42 research outputs found

    Biology of Discocoris drakei (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) on Oenocarpus mapora (Palmae).

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    The life cycle of the bug Discocoris drakei Slater & Ashlock (Thaumastocoridae: Xylastodorinae) on the inflorescence of the palm Oenocarpus mapora Karsten is described. When the bractea open, hundreds of adults of D. drakei are attracted by the inflorescence (the staminate flowers in anthesis) and lay their eggs on the rachillae. The adults of the second generation leave the inflorescence after the fertilization of pistillate flowers (dry stigmas). These new data confirm the close relationship between the bug subfamily Xylastodorinae and the palm genus complex Oenocarpus/Jessenia, and illustrate further an interesting example of the relation between insects and palms. Egg morphology conforms to data reported for the whole family. The first-instar is described for the first time in the family

    Natural history of G ynaikothrips uzeli (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) in galls of Ficus benjamina (Rosales, Moraceae)

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    ABSTRACT Galls induced by thrips are simple structures when compared to those of other groups of arthropods, and little is known regarding many of their aspects. This study aimed to investigate aspects of the natural history of Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimmermann, 1900 in galls of Ficus benjamina L., 1753 using seasonal sampling (summer and winter). Twenty trees were sampled and divided into quadrants. From each of them, five galls were collected, forming a total of 400 galls per collection. Thrips showed greater abundance at higher temperatures (25.7°C) and no precipitation. Sex ratio was biased towards females (0.022 males per female), pointing to an inbred mating structure. Arthropod fauna associated with galls was more abundant (N=798) in winter, and it included representatives of the orders Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Araneae, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Psocoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera and Blattodea

    Hexacladia linci, n. sp. (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae) endoparasite de Lincus malevolus Rolston (Heteroptera : Pentatomidae) au Pérou

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    Des #Pentatomidae adultes de l'espèce #Lincus malevolus Rolston, récoltés sur #Astrocaryum (#Palmae) dans la forêt amazonienne du Pérou, nous ont livré un Hyménoptère parasite #Encyrtidae. L'adulte, mâle et femelle, est décrit comme #Hexacladia linci Rasplus, n. sp. Cette espèce est un endoparasite grégaire effectuant la totalité de son développement - larvaire et nymphal - dans l'hôte vivant ; les imagos quittent l'hôte adulte après avoir découpé des orifices de sortie dans la face dorsale de l'abdomen. Le nombre de parasites par hôte varie de 1 à 26 (moyenne : 10). Tous les parasites sont à peu près au même stade de développement dans leur hôte. Les hôtes adultes parasités possèdent des gonades atrophiées mais les autres organes ne sont pas lésés. Dans les échantillons d'hôtes examinés, le pourcentage d'individus parasités (larves de stade V et adultes) était de 42 %. (Résumé d'auteur