13 research outputs found

    Engineered fluorescent strains of cryptococcus neoformans : a versatile toolbox for studies of host-pathogen interactions and fungal biology, including the viable but nonculturable state

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen known for its remarkable ability to infect and subvert phagocytes. This ability provides survival and persistence within the host and relies on phenotypic plasticity. The viable but nonculturable (VBNC) phenotype was recently described in C. neoformans, whose study is promising in understanding the pathophysiology of cryptococcosis. The use of fluorescent strains is improving host interaction research, but it is still underexploited. Here, we fused histone H3 or the poly(A) binding protein (Pab) to enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) or mCherry, obtaining a set of C. neoformans transformants with different colors, patterns of fluorescence, and selective markers (hygromycin B resistance [Hygr ] or neomycin resistance [Neor]). We validated their similarity to the parental strain in the stress response, the expression of virulence-related phenotypes, mating, virulence in Galleria mellonella, and survival within murine macrophages. PAB-GFP, the brightest transformant, was successfully applied for the analysis of phagocytosis by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, we demonstrated that an engineered fluorescent strain of C. neoformans was able to generate VBNC cells. GFP-tagged Pab1, a key regulator of the stress response, evidenced nuclear retention of Pab1 and the assembly of cytoplasmic stress granules, unveiling posttranscriptional mechanisms associated with dormant C. neoformans cells. Our results support that the PAB-GFP strain is a useful tool for research on C. neoformans

    Anais da XX SemaBioMetamorfoses : respostas da ciência aos momentos de crise

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    Sobre o evento - Imagine a Terra bilhões de anos atrás, ela certamente era diferente dos dias atuais. Foi nela, todavia, que compostos orgânicos simples começaram a se agrupar, crescer e evoluir para formar todas as formas de vida que podemos ver hoje, uma das quais é o Homo sapiens. Este, por gerações, viveu sem que nada verdadeiramente o destacasse dentre as outras diversas espécies com as quais compartilhava o habitat. Foi apenas com o advento da Revolução Cognitiva, que o ser humano se diferenciou, tornando-se consciente deles mesmos, da vida e da natureza. Porém, ao mesmo tempo que esta consciência os permitiu lançar luz sobre a própria vida, a capacidade de aprender e alterar o ambiente à sua volta trouxe consigo um acúmulo de problemas fundamentais: crises a serem solucionadas. Hoje, em particular, o avanço tecnológico e a forma como nos relacionamos com a Terra faz do tempo em que vivemos um momento sem precedentes na história da humanidade, que será decisivo para o futuro da vida. A crise sanitária que o mundo experienciou com a pandemia de Covid-19 – e as marcas profundas que esta deixará em nossas memórias pelas tantas vidas perdidas – é certamente um exemplo emblemático do quão insustentável está nossa situação, o quão perigoso pode ser o negacionismo e o quão crucial a ciência é para nós hoje. Da mesma forma, ao enxergar como lá fora o colapso ecológico se anuncia, a desigualdade cresce cada vez mais sob formas históricas e sistemáticas de opressão e emergem novamente ideias extremistas, devemos buscar o que podemos aprender com as tantas rupturas. Assim, esperançosa por um futuro melhor, a XX Semana da Biologia decidiu abordar o tema “Metamorfoses: respostas da Ciência aos momentos de crise”. Acreditamos que a ciência seja a chave para resolver os problemas que afligem a nossa sociedade, portanto cabe à edição comemorativa da SemaBio fomentar o sonho de uma nova realidade: uma que seja mais sustentável, igualitária e científica. Em síntese, nas palavras de Carl Sagan, “a ciência nos esclarece sobre as questões mais profundas das origens, naturezas e destinos – de nossa espécie, da vida, de nosso planeta, do universo”. Fonte: https://www.even3.com.br/semabiounb/.Instituto de Ciências Biológicas (IB)Departamento de Genética e Morfologia (IB GEM

    Comparative isolation protocols and characterization of stem cells from human primary and permanent teeth pulp

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    Aim: This study was developed to compare the morphological, proliferative and immunophenotypic profiles of pulp cells from permanent and primary teeth, obtained by two isolation methods. Methods: Normal human impacted third molars and exfoliated primary teeth were collected and cut around the cementoenamel junction. Pulp cells cultures were established by two approaches: enzyme digestion (3 mg/mL type I colagenase and 4 mg/mL dispase), or culture of the tissue explants in cell culture dishes. Morphological and proliferative analyses, as well as immunophenotype characterization with monoclonal antibodies against CD117, CD34 and CD45 surface receptors were performed. Results: For the permanent teeth, on the 4th day of culture, the cell number was significantly higher for the outgrowth method. By the end of the studied period (14th day), the enzymatic method was more efficient in promoting culture growth. On the other hand, for primary teeth, enzymatic digestion always promoted a higher cell proliferation. The immunophenotypic profiles were CD117+/ CD34-/ CD45- and CD117+/ CD34+/ CD45- for cells from permanent and primary teeth, respectively. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that both isolation methods can be efficiently used. The cell population displayed an immunophenotype compatible to the one of stem cells, with remarkable positive expression of CD117

    Comparative isolation protocols and characterization of stem cells from human primary and permanent teeth pulp

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    is study was developed to compare the morphological, proliferative and immunophenotypic profiles of pulp cells from permanent and primary teeth, obtained by two isolation methods. Methods: Normal human impacted third molars and exfoliated primary teeth were collected and cut around the cementoenamel junction. Pulp cells cultures were established by two approaches: enzyme digestion (3 mg/mL type I colagenase and 4 mg/mL dispase), or culture of the tissue explants in cell culture dishes. Morphological and proliferative analyses, as well as immunophenotype characterization with monoclonal antibodies against CD117, CD34 and CD45 surface receptors were performed. Results: For the permanent teeth, on the 4th day of culture, the cell number was significantly higher for the outgrowth method. By the end of the studied period (14th day), the enzymatic method was more efficient in promoting culture growth. On the other hand, for primary teeth, enzymatic digestion always promoted a higher cell proliferation. The immunophenotypic profiles were CD117+/ CD34-/ CD45- and CD117+/ CD34+/ CD45- for cells from permanent and primary teeth, respectively. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that both isolation methods can be efficiently used. The cell population displayed an immunophenotype compatible to the one of stem cells, with remarkable positive expression of CD117