8 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal evolution of long-range transported mineral desert dust properties over rural and urban sites in Central Europe

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    An exceptionally strong and very fast (120h) mineral dust inflow from North Africa to Poland was predicted by NMMB/BSC-Dust and NAAPS models on 10–11 June 2019. Simultaneous measurements with two complex lidar systems at the EARLINET-ACTRIS urban site in Warsaw (Central Poland) and the PolWET peatland site in Rzecin (Western Poland) captured the evolution of this dust event. The advected air masses had different source areas in North Africa, they were reaching each station via independent pathways, and thus, were unlikely mixed with each other. The excellent capabilities of the next generation PollyXT lidar and the mobile EMORAL lidar allowed for the derivation of full datasets of aerosol optical properties profiles that enabled comparative study of the advected dust properties evolution. Within a mere 350 km distance between Warsaw and Rzecin, distinctly different dust properties were measured, respectively: dry mineral dust composed mainly of coarse mode dust particles (50 ± 5 % of the total particle backscattering profile) versus the wet mineral dust dominated by fine dust particles (58 ± 4 %). A new parameter fine-to-coarse dust ratio (FCDR) is proposed to describe more intuitively mineral dust composition

    Dynamics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over two middle-latitude rural sites with Doppler lidar

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    The Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) over two middle-latitude rural sites was characterized in terms of mean horizontal wind and turbulence sources using a standard classification methodology based on Doppler lidar. The first location was an irrigated olive orchard in ubeda (Southern Spain), representing one of the most important crops in the Mediterranean basin and a typical site with Mediterranean climate. The second location was PolWET peatland site in Rzecin (Northwestern Poland), representing one of the largest natural terrestrial carbon storages that have a strong interaction with the climate system. The results showed typical situations for non cloud-topped ABL cases, where ABL is fully developed during daytime due to convection, with high turbulent activity and strong positive skewness indicating frequent and powerful updrafts. The cloud-topped cases showed the strong influence that clouds can have on ABL development, preventing it to reach the same maximum height and introducing top-down movements as an important contribution to mixing. The statistical analysis of turbulent sources allowed for finding a common diurnal cycle for convective mixing at both sites, but nocturnal wind shear driven turbulence with marked differences in its vertical distribution. This analysis demonstrates the Doppler lidar measurements and the classification algorithm strong potential to characterize the dynamics of ABL in its full extent and with high temporal resolution. Moreover, some recommendations for future improvement of the classification algorithm were provided on the basis of the experience gained.Peer reviewe

    Strategy for Multidimensional Peatland Ecosystem Analysis in the Context of the Atmospheric Properties

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    There is the need of integration of atmospheric and ecosystem research in order to assess the habitats reaction in the future since the recent climate changes. Peatlands due to their vulnerability are important ecosystems since their strong interaction with the climate system. In stable climatic conditions, they are atmospheric carbon sinks. The study of the atmosphere properties in the context of peatlands productivity requires the application of the multidimensional strategy of field measurements. These kind of measurements are conducted using the following sensors: sun photometer, cloud radar, Raman lidar and eddy covariance (EC) system. They are located and operated at the Rzecin peatland in the framework of the POLIMOS project. So far, aerosols presence in the air was found as a factor that increases the peatland production. This presents the novel strategy of extensive atmospheric studies in order to identify the selected particles type impact on peatlands carbon uptake capabilities

    Strategy for Multidimensional Peatland Ecosystem Analysis in the Context of the Atmospheric Properties

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    There is the need of integration of atmospheric and ecosystem research in order to assess the habitats reaction in the future since the recent climate changes. Peatlands due to their vulnerability are important ecosystems since their strong interaction with the climate system. In stable climatic conditions, they are atmospheric carbon sinks. The study of the atmosphere properties in the context of peatlands productivity requires the application of the multidimensional strategy of field measurements. These kind of measurements are conducted using the following sensors: sun photometer, cloud radar, Raman lidar and eddy covariance (EC) system. They are located and operated at the Rzecin peatland in the framework of the POLIMOS project. So far, aerosols presence in the air was found as a factor that increases the peatland production. This presents the novel strategy of extensive atmospheric studies in order to identify the selected particles type impact on peatlands carbon uptake capabilities

    Modification of Local Urban Aerosol Properties by Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol

