177 research outputs found

    Status pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta in varnost podjetja

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    Status pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta je bil uveden v okviru sprememb Carinskega zakonika Evropske unije, ki se nanašajo na izboljšanje varnosti na zunanjih mejah Evropske unije in na hitrejši pretok blaga s poenostavljenimi postopki ter uporabo informacijske tehnologije. Razlog za pisanje prispevka je pomen uvedbe statusa pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta, ki je zagotavljanje varnosti celotne dobavne verige in njenih posameznih členov – gospodarskih subjektov. Cilj prispevka je predstavitev procesa pridobivanja statusa pooblaščenega gospodarskega subjekta z vidika zahtev, ki jih mora gospodarski subjekt izpolnjevati, da ustreza merilom za podelitev statusa, s poudarkom na varnostnih in varstvenih zahtevah

    Measurement of skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation in the critically ill

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    Shock is a state of acutely reduced tissue oxygenation. In cardiogenic shock oxygen delivery (DO2) is reduced, but oxygen extraction is preserved. In septic shock DO2 is preserved, but oxygen extraction is decreased because of microvascular changes and disturbed metabolism. Global assessment of DO2 and oxygen consumption does not tell us enough about adequacy of regional perfusion. The aim of this study was to assess the value of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in detecting skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation (StO2) in critically ill patients. Patients in cardiogenic shock (n=17), septic shock (n=14), without shock but with localized infection (n=14) and healthy volunteers (n=15) were included. Thenar StO2 was measured with NIRS before (baseline StO2, %), between (downward StO2 slope, %/min) and after 90 seconds of upper arm stagnant ischemia (hyperemic StO2, %). Muscle oxygen extraction (mOER) was calculated as follows: mOER (%) = (1-baselineStO2/hyperemic StO2)*100. Repeatability was assessed using the Bland Altman method (95 % of values within limits of agreement), comparing 55 pairs of measurements performed in 5-minute intervals. Repeatability of measurements was clinically acceptable. Compared to septic shock patients, cardiogenic shock patients had lower baseline StO2 (68.9 ± 10.0 % vs. 84.3 ± 10.4 %; p < 0.05) and hyperemic StO2 (80.8 ± 7.8 % vs. 91.8 ± 8.3 %; p < 0.05), and a higher downward StO2 slope (-17.4 ± 31.7 %/min vs. -9.1 ± 2.6 %/min; p < 0.05). mOER was higher in healthy volunteers (11.9 ± 3.8 %) and volunteers with cardiogenic shock (14.8 ± 7.3 %) compared to septic shock patients (8.1 ± 7.8 %) and those with localized infection (7.6 ± 5.4 %) (p < 0.05). Repeatability of baseline StO2 and hyperemic StO2 is clinically acceptable. Results support the hypothesis that skeletal muscle oxygen extraction capability is preserved and extraction is increased in cardiogenic shock compared to septic shock

    A resilience based approach to critical infrastructure and social safety issues

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    The critical infrastructure is by definition the operation, knowledge and the situation that has in a given moment the vital effects on the level of the state. Each risk, which could seriously endanger the functioning of a critical infrastructure, can lead to terrible consequences from the point of view of the national security, economy, social security and wealth, public health, welfare and human rights. With this contribution, we want to present the domain of risks for the critical infrastructure of Republic of Slovenia, because in this field can the unexpected and unforeseen events seriously endanger the national security. Furthermore, such events can endanger already established rights of citizens of Republic of Slovenia and also basic human rights and liberties. The duty of subjects of leading and operating of Republic of Slovenia is to assure the existence and development of sovereignty of the State and a long-term security for all citizens. Critical infrastructure is unavoidable and is essential for societal safety. The success of organizations, populations and society that are part of the infrastructure function relies in the unconditional reliability and usefulness

    Do we need an individual approach to atrial fIbrillation and adrenergic overload in the critically ill?

