134 research outputs found

    Klassiker der Phosphorylidchemie als Gegenstand ortho-dirigierter Funktionalisierungen

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    Der Diskussionsteil der vorliegenden Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Kapitel der Chemie orthofunktionalisierter Phosphorylide: Das Hauptkapitel II stellt Neues aus der Chemie der Carbodiphosphorane vor, in Kapitel III wird die Derivatisierung von Triphenylcyclopentadienylidenphosphoran (Ramirez-Ylid) beschrieben. Es wurden Syntheserouten zu neuartigen Liganden und deren Hauptgruppen- und Übergangsmetallverbindungen entwickelt und isolierte Verbindungen mittels Röntgenbeugungsexperimenten an Einkristallen, NMR-, IR-, UV/vis-, Fluoreszenz- und EPRSpektroskopie sowie Massenspektrometrie und Zyklovoltammetrie untersucht. Ein besonderes Augenmerk lag dabei auch auf der Identifizierung von Nebenprodukten, die an verschiedenen Stellen Rückschlüsse auf unerwartete Reaktionsmechanismen ermöglichten

    A matter of time: improvement of visual temporal processing during training-induced restoration of light detection performance

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    The issue of how basic sensory and temporal processing are related is still unresolved. We studied temporal processing, as assessed by simple visual reaction times (AT) and double-pulse resolution (DPR), in patients with partial vision loss after visual pathway lesions and investigated whether vision restoration training (VRT), a training program designed to improve light detection performance, would also affect temporal processing. Perimetric and campimetric visual field tests as well as maps of DPR thresholds and RI were acquired before and after a 3 months training period with VRT. Patient performance was compared to that of age matched healthy subjects. Intact visual field size increased during training. Averaged across the entire visual field, DPR remained constant while RI improved slightly. However, in transition zones between the blind and intact areas (areas of residual vision) where patients had shown between 20 and 80% of stimulus detection probability in pre-training visual field tests, both DPR and RI improved markedly. The magnitude of improvement depended on the defect depth (or degree of intactness) of the respective region at baseline. Inter-individual training outcome variability was very high, with some patients showing little change and others showing performance approaching that of healthy controls. Training-induced improvement of light detection in patients with visual field loss thus generalized to dynamic visual functions. The findings suggest that similar neural mechanisms may underlie the impairment and subsequent training-induced functional recovery of both light detection and temporal processing

    Recommending Solution Paths for Solving Optimization Problems with Quantum Computing

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    Solving real-world optimization problems with quantum computing requires choosing between a large number of options concerning formulation, encoding, algorithm and hardware. Finding good solution paths is challenging for end users and researchers alike. We propose a framework designed to identify and recommend the best-suited solution paths. This introduces a novel abstraction layer that is required to make quantum-computing-assisted solution techniques accessible to end users without requiring a deeper knowledge of quantum technologies. State-of-the-art hybrid algorithms, encoding and decomposition techniques can be integrated in a modular manner and evaluated using problem-specific performance metrics. Equally, tools for the graphical analysis of variational quantum algorithms are developed. Classical, fault tolerant quantum and quantum-inspired methods can be included as well to ensure a fair comparison resulting in useful solution paths. We demonstrate and validate our approach on a selected set of options and illustrate its application on the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). We also identify crucial requirements and the major design challenges for the proposed automation layer within a quantum-assisted solution workflow for optimization problems.Comment: Reviewed and published at IEEE QSW 202

    Quantum-Assisted Solution Paths for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

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    Many relevant problems in industrial settings result in NP-hard optimization problems, such as the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) or its reduced variant, the Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP). Even with today's most powerful classical algorithms, the CVRP is challenging to solve classically. Quantum computing may offer a way to improve the time to solution, although the question remains open as to whether Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices can achieve a practical advantage compared to classical heuristics. The most prominent algorithms proposed to solve combinatorial optimization problems in the NISQ era are the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) and the more general Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE). However, implementing them in a way that reliably provides high-quality solutions is challenging, even for toy examples. In this work, we discuss decomposition and formulation aspects of the CVRP and propose an application-driven way to measure solution quality. Considering current hardware constraints, we reduce the CVRP to a clustering phase and a set of TSPs. For the TSP, we extensively test both QAOA and VQE and investigate the influence of various hyperparameters, such as the classical optimizer choice and strength of constraint penalization. Results of QAOA are generally of limited quality because the algorithm does not reach the energy threshold for feasible TSP solutions, even when considering various extensions such as recursive, warm-start and constraint-preserving mixer QAOA. On the other hand, the VQE reaches the energy threshold and shows a better performance. Our work outlines the obstacles to quantum-assisted solutions for real-world optimization problems and proposes perspectives on how to overcome them.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE for possible publicatio

    Оптимизация ресурсных групп на месторождениях

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    Целью работы является разработка рекомендаций по совершенствованию кадровой политики ПАО "Газпром" на основе проведенного анализа существующей кадровой политики предприятия. Кадровая политика существует в любои? организации, однако она не всегда представлена единым документом. Кадровая политика может формироваться под воздеи?ствием различных внешних и внутренних факторов. Под факторами внешнеи? среды понимаются те условия внешнеи? среды, которые организация не может изменить, но должна учитывать, чтобы правильно определить свою потребность в персонале, а также наи?ти источники покрытия даннои? потребности.The purpose of the work is to develop recommendations for improving the personnel policy of PJSC Gazprom based on the analysis of the company's existing personnel policy. Personnel policy exists in any organization, but it is not always represented by a single document. Personnel policy can be formed under the influence of various external and internal factors. Under the environmental factors are understood those environmental conditions that the organization can not change, but must take into account to properly determine its need for staff, as well as to find sources of coverage for this need

    Towards the implementation of a continuous bioprocess in single use technology

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    Bayer has developed a new production technology for monoclonal antibodies based on single use equipment and continuous processing. The development is referred to as the MoBiDiK project (Modular, Biologics, Disposable and Continuous) and was presented at the ICB 1 and ICB 2 conferences. At the ICB 3 conference we will focus on the topics that are critical to the implementation of the technology in a GMP production environment. These are: Process robustness, GMP readiness of the equipment, automation as well as process control and product release strategies