119 research outputs found

    Barriers to Innovation in the Implementation of the Investment Strategy: An Empirical Study

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    The problem of inward investment to the innovative economic sector is very acute today. The investment determines the economic development, but nowadays the low efficiency of investment activity in the sphere of innovations is obvious. This indicates the need for correction of the strategy taking into account social processes. The implications of innovative changes are not always predictable. The society takes innovations with a great caution. The innovation resistance can differ by the degree of its manifestation depending on the scale of innovative changes. Barriers encountered in the innovative changes hinder the innovative activity of financial companies, prevent the creation of new institutions and formation of innovative strategies, hamper the development of the actors implementing investment projects. This article studies the causes of innovative resistance and the parameters of existing barriers. The existence of innovation barriers and their detailed classification is described for the first time. The aim of this study is to create a model that allows to assess the barriers to the innovative development basing on their parameters. The study justifies the factors of the investment strategy adaptation in order to create the environment of successful activity for a company in the innovative region. The study determines the influence of these parameters on the state investment strategy. The suggested model is based on the statistical data from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. It can be implemented to analyze the innovative situation in a region in order to provide a necessary adaptation of the investment strategies

    Aurora A kinase activity influences calcium signaling in kidney cells

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    Aurora A is abnormally expressed and activated in cells lining cysts associated with polycystic kidney disease and can phosphorylate and inactivate polycystin 2

    Innovative computer technologies as an implementer of active methods of training

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    Introduction of computer means in high schools is dictated by innovative processes in education.One of the latest innovations is Moodle, an open source web-based platform that provides a virtual learningenvironment. The article describes the arrangement of students' learning at the technical university with thehelp of didactic materials placed on the Moodle platform. The experimental work has shown that theorganization of learning by means of the virtual learning environment had a positive effect on the level oftraining of first-year students. The survey conducted after the experiment completion allowed us to revealthe difficulties that students experienced during the work in the electronic environment, and, therefore, toplan the ways of their elimination


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    Objective: To study the effect of betulin derivatives combination with 5-fluorouracil or hydrazine sulfate on the ROS generation, the SOD and LDH activity using rat blood, as well as the effect of combination drugs on Ehrlich carcinoma in experiments on mice. Methods: We used a chemiluminescence technique to study the ROS generation, and spectrophotometry to determine the MDA level and the SOD and LDH activity. The model of transplanted Ehrlich ascites carcinoma was investigated on mice using a cytological analysis of ascitic fluid cells according to Pappenheim`s method. Results: In vitro experiments on rat blood at the doses of 2, 5 and 10 μg per ml revealed the dose-dependent effect of combination drugs on the antioxidant properties. In plasma, the ROS generation and the MDA level increased by 10-300% in comparison with control at the doses of 5 and 10 μg per ml only. Still, the SOD and LDH activity in general increased by 10-130% in comparison with control under the action of the studied combination drugs. The study on mice showed the effectiveness of a combination of triterpenoids and cytostatics in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma therapy. The state and behavior of the animals improved, the volume of ascites fluid decreased by 40-50% after treatment for 10 d. Conclusion: The combination of betulin derivatives with cytostatics can be used as antitumor drugs in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma therapy that is due to metabolic plasticity, increased ROS generation in enhanced antioxidant enzyme protection

    Choice of parameters and stability of nonlinear vibration isolation device

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    Work of active vibration isolation devices with single-mass electromagnetic suspension taking into account of real characteristics of the voltage regulators is described. The analytical researches are carried out; the areas of stability of work of nonlinear vibration isolation device are defined

    Control system of parameters of the azimuthal module

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    Analytical and experimental studies of the azimuthal module of two-component vibrational micromechanical gyroscope were conducted. It is shown that the micromechanical gyroscope is a system with distributed parameters. The frequency analysis is performed using software T-Flex. The influence of mechanical disturbances on the movement of azimuthal module in the form of translational and angular oscillations is shown; the natural frequencies of the azimuth are defined