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    During August 2016, a quasi-stationary high-pressure system spreading over Central and North-Eastern Europe, caused weather conditions that allowed for 24/7 observations of aerosol optical properties by using a complex multi-wavelength PollyXT lidar system with Raman, polarization and water vapour capabilities, based at the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET network) urban site in Warsaw, Poland. During 24–30 August 2016, the lidar-derived products (boundary layer height, aerosol optical depth, Ångström exponent, lidar ratio, depolarization ratio) were analysed in terms of air mass transport (HYSPLIT model), aerosol load (CAMS data) and type (NAAPS model) and confronted with active and passive remote sensing at the ground level (PolandAOD, AERONET, WIOS-AQ networks) and aboard satellites (SEVIRI, MODIS, CATS sensors). Optical properties for less than a day-old fresh biomass burning aerosol, advected into Warsaw’s boundary layer from over Ukraine, were compared with the properties of long-range transported 3–5 day-old aged biomass burning aerosol detected in the free troposphere over Warsaw. Analyses of temporal changes of aerosol properties within the boundary layer, revealed an increase of aerosol optical depth and Ångström exponent accompanied by an increase of surface PM10 and PM2.5. Intrusions of advected biomass burning particles into the urban boundary layer seem to affect not only the optical properties observed but also the top height of the boundary layer, by moderating its increase

    Modification of Local Urban Aerosol Properties by Long-Range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosol

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    During August 2016, a quasi-stationary high-pressure system spreading over Central and North-Eastern Europe, caused weather conditions that allowed for 24/7 observations of aerosol optical properties by using a complex multi-wavelength PollyXT lidar system with Raman, polarization and water vapour capabilities, based at the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET network) urban site in Warsaw, Poland. During 24–30 August 2016, the lidar-derived products (boundary layer height, aerosol optical depth, Ångström exponent, lidar ratio, depolarization ratio) were analysed in terms of air mass transport (HYSPLIT model), aerosol load (CAMS data) and type (NAAPS model) and confronted with active and passive remote sensing at the ground level (PolandAOD, AERONET, WIOS-AQ networks) and aboard satellites (SEVIRI, MODIS, CATS sensors). Optical properties for less than a day-old fresh biomass burning aerosol, advected into Warsaw’s boundary layer from over Ukraine, were compared with the properties of long-range transported 3–5 day-old aged biomass burning aerosol detected in the free troposphere over Warsaw. Analyses of temporal changes of aerosol properties within the boundary layer, revealed an increase of aerosol optical depth and Ångström exponent accompanied by an increase of surface PM10 and PM2.5. Intrusions of advected biomass burning particles into the urban boundary layer seem to affect not only the optical properties observed but also the top height of the boundary layer, by moderating its increase

    A Decade of Poland-AOD Aerosol Research Network Observations

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    The Poland-AOD aerosol research network was established in 2011 to improve aerosol–climate interaction knowledge and provide a real-time and historical, comprehensive, and quantitative database for the aerosol optical properties distribution over Poland. The network consists of research institutions and private owners operating 10 measurement stations and an organization responsible for aerosol model transport simulations. Poland-AOD collaboration provides observations of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångstrom Exponent (AE), incoming shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiation fluxes, vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties and surface aerosol scattering and absorption coefficient, as well as microphysical particle properties. Based on the radiative transfer model (RTM), the aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) and the heating rate are simulated. In addition, results from GEM-AQ and WRF-Chem models (e.g., aerosol mass mixing ratio and optical properties for several particle chemical components), and HYSPLIT back-trajectories are used to interpret the results of observation and to describe the 3D aerosol optical properties distribution. Results of Poland-AOD research indicate progressive improvement of air quality and at mospheric turbidity during the last decade. The AOD was reduced by about 0.02/10 yr (at 550 nm), which corresponds to positive trends in ARF. The estimated clear-sky ARF trend is 0.34 W/m2/10 yr and 0.68 W/m2/10 yr, respectively, at TOA and at Earth’s surface. Therefore, reduction in aerosol load observed in Poland can significantly contribute to climate warming

    A Decade of Poland-AOD Aerosol Research Network Observations

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    The Poland-AOD aerosol research network was established in 2011 to improve aerosol–climate interaction knowledge and provide a real-time and historical, comprehensive, and quantitative database for the aerosol optical properties distribution over Poland. The network consists of research institutions and private owners operating 10 measurement stations and an organization responsible for aerosol model transport simulations. Poland-AOD collaboration provides observations of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD), Ångstrom Exponent (AE), incoming shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) radiation fluxes, vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties and surface aerosol scattering and absorption coefficient, as well as microphysical particle properties. Based on the radiative transfer model (RTM), the aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) and the heating rate are simulated. In addition, results from GEM-AQ and WRF-Chem models (e.g., aerosol mass mixing ratio and optical properties for several particle chemical components), and HYSPLIT back-trajectories are used to interpret the results of observation and to describe the 3D aerosol optical properties distribution. Results of Poland-AOD research indicate progressive improvement of air quality and at mospheric turbidity during the last decade. The AOD was reduced by about 0.02/10 yr (at 550 nm), which corresponds to positive trends in ARF. The estimated clear-sky ARF trend is 0.34 W/m2/10 yr and 0.68 W/m2/10 yr, respectively, at TOA and at Earth’s surface. Therefore, reduction in aerosol load observed in Poland can significantly contribute to climate warming