82 research outputs found

    Some Aspects of Subversive Rhetoric in Juhan Viiding’s Poetry

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    The aim of the present article is to study some aspects of subversive rhetoric in the poetry of Juhan Viiding (1948–1995), one of Estonia’s most admired and cherished poets and actors whose “Complete Poetry” (edited by Hasso Krull) includes texts written between 1968 and 1994, published either in collections (until 1978, under the pseudonym of Jüri Üdi, which translates as George Marrow in English) or separately in newspapers and magazines. It is important to mention that Juhan Viiding often read and sang his texts (accompanied on the piano by Tõnis Rätsep, a friend and colleague from the Estonian Drama Theatre), quite a few of which are recorded on cassette and CD. Üdi/Viiding was and continues to be widely read, quoted, imitated and discussed by his Estonian readers, fellow poets, intellectuals and critics. However, despite the fact that Viiding’s poetry has been translated into sixteen languages, according to Aare Pilv’s “Juhan Viidingu ja Jüri Üdi bibliograafia” (Pilv 2010: 170–175), Viiding has not achieved the sort of fame abroad which he enjoys in Estonia. Indeed, the volume of articles and essays written in Estonian on Viiding’s poetry is not equalled by writing in other languages. Reviews written in English and Russian are mostly by Estonian critics or Russian critics from Estonia (ib. 196–208). Of course, poetry in general does not submit easily to being translated, but in Üdi/Viiding’s case we are dealing with a kind of poetic which makes the process even more complicated, perhaps also partly unachievable. This seems to be the most probable explanation for the asymmetry of Üdi/Viiding’s poetic reputation. So, apart from the peculiar charm of his poetry, with its highly intricate poly-semantic spectrum which calls out for discussion of the organising principles of his texts, I am writing this article in the hope that more foreign critics will take an interest in this exceptional poet and more poets who write in other languages will rise to the challenge of translating his texts or providing their own original pieces of creative writing in Üdi/Viiding’s wake

    Stakeholders Involvement in Performance Management in Public General Schools

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    In response to increasing concerns with the legitimacy and efficiency of public spending, performance management as a part of world-wide public sector reform, called New Public Management (NPM) has taken place. This is also the case of educational sector. In Estonian education system, legislation formally enables to design an integrated performance management system. But there is few research done to investigate how these policies and regulations ought to be put into force in order to gain the benefits considering the schools' and pupils' better performance. This study investigates how different stakeholders are involved into the performance management in Estonian general schools. The study is based on empirical survey data gathered from 303 schools providing secondary education in Estonia. The research findings have three main implications. Firstly, the paper contributes to the scarce knowledge about implementation of performance management issues in public schools. Our analysis revealed that compilation of school development plans in Estonian schools is rather a formal obligation. Therefore we propose that the analysis and discussion of the school development plans is needed to organize on regional level, involving all main stakeholders of a school. Secondly, we suggest that in the circumstances of a decentralised education system, like in Estonia, it is needed to implement, central practical performance assessment principles and guidance for the schools. Thirdly, it is highly necessary to improve schools’ cooperation with different stakeholder groups. Also the framework involving different stakeholder groups in the decentralized schools management system should be built up


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    The Russian Federation has managed to take the world by surprise: first, by conducting a successful rescue operation in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, and second, by having become an indispensable power broker in the wider Middle Eastern region.1 As far as Syria is concerned, by the end of 2019, Assad’s regime had effectively been saved by Russia’s political and military support in the form of its direct intervention in the Syrian Civil War2. Russia’s decisive action in this situation enhanced its Status throughout the Middle East region. This article aims to ascertain to what extent has Russia’s conduct merely taken advantage of the vacuum left by the U.S. and the West, and to what extent can it be considered a premeditated and carefully considered plan that fits within Russia’s wider strategic objectives

    Sulla semantica dell’“abisso” nella Divina Commedia: libertà e spazio nell’originale dantesco e nelle traduzioni estoni

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    The aim of the present article is to discuss the semantics of the spatial image abisso (“abyss”) in Dante’s Commedia. Parting from the methodological principles of Paul Ricoeur of his general theory of the intersection of poetic discourse and speculative discourse, this study, based also on examining the translations of Dante’s work into Estonian, wishes to demonstrate that from the derogatory semantics of abisso in Inferno and the semantics of doubt related to the same concept in Purgatorio Dante arrives at the semantics of openness and freedom of the non-spatial abisso in Paradiso. Therefore the dynamics of this particular image is emblematic of the whole cognitive voyage in Commedia: from the abyss of the confusion of his mind Dante free-willingly plunges into the orderly abyss of God’s freedom which man’s mind, however, can never grasp with his own will

    Üldhooldekodude hooldustöötajate kaasatus otsustamisse kodukordade näitel

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    On the Poetic of the Double Point and Circle in Dante’s Paradiso 30 and in Desmond Hogan’s Short Story “The Last Time”

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    This essay discusses the interaction of the divine point of light and Beatrice as the unattainable point of revelation for Dante in Paradiso 30. The two points with their respective circles of understanding and expression form a powerful figure which calls for conceptualisation both in the context of Canto 30 but also the whole of the Divina Commedia. Despite the different epochs, ideologies and contexts, a striking similarity as to the poetic of the double point and circle may be found also in Hogan’s text

    Magistriõppe kvandidaatide valikuid mõjutavad tegurid sisseastumise infosüsteemi (SAIS) andmete põhjal 2014. aastal

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    Käesolevas raportis antakse statistiline ülevaade vastuvõtust kõrghariduse II astmele sisseastumise infosüsteemi (SAISi) andmetel. SAIS on e-teenus, mis võimaldab õppeasutustel läbi viia vastuvõtu protsessi alates avalduste vastuvõtust kuni vastuvõtuotsuste tegemiseni. Sisseastujad saavad SAISis esitada elektroonseid avaldusi, jälgida oma avalduste kohta vastuvõtu pingeridades ning vastuvõtu korral kinnitada oma õppimatulekut või loobuda õppekohast. SAIS on seotud riiklike andmekogudega (Eesti hariduse infosüsteem, eksamite infosüsteem jm) ning võimaldab kandidaatidel esitada andmeid haridustee ning õppetulemuste kohta (riigieksamid, lõputunnistuse hinded) elektroonselt. 2014. aastal võttis SAISi kaudu üliõpilasi magistriõppesse vastu 9 kõrgkooli 12st magistriõpet pakkuvast kõrgkoolist. SAISis toimus vastuvõtt kokku 98% kõrghariduse II astme õppekavadest, millele magistriõppe üliõpilasi immatrikuleeriti. SAISi kasutanud kõrgkoolidesse asus õppima 96% kõrghariduse II astmele immatrikuleeritud üliõpilastest. Raportis antakse 2014. aasta SAISi andmetele tuginedes ülevaade kõrghariduse II astme kandidaatide taustast ja kandideerimisvalikutest ning kõrgkoolide vastuvõtunäitajatest (avalduste ja õppekohtade arv, õppekohtade täituvus). Kandidaatide tausta ja valikute osas on vaatluse all Eesti taustaga isikud, konkurssidele keskenduv peatükk käsitleb peamiselt tasuta õppekohtade täitmist

    Intellektuaalse kapitali mõõtmine ettevõttes Fraktal OÜ

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