3 research outputs found

    Organizational and legal problems of public administration in conditions of european adaptation of Ukrainian legislation

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    Розкрито проблеми формування організаційно-правових засад державного управління в умовах перед’європейської адаптації законодавства України. Виявлено чинники, які перешкоджають здійсненню ефективного державного управління. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення законодавства у цій сфері. Визначено методи забезпечення ефективного державного управління.The problems of formation organizational and legal principles of public administration in conditions of pre-European adaptation of Ukrainian legislation are investigated. The researches of scientists which are related to the problems of the organizational and legal ensuring of public administration have been studied. The authors of the article determine the category of public administration. The problems of deficient specification of conceptual apparatus which is used in sphere of public administration have been presented. The authors define the barriers which prevent the implementation of effective public administration. Reasons that cause frequent law violations and abuse in this area are found. The authors reveal the relationship of total corruption and inefficiency of public administration. The reasons which further the corruption have been found. Reasons, which cause inefficiency of activity of central executive and local government, are determined. The authors deal with reasons that cause inefficiency of interaction of state power and local governments. The ways of its eliminating are offered. The problems of influence of inappropriate qualification of civil servants on inefficiency of exercise of official authority have been also investigated. The ways of changing of the local government system are suggested. The authors have found the ways to stop the process of social production decline and degradation of society. The ways of improvement of legislation of public administration are offered. Methods for providing effective public administration are proposed

    Organizational and legal problems of public administration in conditions of european adaptation of Ukrainian legislation

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    Розкрито проблеми формування організаційно-правових засад державного управління в умовах перед’європейської адаптації законодавства України. Виявлено чинники, які перешкоджають здійсненню ефективного державного управління. Запропоновано шляхи удосконалення законодавства у цій сфері. Визначено методи забезпечення ефективного державного управління.The problems of formation organizational and legal principles of public administration in conditions of pre-European adaptation of Ukrainian legislation are investigated. The researches of scientists which are related to the problems of the organizational and legal ensuring of public administration have been studied. The authors of the article determine the category of public administration. The problems of deficient specification of conceptual apparatus which is used in sphere of public administration have been presented. The authors define the barriers which prevent the implementation of effective public administration. Reasons that cause frequent law violations and abuse in this area are found. The authors reveal the relationship of total corruption and inefficiency of public administration. The reasons which further the corruption have been found. Reasons, which cause inefficiency of activity of central executive and local government, are determined. The authors deal with reasons that cause inefficiency of interaction of state power and local governments. The ways of its eliminating are offered. The problems of influence of inappropriate qualification of civil servants on inefficiency of exercise of official authority have been also investigated. The ways of changing of the local government system are suggested. The authors have found the ways to stop the process of social production decline and degradation of society. The ways of improvement of legislation of public administration are offered. Methods for providing effective public administration are proposed

    Features of industry transformation under the global challenges

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    Розкрито особливості проведення економічних реформ та трансформації у галузі промисловості в системі глобальних викликів. Враховуючи суттєвий вплив промисловості України на розвиток усього національного господарства підкреслено важливість проведення ґрунтовних досліджень процесів перебудови застарілих у глобальних умовах методів організації виробничо-збутової діяльності промислових підприємств. У контексті монографії Маркович І. Б. «Трансформація промисловості в системі глобальних викликів: організаційно-мережеві зміни та конкуренто-інноваційні виміри» запропоновано інноваційні підходи до збалансування пріоритетів вітчизняної промисловості зі світовими, розглянуто можливості використання її розробок як окремого напряму досліджень.The features of economic reforms and industry transformation under the global challenges are disclosed. Given the significant impact of industry on the development of the entire national economy in Ukraine the importance of conducting thorough investigations of adjustment processes of obsolete in global conditions methods of production and distribution activities of industrial enterprises is emphasized. It is expedient to cover characteristics of factors which have the most significant impact on the ability of enterprises to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment, which is a prerequisite for achieving a high level of competitiveness in the market. In general, the article emphasizes the most important factors that determine changes in the world industrial production, including: increased international competition, which is associated with the emergence of new producers and their close integration with international markets, the rapid growth of technological changes, which leads to the reduction in industrial production cycles and makes the company continually innovate, improve its organizational forms and processes, improvement of economic performance in developing countries that gives reason to talk about the emergence of new market opportunities for both production and consumption, environmental factors such as climate change, depletion of natural resources and pollution resulting from industrial activities to some extent determine the further development of production, the regulatory environment and community values should be considered as important factors driving changes in the structure and features of the industry. In the context of the monograph by Markovych I. B. «Transformation of industry in global challenges: organizational and network change, and the competitiveness and innovation dimensions» the innovative approaches to balancing the priorities of the domestic industry with the world ones are proposed, the possibilities of using it as a separate development direction of research are considered. Considering the problem of lack of effectiveness of existing models of the domestic national economy, it is proposed to focus on the research and grounding of the choice of such form of economic growth, which would be able to resolve the problems of lack of competitiveness in the regional industry first, and then in the national and global dimensions. It is found that the economic globalization and accelerated flow of information stimulates and updates the search of such forms of inter-firm cooperation, which would possess the features of integrated forms of cooperation