9 research outputs found

    Higher viral load and infectivity increase risk of aerosol transmission for Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2.

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    Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is an important route of infection. For the wildtype (WT) only a small proportion of those infected emitted large quantities of the virus. The currently prevalent variants of concern, Delta (B1.617.2) and Omicron (B.1.1.529), are characterized by higher viral loads and a lower minimal infective dose compared to the WT. We aimed to describe the resulting distribution of airborne viral emissions and to reassess the risk estimates for public settings given the higher viral load and infectivity. We reran the Monte Carlo modelling to estimate viral emissions in the fine aerosol size range using available viral load data. We also updated our tool to simulate indoor airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by including a CO2 calculator and recirculating air cleaning devices. We also assessed the consequences of the lower critical dose on the infection risk in public settings with different protection strategies. Our modelling suggests that a much larger proportion of individuals infected with the new variants are high, very high or super-emitters of airborne viruses: for the WT, one in 1,000 infected was a super-emitter; for Delta one in 30; and for Omicron one in 20 or one in 10, depending on the viral load estimate used. Testing of the effectiveness of protective strategies in view of the lower critical dose suggests that surgical masks are no longer sufficient in most public settings, while correctly fitted FFP2 respirators still provide sufficient protection, except in high aerosol producing situations such as singing or shouting. From an aerosol transmission perspective, the shift towards a larger proportion of very high emitting individuals, together with the strongly reduced critical dose, seem to be two important drivers of the aerosol risk, and are likely contributing to the observed rapid spread of the Delta and Omicron variants of concern. Reducing contacts, always wearing well-fitted FFP2 respirators when indoors, using ventilation and other methods to reduce airborne virus concentrations, and avoiding situations with loud voices seem critical to limiting these latest waves of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Selenium deficiency risk predicted to increase under future climate change

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    Deficiencies of micronutrients, including essential trace elements, affect up to 3 billion people worldwide. The dietary availability of trace elements is determined largely by their soil concentrations. Until now, the mechanisms governing soil concentrations have been evaluated in small-scale studies, which identify soil physicochemical properties as governing variables. However, global concentrations of trace elements and the factors controlling their distributions are virtually unknown. We used 33,241 soil data points to model recent (1980–1999) global distributions of Selenium (Se), an essential trace element that is required for humans. Worldwide, up to one in seven people have been estimated to have low dietary Se intake. Contrary to small-scale studies, soil Se concentrations were dominated by climate–soil interactions. Using moderate climate-change scenarios for 2080–2099, we predicted that changes in climate and soil organic carbon content will lead to overall decreased soil Se concentrations, particularly in agricultural areas; these decreases could increase the prevalence of Se deficiency. The importance of climate–soil interactions to Se distributions suggests that other trace elements with similar retention mechanisms will be similarly affected by climate change

    Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity—GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) surveillance, policy, and research efforts need to be periodically appraised to gain insight into national and global capacities for PA promotion. The aim of this paper was to assess the status and trends in PA surveillance, policy, and research in 164 countries. Methods: We used data from the Global Observatory for Physical Activity (GoPA!) 2015 and 2020 surveys. Comprehensive searches were performed for each country to determine the level of development of their PA surveillance, policy, and research, and the findings were verified by the GoPA! Country Contacts. Trends were analyzed based on the data available for both survey years. Results: The global 5-year progress in all 3 indicators was modest, with most countries either improving or staying at the same level. PA surveillance, policy, and research improved or remained at a high level in 48.1%, 40.6%, and 42.1% of the countries, respectively. PA surveillance, policy, and research scores decreased or remained at a low level in 8.3%, 15.8%, and 28.6% of the countries, respectively. The highest capacity for PA promotion was found in Europe, the lowest in Africa and low- and lower-middle-income countries. Although a large percentage of the world’s population benefit from at least some PA policy, surveillance, and research efforts in their countries, 49.6 million people are without PA surveillance, 629.4 million people are without PA policy, and 108.7 million live in countries without any PA research output. A total of 6.3 billion people or 88.2% of the world’s population live in countries where PA promotion capacity should be significantly improved. Conclusion: Despite PA is essential for health, there are large inequalities between countries and world regions in their capacity to promote PA. Coordinated efforts are needed to reduce the inequalities and improve the global capacity for PA promotion

