3,144 research outputs found

    The mechanism rural development in the context of globalization

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    Визначено основні проблеми розвитку сільських територій. Розкрито перспективи соціально-економічного та екологічного механізмів органічного розвитку як інструменту самовизначення і забезпечення продовольчої та економічної безпеки в Україні. Оцінено пріоритетні напрями соціально-економічних процесів у сільській місцевості, у тому числі шляхом організації сільськогосподарських кооперативів, впровадження безвідходного виробництва і переробки сільськогосподарської сировини, ноосферної освіти, свідомого батьківства, природодоцільного харчування, культури на основі історико-культурної спадщини народу.The article identifies the main problems of rural development. It also reveals prospects of socio-economic and ecological mechanisms of organic development as a tool of self-determination and ensure food and economic security in Ukraine. The author estimates the priorities of fostering the social and economic processes in rural areas, including through the organization of agricultural co-operative groups, the introduction of waste-free production and processing of agricultural raw materials, noospheric education, conscious parenting, natural conformable power, a culture based on historical and cultural heritage of the people

    Ideographic dictionaries in the practice of teaching linguistic disciplines

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    Dictionaries with systematic vocabulary by thematic or semantic classes are in demand in school and university practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, Russian as a non-native language, and foreign languages. Such dictionaries can be used to replenish the students' vocabulary and theoretically comprehend the vocabulary as a system of interacting word classes. Ideographic dictionaries serve as a means of studying linguistic conceptualization and categorization of the world and, therefore, they become a source of linguistic and cultural information relevant to intercultural communication. Ideographic dictionaries are active type dictionaries, which contributes to the implementation of communicative tasks in the learning process. The principle of consistency of ideographic dictionaries corresponds to the organization of the person's cognitive system and the mental lexicon. The article discusses the concept of ideographic dictionaries created by scientists of the Ural semantic school under the guidance of L. G. Babenko. This concept is based on the denotative approach to the formation of word classes. Words in the same class are interpreted through a basic identifier, for example, dictionary interpretations of all behavioral verbs begin with the identifier 'behave'. The ideographic principle allows to avoid the circle in the interpretation of words. The macrostructure of the ideographic dictionary is organized according to the principles of hierarchy and intersection of semantic classes. The study of the ideographic dictionary is considered in the aspect of its use in the educational process in two directions: in the study of the systematic language organization and for the development of communication skills. Examples of tasks aimed at the formation of professional competencies of a philologist student are presented. © 2019 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Choice of parameters and stability of nonlinear vibration isolation device

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    Work of active vibration isolation devices with single-mass electromagnetic suspension taking into account of real characteristics of the voltage regulators is described. The analytical researches are carried out; the areas of stability of work of nonlinear vibration isolation device are defined

    Mechanisms for Determining the Leaders of Public Opinion on the Municipal Territory

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    The role of political parties, trade unions and other structures is less real nowadays. Citizens are ready to delegate (and only partly) only the protection of labor in enterprises, the exercise of workers ' rights for vacation to Federation of independent trade unions . Practically there are no Councils of labor collectives which at the dawn of perestroika were considered as the most significant "outposts" of democracy at work. Today, it is extremely difficult, but still possible, to encourage people to engage in some more active and costly (primarily time-consuming) forms of participation, to break away from solving their own problems and to switch attention to what is happening outside their direct environment. At the same time, the population believes that the local governments are not enough open to new information, they are considered to be non-independent authorities, they are short of resources and they listen to public opinion insufficiently. Confidence to the local authorities is small, people do not see any benefit in their activities for themselves personally and most people believe that they are cut off from this power, and they can not influence on local governments' decisions. For their part, local authorities complain about the lack of feedback from the population. There is no clear mechanism of interaction, understanding between the local governments and the population of the municipality. The citizens of the municipality little participate in public organizations of civil society. In order to form the necessary prerequisites for civil self-organization and the" potential for inclusion", it is important, firstly, to have the appropriate infrastructure (the system of local self-government, social partnership, local communities or those groups of society of initiative citizens that are necessary for the interaction of local authorities with the population, such as the public chamber of the municipality), secondly, the conviction of citizens that these mechanisms are needed and effective, and, thirdly, and this is perhaps the most important thing, the ability to use these mechanisms by identifying community leaders for working with them together.Роль политических партий, профсоюзов и других структур на сегодня носит больше декоративный характер. Федерации независимых профсоюзов граждане готовы делегировать (и то не полностью) лишь охрану труда на предприятиях, реализацию прав трудящихся на отпуск. Практически нет Советов трудовых коллективов, которые еще на заре перестройки рассматривались как наиболее значимые «форпосты» демократии на производстве. Побудить же людей к каким-то более активным и затратным (прежде всего по времени) формам участия, оторваться от решения собственных проблем и переключить внимание на то, что происходит за рамками их непосредственной среды обитания, сегодня чрезвычайно сложно, но все же возможно. Одновременно население считает, что информационная открытость органов местного самоуправления на недостаточном уровне, их считают несамостоятельными органами власти, им не хватает ресурсов, и они слабо прислушиваются к общественному мнению. Доверие к органам местной власти невелико, люди не видят в их деятельности какой - либо пользы для себя лично и большинство считают, что и от этой власти они оторваны, не могут влиять на ее решения. Со своей стороны органы местного самоуправления жалуются на отсутствие обратной связи со стороны населения. Нет четкого механизма взаимодействия, понимания сторон органов местного самоуправления и населения муниципального образования. Участие граждан муниципального образования в общественных организациях гражданского общества низко. Чтобы сформировались необходимые предпосылки для гражданской самоорганизации и «потенциал включенности», важно, во-первых, наличие соответствующей инфраструктуры (система местного самоуправления, социального партнерства, локальные общности или те группы общества инициативных граждан, которые необходимы для взаимодействия местной власти с населением, такие как общественная палата муниципального образования), во-вторых, убежденность граждан в необходимости и эффективности этих механизмов и, в-третьих, и это, пожалуй, самой главное, умение задействовать эти механизмы посредством выявления лидеров местных сообществ для работы с ними во взаимодействии