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    Despite catecholamines being lifesaving drugs, they can also be harmful. Adrenergic overload is one of the major promoters of supra- and ventricular arrhythmias, which induce hemodynamic instability in the critically ill. In this paper we will focus on the pathophysiology of atrial fbrillation (AF), the importance of adrenergic overload for triggering AF, the importance of the autonomic nervous system and fnally, we will challenge the importance of decreasing adrenergic load with selective and nonselective β-blockers, which have diferent efects on the metabolism in the severely ill. We will also emphasize the importance of an individual approach due to pharmacogenetic diferences in β-adrenergic signalling

    Do we need an individual approach to atrial fibrillation and adrenergic overload in the critically ill?

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    Despite catecholamines being lifesaving drugs, they can also be harmful. Adrenergic overload is one of the major causes of supra- and ventricular arrhythmias, which induce haemodynamic instability of critically ill patients. In this paper we will focus on the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation (AF), the importance of adrenergic overload for triggering AF, the importance of the autonomic nervous system and we will challenge the importance of decreasing adrenergic load with selective and nonselective β-blockers, which have different effects on the metabolism of the severely ill. We will also emphasize the importance of an individual approach due to pharmacogenetic differences in β-adrenergic signalling

    Low-voltage distribution network state estimator

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    Izvedeno delo se nanaša na razvoj konceptnega modela ocenjevalnika stanja nizkonapetostnega razdelilnega omrežja. Namen naloge je bil izdelati preprost algoritem ocenjevalnika stanja, ki deluje na osnovi metode najmanjših uteženih kvadratov z uporabo simuliranih meritev pametnih števcev, ter preveriti njegovo delovanje na podlagi simulacij dogodkov, ki se lahko zgodijo v realnosti. Izbran in izveden s pomočjo Matlaba je bil matematični algoritem ocenjevalnika stanja, ki je bil preverjen na modelu nizkonapetostnega omrežja. Preizkusi so pokazali zadostno odpornost algoritma na naključne motnje v merjenih vrednostih, z deležem neustreznih meritev in uporabo psevdo merjenih vrednosti pa so bile preizkušene skrajne meje njegovega delovanja. Preprosta simulacija je pokazala možnost praktične uporabe algoritma pri odkrivanju mest nezakonitega odjema ali nepravilnega delovanja merilne naprave.The thesis addresses development of a simple low-voltage distribution network state estimator. A goal was to create a state estimator model, based on a weighted least square algorithm, using simulated measurements of smart meters. Model’s performance was evaluated by the simulations of possible real-case scenarios. A proper mathematical algorithm was chosen and developed using Matlab. A simple low voltage network model was used to test the state estimator algorithm. The results of simulations confirmed the robustness of the algorithm in case of random noises in the measurements, the use of bad measurements and pseudo-measurements revealed the sensitivity of algorithm in case of bad data. This bad data was used to test the limits of the state estimator model. Possibility for detection and identification of electricity theft or instrumentation malfunction was shown using simple simulation


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    V tem delu je predstavljena zasnova in izdelava aplikacije za analizo kakovosti izravnave odstopanj v elektroenergetskem sistemu. Namen izdelane aplikacije je prispevek k izboljšanju kakovosti vodenja našega regulacijskega bloka SHB in njegovih regulacijskih območij Slovenije, Hrvaške ter Bosne in Hercegovine. Aplikacija je bila izdelana v okviru praktičnega usposabljanja v podjetju Eles d.o.o., ki je sistemski operater prenosnega omrežja Slovenije. Zahteva za aplikacijo je prišla s strani podjetja in je bila izdelana po projektnem načinu dela. Programiranje je bilo izvedeno v programskem okolju Visual Basic for Application, ki nam omogoča manipulacijo s programom Microsoft Excel. Rezultati so grafično in številsko ponazorjeni v programu MS Excel in nam omogočajo vpogled v kakovost vodenja regulacijskega bloka SHB in njegovih območij.This work presents planning and production of computer application for quality analysis of balancing of electric-power system. The purpose of this application is a contribution to the quality of balancing of control block of SHB and its control areas of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The application was developed in period of practical education in Eles d.o.o., which is a transmission system operator of Slovenia. Request for application came from company and it was made according to project work method. Programming was done in programming enviroment Visual Basic for Aplication, which allows manipulation with program Microsoft Excel. The results are graphically and numerically illustrated in MS Excel and allow us an insight into the quality of managment of control block and its areas