11 research outputs found

    Katoliški šolski sistem v Združenih državah Amerike in ustanavljanje osnovnih šol pri slovenskih župnijah (1895-1941)

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    On the basis of literature, printed sources (Ave Maria calendar) and her own questionnaire, the author outlines the conditions under which religious schools, including Catholic, were operating in the United States. Her interest focuses on the development of schools at Slovene parishes. The paper offers a brief history of these schools in individual states.Na podlagi literature, tiskanih virov (Ave Maria koledar) in lastnega vprašalnika, nam avtorica oriše pogoje delovanja verskih šol v Združenih državah, med njimi tudi katoliških. Konkretno jo je zanimal razvoj šol po slovenskih župnijah. V razpravi podaja kratek historiat teh šol po posameznih državah

    Ali so konstruktivistične teorije učenja in znanja lahko osnova za sodoben pouk?

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    The Repluralization of Slovenia in the 1980's: New Revelations from the Archival Records

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    The Donald W. Treadgold Papers publication series was created to honor a great teacher and scholar. Donald W. Treadgold was professor of history and international studies at the University of Washington from 1949 to 1993. During that time he wrote seven books, on of which - Twentieth Century Russia - went into eight editions. He was twice editor of Slavic Review, the organ of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, and received the AAASS Award for Distinguished Contributions to Slavic Studies, as well as the AAASS Award for Destinguished Service. Professor Treadgold molded several generations of Russian historians and contributed enormously to the field of Russian history. He was, in other ways as well, an inspiration to all who knew him. The Treadgold Papers series was created in 1993 on the occaision of Professor Treadgold's retirement, on the initiative of Professor Daniel Waugh. Professor Treadgold passed away in December 1994. The series is dedicated to the memory of a great man, publishing papers in those areas which were close to his heart