    Jésus de Nazareth. Nouvelles approches d'une énigme

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    Ce volume regroupe des travaux menés sur le Jésus de l'histoire par des spécialistes de cette question fondatrice. Celle-ci connait, en effet, de vigoureuses impulsions dues à l'application de nouvelles méthodologies aux effets inattendus: sociologie du judaisme ancien, anthropologie des sociétés agraires, utilisation des écrits apocryphes chrétiens. Pour la première fois, des savants mondialement réputés sont présentés en français tels John S. Kloppenborg (Totonto) ou Ed P. Sanders (Durham). L'ouvrage est construit en sept parties: l'état de la recherche, le judaisme au temps de Jésus, le coeur de la théologie de Jésus, la tradition extracanonique chrétienne et la question du Jésus historique, Jésus dans le Nouveau Testament, les lectures juives de Jésus, le Jésus historique et la théologie

    RU 486 inhibits peripheral effects of glucocorticoids in humans

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    RU 486 [17 beta-hydroxy-11 beta-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)17 alpha-(prop-1-ynyl)estra-4,9-dien-3-one] is a synthetic steroid receptor antagonist. To evaluate the peripheral antiglucocorticoid action of this compound, we investigated its ability to antagonize cutaneous steroid-induced vasoconstriction. This phenomenon, produced by three different topical steroids in six normal men, was consistently and significantly attenuated or abolished by oral administration of 6 mg/kg RU 486. This demonstration of a peripheral action of RU 486 is important in relation to the potential therapeutic use of this well tolerated drug in states of hypercortisolism. It also indicates that the cutaneous vasoconstrictor effects of topical steroids are mediated by occupancy of glucocorticoid receptors

    The association between daily stress and sexual activity

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    Research has shown that stressors and experienced stress are negatively correlated with sexual activity (i.e., behavior and satisfaction) within couples. Thus far, most studies have been cross-sectional and report correlations only. This study is one of the first to examine the covariation between self-perceived stress and daily sexual activity within a time period of 3 months by collecting data on stress, sexual activity, sexual satisfaction, and sexual fulfillment as well as individual and dyadic coping. The association among these variables was tested in a multilevel model that included cyclical terms to capture the regular variation of sexual behavior over the days of the week. One hundred and three female students completed questionnaires and diaries 12 times during a 3-month period just prior to a major exam. Findings suggest that higher self-reported stress in daily life was associated with lower levels of sexual activity and satisfaction and a decrease in relationship satisfaction. In addition, dyadic coping was positively associated with sexual outcomes but did not moderate the association of experienced stress and sexuality. Implications for sexuality research in close relationships and methods for studying cyclical processes are discussed. (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved

    RU 486 inhibits peripheral effects of glucocorticoids in humans

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    RU 486 [17 beta-hydroxy-11 beta-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)17 alpha-(prop-1-ynyl)estra-4,9-dien-3-one] is a synthetic steroid receptor antagonist. To evaluate the peripheral antiglucocorticoid action of this compound, we investigated its ability to antagonize cutaneous steroid-induced vasoconstriction. This phenomenon, produced by three different topical steroids in six normal men, was consistently and significantly attenuated or abolished by oral administration of 6 mg/kg RU 486. This demonstration of a peripheral action of RU 486 is important in relation to the potential therapeutic use of this well tolerated drug in states of hypercortisolism. It also indicates that the cutaneous vasoconstrictor effects of topical steroids are mediated by occupancy of glucocorticoid receptors

    Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys.

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    Physical activity (PA) surveillance, policy, and research efforts need to be periodically appraised to gain insight into national and global capacities for PA promotion. The aim of this paper was to assess the status and trends in PA surveillance, policy, and research in 164 countries. We used data from the Global Observatory for Physical Activity (GoPA!) 2015 and 2020 surveys. Comprehensive searches were performed for each country to determine the level of development of their PA surveillance, policy, and research, and the findings were verified by the GoPA! Country Contacts. Trends were analyzed based on the data available for both survey years. The global 5-year progress in all 3 indicators was modest, with most countries either improving or staying at the same level. PA surveillance, policy, and research improved or remained at a high level in 48.1%, 40.6%, and 42.1% of the countries, respectively. PA surveillance, policy, and research scores decreased or remained at a low level in 8.3%, 15.8%, and 28.6% of the countries, respectively. The highest capacity for PA promotion was found in Europe, the lowest in Africa and low- and lower-middle-income countries. Although a large percentage of the world's population benefit from at least some PA policy, surveillance, and research efforts in their countries, 49.6 million people are without PA surveillance, 629.4 million people are without PA policy, and 108.7 million live in countries without any PA research output. A total of 6.3 billion people or 88.2% of the world's population live in countries where PA promotion capacity should be significantly improved. Despite PA is essential for health, there are large inequalities between countries and world regions in their capacity to promote PA. Coordinated efforts are needed to reduce the inequalities and improve the global capacity for PA promotion