    Критерии отбора материалов для формирования программы по иностранному языку в сфере профессиональной деятельности

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    Целью данной работы является разработка алгоритма выбора материалов для формирования программы по иностранному языку в сфере профессиональной деятельности. В ответ на потребность в обучении английскому языку по программам с различными областями содержания в статье представлены критерии отбора материалов для преподавания иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности, а также задания по английскому языку, которые преподаватели могут применять или адаптировать.The purpose of this work is to develop an algorithm for selecting materials for the formation of a foreign language program in the field of professional activity. In response to the need for English language teaching in programs with different content areas, the article presents criteria for selecting materials for teaching a foreign language in professional activities, as well as English language assignments that teachers can apply or adapt

    Role of morphogenic proteins of the WNT signaling pathway in coronary artery disease

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    In recent years, researchers’ attention has been directed to the WNT signaling pathway study, which regulates embryogenesis processes and is involved in pathological condition development. The role of morphogenic proteins of WNT signaling pathway in the cardiovascular pathology genesis is practically not clear. The research aim was a comprehensive study of the main proteins of WNT signaling pathway (β-catenin, sclerostin, GSK-3α, GSK-3β, WIF-1 and DVL-1) in the blood serum of 353 patients with coronary artery disease acute forms who were treated at the Orel regional vascular center from 2019 to 2021, and 50 healthy individuals. A comprehensive analysis included an assessment of clinical, laboratory and instrumental parameters in the framework of current clinical guidelines, as well as an immunological examination to determine the morphogenic proteins of WNT signaling by enzyme immunoassay. The results showed a wide variability in the values of morphogenic proteins of WNT signaling pathway in the patient’s blood serum. The levels of β-catenin, WIF-1 and DVL-1 significantly exceeded those obtained in healthy individuals, while the concentrations of sclerostin and GSK-3β did not differ significantly from them. The level of GSK-3α of patients was twice lower than in healthy individuals. The highest sclerostin concentrations were found in patients with existing calcification of the aortic valve leaflets and aortic walls. Acute coronary syndrome unfavorable course was observed in patients with both extremely high and extremely low WIF-1 levels. Significant correlations were established between the level of morphogenic proteins of WNT signaling pathway and lipid metabolism, as well as myocardial remodeling. The obtained data on changes in the protein production of WNT signaling pathway allow us to expand our understanding of the molecular aspects of the immunopathogenesis of myocardial remodeling in coronary artery disease, increase the predictive potential for cardiovascular disease diagnosis and determine the vector for further development of cardioimmunology determination

    Wellbeing of foreign students enrolled in Russian universities: trends in development

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    The transformation of international relations, economics, scientific views, and technologies of production and communication implies the processes of involvement and social and academic integration. Introduction of new international standards for Russian higher education and establishment of the federal project 5/100/2020 to boost the global competitiveness of Russian universities in order to break into the top 100 in the World University Rankings (THE, QS and ARWU) affect the reputation of universities. The paper reports on the place of Russia in the global market for education services, primarily of tertiary level, and on changes in the training of foreigners over the last twenty years. The key indicators of training of foreign students in Russia affecting the position of Russian universities in global rankings have been considered. The paper presents statistical data on the number of quotas for admission of foreigners to study in Russian universities at the expense of the Russian budget and satisfaction of foreign students with living conditions

    Cognitive Dissonance, Depression, Brainwreck, and Other Psychological Terms Outside Psychological Discourse

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    The report examines the usage of psychological terms in the media and everyday communication, producing lexical neologisms that refer to the emotional sphere of a person and name various deviant phychological states. The development of a special type of word meaning is considered.Рассматривается процесс использования психологических терминов в медийном и разговорном дискурсах, который приводит к появлению лексических неологизмов, характеризующих эмоциональную сферу человека и связанных с номинацией необычных состояний. Представлено формирование особого типа значения слова.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-012-00458 «Отношения тождества и противоположности: интеграция ментальных пространств в лексикографическом, структурно-семантическом и когнитивно-дискурсивном освещении»