2,043 research outputs found

    CAMP LIFE AND SPORT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Experiences of Kaffitr warfare with the Cape Mounted Rifles

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    Onlangs het die Africana Book Society, posbus 1071, Johannesburg, begin met die uitgee van faksimileherdrukke van 'n aantal bekende werke oar verskillende aspekte van ons verlede. As nr 2 in hierdie reeks het vaandrig (later kapt) Thomas John Lucas se bogenoemde werk, nou voorsien van 'n kort, verklarende inleiding deur H. C. Hummel, verskyn.KeywordsT. J. LUCAS; sir George Clerk; Imperial Cape Mounted Rifles; Cape Mounted Rifles; Fort Brow

    Nanotechnology in the context of organic food processing

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    Nanotechnology, the science of the ultra small, is up-and-coming as the technological platform for the next wave of development and transformation of agri-food systems. It is quickly moving from the laboratory onto supermarket shelves and our kitchen tables (Scrinis and Lyons, 2007). Therefore we investigated in a literature review and a comparison of the findings with the EU regulation of organic farming to what degree nanotechnology can be applied in organic food production. The regulations do not restrict the use of nanotechnology in general. Because little is known about the impact on environment and human health, precaution should be taken when it comes to applying this technology in organic food production

    Development of a framework for the design of minimum processing strategies which guarantee food quality and safety - Principles, concepts and recommendations for the future

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    Principles of processing of organic and ‘low input’ food have been analysed in the EU funded QLIF project. A literature survey showed that some of the principles are generally accepted (e.g. the use of certified organic ingredients, a certified production chain and minimal use of additives), others are shared broadly (e.g. more careful processing methods, naturalness) and some principles are in discussion mainly in the private sector (e.g. environmental management concepts, social requirements, regional focus). Recent studies showed that consumer associate organic food with the following dimensions/attributes: health, high quality, the use of natural raw materials, welfare orientated animal husbandry as well as environmentally friendly land use and processing techniques. The challenge will be to consider such wider consumer perceptions and expectations, in particular when revising the EU regulation No 2092/91 on organic food and farming. In the current draft for revised regulation, agreed generally by the EU Council on 19-20 December 2006, some of these elements are included, but not all. How detailed such aspects should be regulated in implementation rules is seen quite differentiated by processors and non-processors which were asked in a Delphi Survey, depending on the different areas. At the EU regulatory level, the top priority mentioned was the minimal use of additives, followed by minimal and careful processing. Quality/sensory aspects, however, were not seen as primary objectives at the EU level, because companies should have the chance to develop individual sensorial profiles for their products. However, regarding the minimum use of additives this is clearly perceived to be an EU level issue. There is also a tendency to prefer additives of certified organic origin, both among ‘processors’ as well as ‘non-processors’ points of view. The challenge in the future will be to develop regulations with the right balance between authenticity, health orientation and convenience to maintain the confidence of consumers and credibility of the products in the use minimum and careful processing strategies permitted under organic farming standards

    Angaben zur Klimarelevanz als Bewertungsgrundlage für unterschiedliche landwirtschaftliche Produktionsverfahren und Nachfrageorientierungen

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Konzept der Klimarelevanz wird vorgestellt und auf die Analyse der Sektoren Landwirtschaft und Ernährung angewendet. Einige Ergebnisse werden gezeigt, die u.a. die systematische Unterschätzung von Anteilen der Landwirtschaft an der Klimabeeinflussung belegen. Es wird auch gezeigt, wie mit der Inblicknahme des Gesamtsystems der Aspekt der Landnutzung einbezogen werden kann und wie Veränderungen in den Versorgungssystemen sich dort bemerkbar machen

    Leiers na die Noorde. Studies oor die Groot Trek

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    Reeds jarelank beywer prof dr C. F. J. Muller hom om, deur deeglike navorsing en insiggewende beskrywings ons kennis oor die Groot Trek en die Groot Trek-tydperk te vermeerder, te verbreed en te verdiep. Hiervan getuig onder meer sy standaardwerk Die Britise owerheid en die Groot Trek (1949 en later) sy omgansryke studie Die oorsprong van die Groot Trek (Kaapstad, 1974) en 'n aantal kleiner studies wat reeds in die verlede afsonderlik gepubliseer is in tydskrifvorm. Tans het hy, deur verdere navorsing aangevul, in bogenoemde publikasie in boekvorm verskyn.Keywords: Groot Trek; Britise owerheid en die Groot Trek; Grepe uit Andries Pretorius se lewe; Robert Scoon (1789-1837); Piet Uys; Matabel

    Analysis of ACS using mCRL2

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    Introduction. The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) is a space observatory system that is currently being developed by astronomical organizations in Europe, North-America and Japan. It will consist of at least 50 antennas that operate in the millimeter and submillimeter wavelength range, and will be built in the Chilean Atacama desert at an altitude of approximately 5000 meters. The ALMA Common Software (ACS) is a software infrastructure for ALMA that is based on CORBA. It is an essential framework within the ALMA software system, providing a collection of common software components and services that other parts of the system rely upon. Therefore, it is important for the ACS platform to be stable and reliable. The purpose of our study is to analyse a part of the ACS framework using formal modelling techniques. In that approach, a model of a software system is constructed, which is subsequently analysed for errors by an exhaustive exploration of all possible states and execution sequences. The aim is to cover a wider range of cases and scenarios than are typically covered by a collection of test cases. We introduce this approach and the modelling framework mCRL2 in more detail in Section 2. The model that we created for ACS is described in Section 3 and the results of the analysis are described in Section 4. The report is concluded in Section 5

    Scouting on two continents

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    In 1927 het die eerste edisie van hierdie werk, waarvan die dele oor die militere verlede van Rhodesie en Suid-Afrika allereers vir ons van belang is, onder dieselfde titel by die uitgewers Doubleday, Page & Company, N. York, verskyn. Tans is dit in 'n nuwe vorm, met insluiting van P. Emmerson se waardevolle kritiese beskouing oor die betroubaarheid van Burnham as bron van inligting, opnuut beskikbaar.Keywords: Frederick Russell Burnham; militêre verlede van Rhodesië; Rhodesia Reprint Librar

    Eerie Prostheses and Kinky Strap-Ons: On the Ableist Ideology of Mori’s Uncanny Valley

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    In his paper 'The Uncanny Valley' (1970), Masahiro Mori advises designers to avoid high degrees of human likeness in prosthetic body parts in order not to evoke uncanniness. Building on a discussion of the difference in the commonly experienced uncanniness of 'realistic' looking prosthetic hands and strap-on dildos, this paper argues that Mori's hypothesis and his approach to design are based on an essentialist concept of the human body, which is complicit in the persistence of ableist body ideologies. Reading recent empirical research on the uncanny valley in the context of Jentsch's and Freud's writing, it is suggested that the design of body-related artefacts should promote, rather than avoid, repetitious uncanny experiences. Such a project aims to diminish uncanniness through 'force of habit', thus facilitating the acceptance of a broader variety of bodies as equal
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