    The analysis of toxic connections content in water by spectral methods

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    The current state of ecology means the strict observance of measures for the utilization of household and industrial wastes that is connected with very essential expenses of means and time. Thanks to spectroscopic devices usage the spectral methods allow to carry out the express quantitative and qualitative analysis in a workplace and field conditions. In a work the application of spectral methods by studying the degradation of toxic organic compounds after preliminary radiation of various sources is shown. Experimental data of optical density of water at various influences are given

    Исповедный вопросник староверов Латгалии: лингвокультурный анализ текста

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    During the expedition to the Old Believers in Latgale (Latvia) a group of Slavists investigating the Russian language of Old Believers abroad got a scanned copy of the confessional questionnaire as a present from Basil Trishkin, a mentor of Gayok Old Believers’ House of Prayer (Daugavpils). This questionnaire is used by Basil Trishkin during confessions in conversations with the parishioners. As the study of the manuscript revealed the questionnaire according to its content, structure and features of language dates back to the pre-Raskol texts of the XѴII century. The next expedition, 2017, confirmed the assumption that the questionnaire is a part of the Old Believer’s prayer book. The expeditions did not pursue archeographic objectives, the conversations with mentors were mostly focused on prohibitions and prescriptions in the Old Believers’ community in Latgale for the purpose of its further sociolinguistic and ethnolinguistic analysis. Nevertheless the scanned manuscript certainly deserves attention as a piece of the Old Believers’ written culture. On the one hand, the Old Believer’s prayer book is written in Church Slavonic. On the other hand, the scanned manuscript is a source of information about the Latgalian Old Believers’ Russian language as a language for everyday communication, including lexical and other dialect features. The oral comments of the mentors Basil Trishkin and Ioann Zhilko about prohibitions in the Old Believers’ community, use of the questionnaire in the practice of worship and opportunities to pass it on to a group of researchers, with subsequent publication of the text, are particularly noteworthy.Во время экспедиции 2016 г. к староверам Латгалии (Латвия) группа славистов, исследователей русского языка старообрядцев за рубежом, получила в подарок от Василия Тришкина, наставника моленной беспоповцев на Гайкé (район г. Даугавпилса), сканированную копию вопросника, используемого им для исповеди прихожан. По мере исследования рукописи выяснилось, что вопросник по содержанию, структуре и особенностям языка восходит к текстам до никоновской справы XѴII в.; следующая экспедиция, 2017 г., подтвердила предположение, что вопросник находится в старообрядческом Требнике. Экспедиции не преследовали археографических целей, в беседах с наставниками обсуждались главным образом запреты староверов Латгалии с целью дальнейшего социолингвистического и этнолингвистического анализа. Однако попавший в распоряжение ученых исповедный вопросник, несомненно, заслуживает внимания как часть письменной культуры староверов и как источник сведений об используемом староверами Латгалии церковнославянском языке богослужения и русском языке повседневного общения, включающем лексические и иные диалектизмы, отраженные в тексте исповедного вопросника. Особую ценность представляют устные замечания наставников Василия Тришкина и Иоанна Жилко по поводу запретов староверов и использования самого вопросника в практике богослужения и возможностях передачи его группе исследователей с последующей публикацией текста

    Rapid calcium-dependent activation of Aurora-A kinase

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    Oncogenic hyperactivation of the mitotic kinase Aurora-A (AurA) in cancer is associated with genomic instability. Increasing evidence indicates that AurA also regulates critical processes in normal interphase cells, but the source of such activity has been obscure. We report here that multiple stimuli causing release of Ca2+ from intracellular endoplasmic reticulum stores rapidly and transiently activate AurA, without requirement for second messengers. This activation is mediated by direct Ca2+-dependent calmodulin (CaM) binding to multiple motifs on AurA. On the basis of structure–function analysis and molecular modelling, we map two primary regions of CaM-AurA interaction to unfolded sequences in the AurA N- and C-termini. This unexpected mechanism for AurA activation provides a new context for evaluating the function of AurA and its inhibitors in normal and cancerous cells