43 research outputs found

    Amplicon sequencing of 42 nuclear loci supports directional gene flow between South Pacific populations of a hydrothermal vent limpet

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    In the past few decades, population genetics and phylogeographic studies have improved our knowledge of connectivity and population demography in marine environments. Studies of deep‐sea hydrothermal vent populations have identified barriers to gene flow, hybrid zones, and demographic events, such as historical population expansions and contractions. These deep‐sea studies, however, used few loci, which limit the amount of information they provided for coalescent analysis and thus our ability to confidently test complex population dynamics scenarios. In this study, we investigated population structure, demographic history, and gene flow directionality among four Western Pacific hydrothermal vent populations of the vent limpet Lepetodrilus aff. schrolli. These vent sites are located in the Manus and Lau back‐arc basins, currently of great interest for deep‐sea mineral extraction. A total of 42 loci were sequenced from each individual using high‐throughput amplicon sequencing. Amplicon sequences were analyzed using both genetic variant clustering methods and evolutionary coalescent approaches. Like most previously investigated vent species in the South Pacific, L. aff. schrolli showed no genetic structure within basins but significant differentiation between basins. We inferred significant directional gene flow from Manus Basin to Lau Basin, with low to no gene flow in the opposite direction. This study is one of the very few marine population studies using >10 loci for coalescent analysis and serves as a guide for future marine population studies

    Genetic diversity and demographic instability in Riftia pachyptila tubeworms from eastern Pacific hydrothermal vents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deep-sea hydrothermal vent animals occupy patchy and ephemeral habitats supported by chemosynthetic primary production. Volcanic and tectonic activities controlling the turnover of these habitats contribute to demographic instability that erodes genetic variation within and among colonies of these animals. We examined DNA sequences from one mitochondrial and three nuclear gene loci to assess genetic diversity in the siboglinid tubeworm, <it>Riftia pachyptila</it>, a widely distributed constituent of vents along the East Pacific Rise and GalĂĄpagos Rift.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genetic differentiation (<it>F</it><sub><it>ST</it></sub>) among populations increased with geographical distances, as expected under a linear stepping-stone model of dispersal. Low levels of DNA sequence diversity occurred at all four loci, allowing us to exclude the hypothesis that an idiosyncratic selective sweep eliminated mitochondrial diversity alone. Total gene diversity declined with tectonic spreading rates. The southernmost populations, which are subjected to superfast spreading rates and high probabilities of extinction, are relatively homogenous genetically.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Compared to other vent species, DNA sequence diversity is extremely low in <it>R. pachyptila</it>. Though its dispersal abilities appear to be effective, the low diversity, particularly in southern hemisphere populations, is consistent with frequent local extinction and (re)colonization events.</p

    Patterns of deep-sea genetic connectivity in the New Zealand region : implications for management of benthic ecosystems

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 7 (2012): e49474, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049474.Patterns of genetic connectivity are increasingly considered in the design of marine protected areas (MPAs) in both shallow and deep water. In the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), deep-sea communities at upper bathyal depths (<2000 m) are vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance from fishing and potential mining operations. Currently, patterns of genetic connectivity among deep-sea populations throughout New Zealand’s EEZ are not well understood. Using the mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16S rRNA genes as genetic markers, this study aimed to elucidate patterns of genetic connectivity among populations of two common benthic invertebrates with contrasting life history strategies. Populations of the squat lobster Munida gracilis and the polychaete Hyalinoecia longibranchiata were sampled from continental slope, seamount, and offshore rise habitats on the Chatham Rise, Hikurangi Margin, and Challenger Plateau. For the polychaete, significant population structure was detected among distinct populations on the Chatham Rise, the Hikurangi Margin, and the Challenger Plateau. Significant genetic differences existed between slope and seamount populations on the Hikurangi Margin, as did evidence of population differentiation between the northeast and southwest parts of the Chatham Rise. In contrast, no significant population structure was detected across the study area for the squat lobster. Patterns of genetic connectivity in Hyalinoecia longibranchiata are likely influenced by a number of factors including current regimes that operate on varying spatial and temporal scales to produce potential barriers to dispersal. The striking difference in population structure between species can be attributed to differences in life history strategies. The results of this study are discussed in the context of existing conservation areas that are intended to manage anthropogenic threats to deep-sea benthic communities in the New Zealand region.This work was funded in part by a Fulbright Fellowship administered by Fulbright New Zealand and the U.S. Department of State, awarded in 2011 to EKB. Funding and support for research expedition was provided by Land Information New Zealand, New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries, NIWA, Census of Marine Life on Seamounts (CenSeam), and the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. Other research funding was provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Science and Innovation project “Impacts of resource use on vulnerable deep-sea communities” (FRST contract CO1X0906), the National Science Foundation (OCE-0647612), and the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute (Fellowship support to TMS)

    Ecology and biogeography of megafauna and macrofauna at the first known deep-sea hydrothermal vents on the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge

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    0000-0002-9489-074X© The Author(s) 2016. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ The attached file is the published version of the article

    Experimental Frequency Maps For The Esrf Storage Ring

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    Experimental frequency maps have already revealed unknown characteristics of the ESRF storage ring non-linear dynamics. In the past year, several efforts were undertaken in order to establish this technique as an operational online tool. The acquisition time was significantly reduced by collecting data from a dedicated fast BPM system. The problem of beam decoherence was limited by establishing a method for accurate tune determination in a small number of turns, using the information from all the BPMs around the ring. The possibility to explore the off-momentum dynamics by exciting the beam, with synchronous transverse and longitudinal kicks was also investigated