system approaches a jammed state with a critical behavior, whereas the length distribution follows a Gamma law which parameter is predicted as a function of the number of layers in the system

    Mass Transfer Mechanism in Real Crystals by Pulsed Laser Irradiation

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    The dynamic processes in the surface layers of metals subjected activity of a pulsing laser irradiation, which destroyed not the crystalline structure in details surveyed. The procedure of calculation of a dislocation density generated in bulk of metal during the relaxation processes and at repeated pulse laser action is presented. The results of evaluations coincide with high accuracy with transmission electron microscopy dates. The dislocation-interstitial mechanism of laser-stimulated mass-transfer in real crystals is presented on the basis of the ideas of the interaction of structure defects in dynamically deforming medium. The good compliance of theoretical and experimental results approves a defining role of the presented mechanism of mass transfer at pulse laser action on metals. The possible implementation this dislocation-interstitial mechanism of mass transfer in metals to other cases of pulsing influences is justifiedComment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Late

    Magnetoresistance of Highly Correlated Electron Liquid

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    The behavior in magnetic fields of a highly correlated electron liquid approaching the fermion condensation quantum phase transition from the disordered phase is considered. We show that at sufficiently high temperatures TT(x)T\geq T^*(x) the effective mass starts to depend on TT, MT1/2M^*\propto T^{-1/2}. This T1/2T^{-1/2} dependence of the effective mass at elevated temperatures leads to the non-Fermi liquid behavior of the resistivity, ρ(T)T\rho(T)\propto T and at higher temperatures ρ(T)T3/2\rho(T)\propto T^{3/2}. The application of a magnetic field BB restores the common T2T^2 behavior of the resistivity. The effective mass depends on the magnetic field, M(B)B2/3M^*(B)\propto B^{-2/3}, being approximately independent of the temperature at TT(B)B4/3T\leq T^*(B)\propto B^{4/3}. At TT(B)T\geq T^*(B), the T1/2T^{-1/2} dependence of the effective mass is re-established. We demonstrate that this BTB-T phase diagram has a strong impact on the magnetoresistance (MR) of the highly correlated electron liquid. The MR as a function of the temperature exhibits a transition from the negative values of MR at T0T\to 0 to the positive values at TB4/3T\propto B^{4/3}. Thus, at TT(B)T\geq T^*(B), MR as a function of the temperature possesses a node at TB4/3T\propto B^{4/3}.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, no figure

    Radial Velocity along the Voyager 1 Trajectory: The Effect of Solar Cycle

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    As Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are approaching the heliopause (HP)—the boundary between the solar wind (SW) and the local interstellar medium (LISM)—we expect new, unknown features of the heliospheric interface to be revealed. A seeming puzzle reported recently by Krimigis et al. concerns the unusually low, even negative, radial velocity components derived from the energetic ion distribution. Steady-state plasma models of the inner heliosheath (IHS) show that the radial velocity should not be equal to zero even at the surface of the HP. Here we demonstrate that the velocity distributions observed by Voyager 1 are consistent with time-dependent simulations of the SW-LISM interaction. In this Letter, we analyze the results from a numerical model of the large-scale heliosphere that includes solar cycle effects. Our simulations show that prolonged periods of low to negative radial velocity can exist in the IHS at substantial distances from the HP. It is also shown that Voyager 1 was more likely to observe such regions than Voyager 2